Performance Tests



The Evolutionary Sequencing Machine contains a self testing child Lambda. The selfTest child Lambda allows the ESM to be tested on a variety of industrial scale tests. This chapter contains a history of selected ESM selfTest runs over a number of illustrative problems. In these test problems we vary the number of independent variables, add random noise and record the effects on training time, regression, and sequencing accuracy. These testing logs contain data which may aid the user in understanding the response range of this learning machine on a variety of candidate problems.

All testing has performed on a DELL XPS laptop, containing a Pentium M running at 3.4ghz, 2 gig of 533mhz RAM over an 800mhz front size bus. In this testing environment, the ESM performs very high quality predictive order preservation and ball-park level regression on even the most complex text cases.

A collection of test problems are used to profile this learning machine. For each test problem, we vary the number of independent variables, add random noise and record the effects on training time, regression, and sequencing accuracy. All of the performance tests are run using the esm.selfTest method; and, are therefore reproducable by any ESM user.

Performance References:

  1. "Breeding Swarms: A GP/PSO Hybrid", Settles & Soule, University of Idaho,

Ellipsoidal Function

The Ellipsoidal function, given by the following equation,

    y = 0.0 + (1*x[0]*x[0]) + (2*x[1]*x[1]) + ... + (M*x[M-1]*x[M-1])

is a standard measure of performance in [1]. We used the defaultMVL option settings to perform a series of tests on five hundred rows with from one to ten columns. The tests are all exact with no random noise added. The following are the ESM methods calls as issued for these tests.

Actual ESM Methods Calls:

The following are the ESM performance results for these tests.

Performance Results:

Rows Columns Stop Error Generations Sequencing ErrorPct
500 1 00% 0 0.0 0.0
500 2 00% 100 1.048281919236E-019 1.011142466597E-016
500 3 00% 100 5.425598088493E-019 3.109964692338E-016
500 4 00% 100 2.049414139837E-018 1.972031301377E-015
500 5 .01% 42 5.389082560038E-005 0.00647940499847
500 10 00% 100 0.0008088953711973 0.01810771035564

Linear Regression

We ran the self test known as linearRegression in this SelfTest log. The training and test data sets were constructed from a simple linear polynomial model on from 1 to 10 variables (not including xtime). The training set was 10,000 elements distributed over twenty time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. After the polynomial model was computed, up to forty percent random noise was added to the final y value. Learning was very quick with training set least squares error very good and order preservation nearly perfect. The results are shown below.

1 Independent Variable

This linear regression problem had one independent variable and was solved in the first generation by a Linear Regression Selector Lambda. The average percent error on the training data was ~0%, and the selector score was 100%. On the testing data, the average percent error was ~0%, and the selector score was also 100%. The training time was .08 minutes.

Starting test case: linearRegression
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 + (21.87460482304*x1);
...starting generation of constant selector WFFs.
...starting regress selector for each column.
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [1], Generations = [0], WFFs = [8], Score=[1.0], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 )]

Show final results on training data.
X[0], ey=[-1100.622914395], y=[-1100.622914395], ErrorPct=[8.263454175607E-016]
X[500], ey=[-977.9218407407], y=[-977.9218407407], ErrorPct=[8.13774507223E-016]
X[1000], ey=[-875.6608545148], y=[-875.6608545148], ErrorPct=[9.088083131137E-016]
X[1500], ey=[-766.1196418103], y=[-766.1196418103], ErrorPct=[7.419652983507E-016]
X[2000], ey=[-650.1570965152], y=[-650.1570965152], ErrorPct=[8.743028287391E-016]
X[2500], ey=[-537.6886979103], y=[-537.6886979103], ErrorPct=[6.343085032108E-016]
X[3000], ey=[-433.7621621211], y=[-433.7621621211], ErrorPct=[7.862846115877E-016]
X[3500], ey=[-318.5181072361], y=[-318.5181072361], ErrorPct=[8.923106343005E-016]
X[4000], ey=[-204.0563073157], y=[-204.0563073157], ErrorPct=[6.964183024844E-016]
X[4500], ey=[-81.87104300442], y=[-81.87104300442], ErrorPct=[5.207282401826E-016]
X[5000], ey=[19.23916975494], y=[19.23916975494], ErrorPct=[2.215925358976E-015]
X[5500], ey=[121.2593130926], y=[121.2593130926], ErrorPct=[1.054745315431E-015]
X[6000], ey=[239.5186478294], y=[239.5186478294], ErrorPct=[9.49294251215E-016]
X[6500], ey=[345.3966668729], y=[345.3966668729], ErrorPct=[1.152020184874E-015]
X[7000], ey=[466.4614943253], y=[466.4614943253], ErrorPct=[9.748872231013E-016]
X[7500], ey=[574.3343407973], y=[574.3343407973], ErrorPct=[7.917815784012E-016]
X[8000], ey=[687.4609309323], y=[687.4609309323], ErrorPct=[8.26860353849E-016]
X[8500], ey=[801.5735242539], y=[801.5735242539], ErrorPct=[8.509774907606E-016]
X[9000], ey=[897.1039443362], y=[897.1039443362], ErrorPct=[8.870854587983E-016]
X[9500], ey=[995.8838319791], y=[995.8838319791], ErrorPct=[7.990970819054E-016]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[8.579416468462E-016] versus reported ErrorPct=[8.579416468462E-016]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[1.0]
X[0], ey=[-1100.622914395], y=[-1100.622914395], ErrorPct=[8.263454175607E-016]
X[25], ey=[-978.7067741528], y=[-978.7067741528], ErrorPct=[8.131218512718E-016]
X[50], ey=[-894.1805536148], y=[-894.1805536148], ErrorPct=[7.628448455652E-016]
X[75], ey=[-808.9760061026], y=[-808.9760061026], ErrorPct=[8.431906770832E-016]
X[100], ey=[-684.9129330526], y=[-684.9129330526], ErrorPct=[6.639491370964E-016]
X[125], ey=[-554.8222816813], y=[-554.8222816813], ErrorPct=[8.19627051582E-016]
X[150], ey=[-449.3678348325], y=[-449.3678348325], ErrorPct=[6.3248206096E-016]
X[175], ey=[-320.8667085755], y=[-320.8667085755], ErrorPct=[7.086234544327E-016]
X[200], ey=[-213.269343612], y=[-213.269343612], ErrorPct=[5.330669462201E-016]
X[225], ey=[-96.70193594824], y=[-96.70193594824], ErrorPct=[5.878208983451E-016]
X[250], ey=[-2.690871633651], y=[-2.690871633651], ErrorPct=[8.58184337871E-015]
X[275], ey=[132.1365256035], y=[132.1365256035], ErrorPct=[1.075467562833E-015]
X[300], ey=[227.2941351483], y=[227.2941351483], ErrorPct=[1.000349944335E-015]
X[325], ey=[347.1982497606], y=[347.1982497606], ErrorPct=[9.823220981097E-016]
X[350], ey=[467.502979815], y=[467.502979815], ErrorPct=[8.511259803801E-016]
X[375], ey=[571.1005103104], y=[571.1005103104], ErrorPct=[9.953312566628E-016]
X[400], ey=[677.4217598584], y=[677.4217598584], ErrorPct=[6.712913251879E-016]
X[425], ey=[762.409743828], y=[762.409743828], ErrorPct=[8.946908560019E-016]
X[450], ey=[855.3449210621], y=[855.3449210621], ErrorPct=[9.303940953588E-016]
X[475], ey=[970.9557282972], y=[970.9557282972], ErrorPct=[8.196129245222E-016]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[8.537718700755E-016]

esm.selfTest: completed in [0.0823] minutes.


10 Independent Variables

This linear regression problem had ten independent variables and was solved in the first generation by a Support Vector Regression Selector Lambda. The average percent error on the training data was ~0%, and the selector score was 100%. On the testing data, the average percent error was ~0%, and the selector score was also 100%. The training time was 1.2 minutes.

Starting test case: linearRegression
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 + (21.87460482304*x1) - (17.48124453288*x2) + (38.81839452492*x3) - (38.63656433142*x4) + (13.18212824804*x5) - (2.045229508597*x6) + (45.1292360492*x7) + (26.03603502163*x8) + (21.98935009253*x9) + (39.25956682671*x10);
...starting generation of constant selector WFFs.
...starting regress selector for each column.
...starting a simple SVM selector WFF.
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [10], Generations = [0], WFFs = [27], Score=[0.9999998952854], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.9999994794294 0.9999998881055 0.9999999272587 1.0 1.0 0.9999997613158 1.0 0.9999999080865 1.0 1.0 0.9999999078672 0.9999997336707 1.0 0.9999999892104 0.9999999507207 0.9999999275923 0.9999998924631 0.9999999651269 0.999999740334 0.9999998345264 )]

Show final results on training data.
X[0], ey=[-7755.472103702], y=[-7758.617785004], ErrorPct=[0.0004054435196709]
X[500], ey=[-4474.374391617], y=[-4467.612161579], ErrorPct=[0.001513611699827]
X[1000], ey=[-3346.291629968], y=[-3343.463462794], ErrorPct=[0.0008458794913414]
X[1500], ey=[-2787.713079039], y=[-2787.821100673], ErrorPct=[3.874769192525E-005]
X[2000], ey=[-2273.435258231], y=[-2267.618622062], ErrorPct=[0.002565085729984]
X[2500], ey=[-1781.14314751], y=[-1783.293333814], ErrorPct=[0.001205738990653]
X[3000], ey=[-1374.177281401], y=[-1376.269808461], ErrorPct=[0.001520433745732]
X[3500], ey=[-1015.405301084], y=[-1010.797807356], ErrorPct=[0.004558274359622]
X[4000], ey=[-627.4462464587], y=[-625.855780544], ErrorPct=[0.002541265838145]
X[4500], ey=[-274.2398365724], y=[-270.7514723928], ErrorPct=[0.01288400815989]
X[5000], ey=[72.90922284451], y=[74.84424407819], ErrorPct=[0.02585397524578]
X[5500], ey=[476.3819451045], y=[471.6547763325], ErrorPct=[0.01002251860738]
X[6000], ey=[849.454282321], y=[843.8480499106], ErrorPct=[0.006643651556678]
X[6500], ey=[1280.320924571], y=[1279.627448872], ErrorPct=[0.0005419356232263]
X[7000], ey=[1639.428671247], y=[1644.844841415], ErrorPct=[0.003292815243906]
X[7500], ey=[2065.872186807], y=[2064.539562798], ErrorPct=[0.0006454824276692]
X[8000], ey=[2548.658477857], y=[2551.792933803], ErrorPct=[0.001228334754293]
X[8500], ey=[3094.130197363], y=[3097.744360288], ErrorPct=[0.001166707934827]
X[9000], ey=[3728.398070621], y=[3734.538936269], ErrorPct=[0.001644343720128]
X[9500], ey=[4904.205764074], y=[4900.295426089], ErrorPct=[0.0007979800490971]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[0.004199650754758] versus reported ErrorPct=[0.004199650754758]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.9999998952854]
X[0], ey=[-7383.734757145], y=[-7381.048038815], ErrorPct=[0.0003640022819898]
X[25], ey=[-4575.742427123], y=[-4568.567784514], ErrorPct=[0.001570435844867]
X[50], ey=[-3314.786445915], y=[-3307.995916656], ErrorPct=[0.002052762285691]
X[75], ey=[-2727.919603418], y=[-2720.371869638], ErrorPct=[0.002774522800884]
X[100], ey=[-2201.829334101], y=[-2197.372135978], ErrorPct=[0.002028422064043]
X[125], ey=[-1835.257352889], y=[-1827.050688309], ErrorPct=[0.004491755281807]
X[150], ey=[-1335.176052456], y=[-1335.054875426], ErrorPct=[9.076558004382E-005]
X[175], ey=[-1028.087544438], y=[-1024.367427432], ErrorPct=[0.003631623679638]
X[200], ey=[-747.621079155], y=[-739.6539884774], ErrorPct=[0.01077137526694]
X[225], ey=[-279.4986178372], y=[-271.8264626968], ErrorPct=[0.02822446006283]
X[250], ey=[142.4609159913], y=[144.7322138525], ErrorPct=[0.01569310522366]
X[275], ey=[489.3009718991], y=[491.4578248953], ErrorPct=[0.004388683803576]
X[300], ey=[824.703327615], y=[832.5314612748], ErrorPct=[0.009402808210722]
X[325], ey=[1157.847273215], y=[1158.527485922], ErrorPct=[0.0005871355797024]
X[350], ey=[1530.179624996], y=[1535.624165652], ErrorPct=[0.003545490347641]
X[375], ey=[2061.754787376], y=[2064.539562798], ErrorPct=[0.001348860284111]
X[400], ey=[2549.682695724], y=[2555.107495271], ErrorPct=[0.002123119891005]
X[425], ey=[3083.260348754], y=[3084.191902813], ErrorPct=[0.000302041535919]
X[450], ey=[3602.910079815], y=[3603.603187558], ErrorPct=[0.0001923374209181]
X[475], ey=[4711.256775183], y=[4716.293725843], ErrorPct=[0.001067989178232]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[0.007552823914835]

esm.selfTest: completed in [1.292716666667] minutes.


Cubic Regression

We ran the self test known as cubicRegression in this SelfTest log. The training and test data sets were constructed from a cubic polynomial model on 10 variables (not including xtime). The training set was 10,000 elements distributed over twenty time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. After the polynomial model was computed, up to forty percent random noise was added to the final y value. Learning was very quick with training set least squares error very good and order preservation nearly perfect. The results are shown below.

1000 Training Examples

This cubic regression problem had ten independent variables and was solved in the first generation by a Support Vector Regression Selector Lambda. The average percent error on the training data was 185%, and the selector score was 90%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 402%, and the selector score was also 90%. The training time was 1.2 minutes.

Starting test case: cubicRegression
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 + (21.87460482304*x1*x1*x1) - (17.48124453288*x2*x2*x2) + (38.81839452492*x3*x3*x3) - (38.63656433142*x4*x4*x4) + (13.18212824804*x5*x5*x5) - (2.045229508597*x6*x6*x6) + (45.1292360492*x7*x7*x7) + (26.03603502163*x8*x8*x8) + (21.98935009253*x9*x9*x9) + (39.25956682671*x10*x10*x10);
...starting generation of constant selector WFFs.
...starting regress selector for each column.
...starting a simple SVM selector WFF.
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [10], Generations = [0], WFFs = [27], Score=[0.9624595337713], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.9626133997241 0.9614386395896 0.9617583848667 0.9634478813472 0.9607579778166 0.960129748756 0.9652223008648 0.9611321314246 0.9616496737299 0.9616360195769 0.9626758374936 0.9615892631018 0.9628325719447 0.963578717838 0.9609716094134 0.9638966457252 0.9632583921888 0.962554254991 0.9659688920523 0.9620996967779 )]

Show final results on training data.
X[0], ey=[-10738027.55205], y=[-12689112.60833], ErrorPct=[0.1537605596631]
X[500], ey=[-3634629.741068], y=[-6972996.265278], ErrorPct=[0.478756390683]
X[1000], ey=[-3608841.829266], y=[-5582558.586546], ErrorPct=[0.3535505676621]
X[1500], ey=[-3528236.987998], y=[-4451324.007402], ErrorPct=[0.2073735854476]
X[2000], ey=[-4417881.233603], y=[-3513032.627206], ErrorPct=[0.2575690870019]
X[2500], ey=[-3488236.686056], y=[-2758416.604204], ErrorPct=[0.26457935351]
X[3000], ey=[524209.807062], y=[-2142524.262906], ErrorPct=[1.24466925119]
X[3500], ey=[-1425188.564291], y=[-1404079.181062], ErrorPct=[0.01503432535219]
X[4000], ey=[-2089868.033668], y=[-909719.0032918], ErrorPct=[1.297267646499]
X[4500], ey=[-1568183.871674], y=[-434057.5971096], ErrorPct=[2.612847424204]
X[5000], ey=[716098.8918349], y=[215466.4214243], ErrorPct=[2.323482550558]
X[5500], ey=[3329758.674043], y=[822098.1425177], ErrorPct=[3.050317719786]
X[6000], ey=[1712615.745767], y=[1450310.292918], ErrorPct=[0.1808616088088]
X[6500], ey=[3941095.137277], y=[1953189.575078], ErrorPct=[1.017773997754]
X[7000], ey=[3749136.678147], y=[2660095.144577], ErrorPct=[0.4093994667031]
X[7500], ey=[3528866.856054], y=[3443352.465078], ErrorPct=[0.02483463190131]
X[8000], ey=[4990357.623486], y=[4273764.542653], ErrorPct=[0.1676725691555]
X[8500], ey=[3728523.559345], y=[5157561.009586], ErrorPct=[0.2770762086158]
X[9000], ey=[5544382.037212], y=[6424539.679378], ErrorPct=[0.1369993316393]
X[9500], ey=[7819366.090833], y=[7989997.405712], ErrorPct=[0.0213556158049]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[1.855473332292] versus reported ErrorPct=[1.855473332292]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.9624595337713]
X[0], ey=[-10421217.04314], y=[-12242495.16574], ErrorPct=[0.1487669055975]
X[25], ey=[-3551880.981322], y=[-6972996.265278], ErrorPct=[0.4906234212387]
X[50], ey=[-7414060.241013], y=[-5686040.364381], ErrorPct=[0.3039056647324]
X[75], ey=[-3858987.804062], y=[-4502379.364917], ErrorPct=[0.1429003441754]
X[100], ey=[-3603157.934828], y=[-3492747.882022], ErrorPct=[0.0316112289049]
X[125], ey=[-2550274.989886], y=[-2768299.025298], ErrorPct=[0.07875740063465]
X[150], ey=[-763874.1104257], y=[-2179788.735419], ErrorPct=[0.6495650711403]
X[175], ey=[-2126984.815349], y=[-1469005.273047], ErrorPct=[0.447908223595]
X[200], ey=[2434996.044713], y=[-1036507.126356], ErrorPct=[3.349232323441]
X[225], ey=[1243892.763984], y=[-509542.0411575], ErrorPct=[3.441197513671]
X[250], ey=[413918.7149167], y=[-474.5817220763], ErrorPct=[873.1758459339]
X[275], ey=[1763687.028657], y=[696465.9411651], ErrorPct=[1.532337799185]
X[300], ey=[1879705.1708], y=[1464422.683059], ErrorPct=[0.2835810265333]
X[325], ey=[4103382.305378], y=[1997723.123778], ErrorPct=[1.054029538196]
X[350], ey=[2690195.16785], y=[2480321.009882], ErrorPct=[0.08461572398538]
X[375], ey=[1091521.614159], y=[3287359.626662], ErrorPct=[0.6679640385839]
X[400], ey=[6269098.521779], y=[4097497.475216], ErrorPct=[0.529982278134]
X[425], ey=[4607628.080926], y=[5070911.922915], ErrorPct=[0.09136105083891]
X[450], ey=[4245226.618161], y=[5980304.586028], ErrorPct=[0.2901320397493]
X[475], ey=[8647884.77089], y=[7651679.936871], ErrorPct=[0.1301942635131]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[2.857782914171]

esm.selfTest: completed in [1.29245] minutes.


Hidden Model

We ran the self test known as hiddenModel in this SelfTest log. The training and test data sets were constructed from a linear regression model on 1 variable hidden within 10 variables (not including xtime). The training set was 10,000 elements distributed over twenty time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. After the polynomial model was computed, up to forty percent random noise was added to the final y value. Learning was very quick with training set least squares error very good and order preservation nearly perfect. The results are shown below.

10 Independent Variables

This hidden model problem had ten independent variables and was solved in the first generation by a Linear Regression Selector Lambda. The average percent error on the training data was ~0%, and the selector score was 100%. On the testing data, the average percent error was ~0%, and the selector score was also 100%. The training time was 2.1 minutes.

Starting test case: hiddenModel
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 + (13.18212824804*sin(x5));
...starting generation of constant selector WFFs.
...starting regress selector for each column.
...starting a simple SVM selector WFF.
...starting generation of root selector WFFs.
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [10], Generations = [0], WFFs = [325], Score=[1.0], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 )]

Show final results on training data.
X[0], ey=[-22.34713937702], y=[-22.34713937702], ErrorPct=[2.066719907421E-015]
X[500], ey=[-22.23268437175], y=[-22.23268437175], ErrorPct=[1.917562604351E-015]
X[1000], ey=[-21.80191774634], y=[-21.80191774634], ErrorPct=[2.118404369825E-015]
X[1500], ey=[-20.91931664459], y=[-20.91931664459], ErrorPct=[2.037952045466E-015]
X[2000], ey=[-19.86363907462], y=[-19.86363907462], ErrorPct=[2.146261517613E-015]
X[2500], ey=[-18.33298570199], y=[-18.33298570199], ErrorPct=[2.131668627362E-015]
X[3000], ey=[-16.71480652025], y=[-16.71480652025], ErrorPct=[2.12548896363E-015]
X[3500], ey=[-14.8435172737], y=[-14.8435172737], ErrorPct=[2.034427940021E-015]
X[4000], ey=[-13.08450673226], y=[-13.08450673226], ErrorPct=[2.036404821079E-015]
X[4500], ey=[-11.47383529233], y=[-11.47383529233], ErrorPct=[2.16745274078E-015]
X[5000], ey=[-9.504464736572], y=[-9.504464736572], ErrorPct=[2.055868034127E-015]
X[5500], ey=[-7.697183620316], y=[-7.697183620316], ErrorPct=[2.077020939504E-015]
X[6000], ey=[-5.408479465884], y=[-5.408479465884], ErrorPct=[2.299074620554E-015]
X[6500], ey=[-3.331448721395], y=[-3.331448721395], ErrorPct=[2.39943833623E-015]
X[7000], ey=[-1.607070376992], y=[-1.607070376992], ErrorPct=[2.763346373675E-015]
X[7500], ey=[-0.06273221033439], y=[-0.06273221033439], ErrorPct=[0.0]
X[8000], ey=[1.324704161861], y=[1.324704161861], ErrorPct=[1.340946069728E-015]
X[8500], ey=[2.565264575535], y=[2.565264575535], ErrorPct=[2.077396058491E-015]
X[9000], ey=[3.383496451446], y=[3.383496451446], ErrorPct=[1.575018799243E-015]
X[9500], ey=[3.902495902795], y=[3.902495902795], ErrorPct=[1.820739222945E-015]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[2.179545952627E-015] versus reported ErrorPct=[2.179545952624E-015]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[1.0]
X[0], ey=[3.656280482863], y=[-14130.82057838], ErrorPct=[1.000258745093]
X[25], ey=[3.576418219893], y=[-8423.338542127], ErrorPct=[1.000424584409]
X[50], ey=[3.012877252078], y=[-6683.472633956], ErrorPct=[1.00045079518]
X[75], ey=[-22.26725724601], y=[-4946.50047313], ErrorPct=[0.9954983816605]
X[100], ey=[-17.80460681437], y=[-4014.136918831], ErrorPct=[0.9955645242864]
X[125], ey=[-7.665206430643], y=[-3142.218580129], ErrorPct=[0.9975605750411]
X[150], ey=[-19.33165050183], y=[-2438.191438348], ErrorPct=[0.992071315567]
X[175], ey=[-21.32656879903], y=[-1865.945882325], ErrorPct=[0.9885706391589]
X[200], ey=[3.004574770358], y=[-1280.499991293], ErrorPct=[1.00234640749]
X[225], ey=[3.676432318054], y=[-605.4326797663], ErrorPct=[1.006072404812]
X[250], ey=[-16.49356144996], y=[30.89556852886], ErrorPct=[1.533848776227]
X[275], ey=[3.326483812403], y=[726.4655616223], ErrorPct=[0.9954210027452]
X[300], ey=[1.504946569266], y=[1421.028928923], ErrorPct=[0.9989409458607]
X[325], ey=[-4.27068615444], y=[2022.907261926], ErrorPct=[1.0021111626]
X[350], ey=[-21.54905375565], y=[2904.073915692], ErrorPct=[1.007420284187]
X[375], ey=[3.831612084195], y=[3729.465923294], ErrorPct=[0.9989726110486]
X[400], ey=[-21.87872994679], y=[4738.599770458], ErrorPct=[1.004617129744]
X[425], ey=[-18.32288327488], y=[5621.61726765], ErrorPct=[1.003259361568]
X[450], ey=[3.434573905321], y=[6671.118094573], ErrorPct=[0.9994851576817]
X[475], ey=[-13.05858845954], y=[8273.813528861], ErrorPct=[1.001578303453]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[0.9952989880657]

esm.selfTest: completed in [2.1638] minutes.


Cycle Dependent Regression (No Random Noise)

We ran the self test known as cyclicSeries in this SelfTest log. This training set was 10,000 elements distributed over 20 time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. The cyclic series regression problem had ten independent variables and was trained for one hundred generations. The average percent error on the training data was 888%, and the selector score was 99%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 106%, and the selector score was 97%. The training time was 29 minutes.

Starting test case: cyclicSeries
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 + (21.87460482304*x1*tan(xtime)) - (17.48124453288*x2*sin(xtime)) + (38.81839452492*x3*cos(xtime)) - (38.63656433142*x4*tan(xtime)) + (13.18212824804*x5*sin(xtime)) - (2.045229508597*x6*cos(xtime)) + (45.1292360492*x7*tan(xtime)) + (26.03603502163*x8*sin(xtime)) + (21.98935009253*x9*cos(xtime)) + (39.25956682671*x10*tan(xtime));
...starting generation of constant selector WFFs.
...starting regress selector for each column.
...starting a simple SVM selector WFF.
...starting generation of root selector WFFs.
...starting a best-of-breed SVM selector WFF.
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [10], Generations = [21], WFFs = [26266], Score=[0.9911268261292], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.9911268261292 )]

Show final results on training data.
X[0], ey=[-1363774.693723], y=[-1375362.762508], ErrorPct=[0.008425463521875]
X[500], ey=[-17349.50930215], y=[-13448.78913555], ErrorPct=[0.2900424809464]
X[1000], ey=[-8905.237990786], y=[-5545.307800046], ErrorPct=[0.6059050844234]
X[1500], ey=[-4128.692628519], y=[-3308.049582962], ErrorPct=[0.2480745904727]
X[2000], ey=[-4852.835019633], y=[-2398.31127248], ErrorPct=[1.023438356529]
X[2500], ey=[191.1819910936], y=[-1866.148891692], ErrorPct=[1.102447340587]
X[3000], ey=[-157.7516005295], y=[-1468.963024363], ErrorPct=[0.8926102305414]
X[3500], ey=[-581.0716045963], y=[-1070.256775494], ErrorPct=[0.4570727157245]
X[4000], ey=[-1587.91893128], y=[-704.6452138374], ErrorPct=[1.253501336697]
X[4500], ey=[-643.1456133688], y=[-378.5644419159], ErrorPct=[0.6989065589835]
X[5000], ey=[1089.920866978], y=[-63.37984131596], ErrorPct=[18.19664871901]
X[5500], ey=[-1456.525418802], y=[256.6557957738], ErrorPct=[6.675014719268]
X[6000], ey=[-841.6051292026], y=[579.4262635109], ErrorPct=[2.452480120772]
X[6500], ey=[-1001.238158853], y=[923.938265989], ErrorPct=[2.083663482409]
X[7000], ey=[1148.725681029], y=[1300.541524679], ErrorPct=[0.1167327922787]
X[7500], ey=[6309.000498483], y=[1702.345261327], ErrorPct=[2.70606400582]
X[8000], ey=[-1000.619044082], y=[2230.046548377], ErrorPct=[1.448698725509]
X[8500], ey=[1999.432204919], y=[3062.420135702], ErrorPct=[0.3471071517558]
X[9000], ey=[7716.825031478], y=[5189.293726794], ErrorPct=[0.4870665330879]
X[9500], ey=[10778.69885257], y=[12268.54402301], ErrorPct=[0.1214361840859]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[8.833855823745] versus reported ErrorPct=[8.833855823719]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.9749594370726]
X[0], ey=[-15591.64032099], y=[-14130.82057838], ErrorPct=[0.103378266995]
X[25], ey=[-8520.636864502], y=[-8423.338542127], ErrorPct=[0.01155104023043]
X[50], ey=[-9095.743534773], y=[-6683.472633956], ErrorPct=[0.3609307665242]
X[75], ey=[-6443.779712418], y=[-4946.50047313], ErrorPct=[0.3026946519912]
X[100], ey=[-4178.110794209], y=[-4014.136918831], ErrorPct=[0.04084909874609]
X[125], ey=[-3770.899447551], y=[-3142.218580129], ErrorPct=[0.2000754725968]
X[150], ey=[-967.321935149], y=[-2438.191438348], ErrorPct=[0.603262516661]
X[175], ey=[-1666.406533345], y=[-1865.945882325], ErrorPct=[0.106937372016]
X[200], ey=[112.3667088861], y=[-1280.499991293], ErrorPct=[1.087752213706]
X[225], ey=[-1807.693487039], y=[-605.4326797663], ErrorPct=[1.98578776378]
X[250], ey=[-413.012118513], y=[30.89556852886], ErrorPct=[14.36800512757]
X[275], ey=[2171.774097773], y=[726.4655616223], ErrorPct=[1.989507297391]
X[300], ey=[1730.522612779], y=[1421.028928923], ErrorPct=[0.2177954843545]
X[325], ey=[856.3197786302], y=[2022.907261926], ErrorPct=[0.5766885636592]
X[350], ey=[2584.825912967], y=[2904.073915692], ErrorPct=[0.1099310871531]
X[375], ey=[3195.224088673], y=[3729.465923294], ErrorPct=[0.1432488848562]
X[400], ey=[5907.175852199], y=[4738.599770458], ErrorPct=[0.2466078880572]
X[425], ey=[6214.081364008], y=[5621.61726765], ErrorPct=[0.1053903295352]
X[450], ey=[5727.516960004], y=[6671.118094573], ErrorPct=[0.1414457248683]
X[475], ey=[10006.54502602], y=[8273.813528861], ErrorPct=[0.2094235615919]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[1.068852801293]

esm.selfTest: completed in [29.19818333333] minutes.


Cycle Dependent Regression (20% Random Noise - Ten Variables)

We ran the self test known as cyclicSeries in this SelfTest log. This training set was 10,000 elements distributed over 20 time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. The cyclic series regression problem had ten independent variables and was trained for one hundred generations. The average percent error on the training data was 311%, and the selector score was 95%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 349%, and the selector score was also 94%. The training time was 40 minutes.

(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest cyclicSeries: 20 10 500 100 100% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: cyclicSeries
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 - (9.165146942478*x0*sin(x0)) - (19.5666514757*x1*cos(x0)) + (21.87460482304*x2*tan(x0)) - (17.48124453288*x3*sin(x0)) + (38.81839452492*x4*cos(x0)) - (38.63656433142*x5*tan(x0)) + (13.18212824804*x6*sin(x0)) - (2.045229508597*x7*cos(x0)) + (45.1292360492*x8*tan(x0)) + (26.03603502163*x9*sin(x0));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);
...starting new evolutionary process.
...starting a best-of-breed MVL selector WFF.
...starting generation of random selector WFFs.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [10], Generations = [100], WFFs = [2392], Score=[0.9536374356331], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.9536374356331 )]

Show final results on training data, Score=[0.9536374356331]
X[0], ey=[-1021777.925635], y=[-1024937.036537], ErrorPct=[0.003082248752647]
X[500], ey=[-4483.476129939], y=[-9773.816980605], ErrorPct=[0.5412768482532]
X[1000], ey=[-3528.588934626], y=[-4734.189061328], ErrorPct=[0.2546582130717]
X[1500], ey=[-4947.563815254], y=[-2741.356998936], ErrorPct=[0.8047863949038]
X[2000], ey=[820.6485870431], y=[-2014.765351952], ErrorPct=[1.407317202595]
X[2500], ey=[4444.802166782], y=[-1551.93614668], ErrorPct=[3.864036755823]
X[3000], ey=[-17.23712673685], y=[-1214.215685637], ErrorPct=[0.9858039004596]
X[3500], ey=[1765.250322921], y=[-852.3491808088], ErrorPct=[3.071041261806]
X[4000], ey=[281.0756905509], y=[-546.3941850847], ErrorPct=[1.51441925669]
X[4500], ey=[698.4894660466], y=[-166.432262292], ErrorPct=[5.196839341289]
X[5000], ey=[52.81240447232], y=[202.0334096688], ErrorPct=[0.7385956879167]
X[5500], ey=[444.3919904601], y=[475.5120027448], ErrorPct=[0.0654452718439]
X[6000], ey=[-449.8137394823], y=[835.4455784947], ErrorPct=[1.538411778171]
X[6500], ey=[499.2260933349], y=[1127.0717718], ErrorPct=[0.5570591812998]
X[7000], ey=[1001.029993127], y=[1395.835859137], ErrorPct=[0.282845481742]
X[7500], ey=[266.7345621041], y=[1750.870197658], ErrorPct=[0.8476560041625]
X[8000], ey=[2414.841192803], y=[2253.533779632], ErrorPct=[0.07157976269522]
X[8500], ey=[5151.2139101], y=[3165.207691911], ErrorPct=[0.627448942218]
X[9000], ey=[5267.140712911], y=[5084.541523732], ErrorPct=[0.03591261637391]
X[9500], ey=[-3697.275512855], y=[12510.20723974], ErrorPct=[1.295540708639]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[3.111358108758] versus reported ErrorPct=[3.111358108756]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.9489645992764]
X[0], ey=[-128544.2771458], y=[-124201.1295381], ErrorPct=[0.03496866432546]
X[25], ey=[-5087.455928916], y=[-11708.6792366], ErrorPct=[0.5654970277936]
X[50], ey=[-3116.375102743], y=[-4577.939792496], ErrorPct=[0.3192625407937]
X[75], ey=[167.6665939178], y=[-2851.651130517], ErrorPct=[1.058796320533]
X[100], ey=[-4008.334085871], y=[-2034.338308002], ErrorPct=[0.9703380062715]
X[125], ey=[930.2975756272], y=[-1502.105850924], ErrorPct=[1.619328907517]
X[150], ey=[40.80119930855], y=[-1024.530167446], ErrorPct=[1.0398243025]
X[175], ey=[-500.9908245318], y=[-787.9442378846], ErrorPct=[0.3641798487203]
X[200], ey=[-168.7968856838], y=[-526.9949650224], ErrorPct=[0.6796992440399]
X[225], ey=[1827.793344069], y=[-297.930618511], ErrorPct=[7.134963076988]
X[250], ey=[-633.6144786958], y=[87.58875452875], ErrorPct=[8.233970640465]
X[275], ey=[770.7458687625], y=[449.1817587149], ErrorPct=[0.7158886214963]
X[300], ey=[-574.2131520707], y=[877.0752604536], ErrorPct=[1.654690854892]
X[325], ey=[1536.681621044], y=[1143.703149587], ErrorPct=[0.3436018092626]
X[350], ey=[910.3026959833], y=[1543.207097808], ErrorPct=[0.4101227908577]
X[375], ey=[-269.7042664736], y=[1993.748514877], ErrorPct=[1.135274967962]
X[400], ey=[3182.258289575], y=[2842.154821905], ErrorPct=[0.1196639483005]
X[425], ey=[1777.112127462], y=[3750.151177889], ErrorPct=[0.5261225366219]
X[450], ey=[1445.283352716], y=[6025.534239412], ErrorPct=[0.7601402140805]
X[475], ey=[9236.020924487], y=[9229.935060505], ErrorPct=[0.000659361516909]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[3.497904871389]

esm.selfTest: completed in [40.02631666667] minutes.


Cycle Dependent Regression (20% Random Noise - Ten Variables)

We ran the self test known as cyclicSeries in this SelfTest log for an extended training run. This training set was 10,000 elements distributed over 20 time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. The cyclic series regression problem had ten independent variables and was trained for one thousand generations. The average percent error on the training data was 233%, and the selector score was 98%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 123%, and the selector score was also 98%. The training time was 406 minutes.

(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest cyclicSeries: 20 10 500 1000 100% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: cyclicSeries
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 - (9.165146942478*x0*sin(x0)) - (19.5666514757*x1*cos(x0)) + (21.87460482304*x2*tan(x0)) - (17.48124453288*x3*sin(x0)) + (38.81839452492*x4*cos(x0)) - (38.63656433142*x5*tan(x0)) + (13.18212824804*x6*sin(x0)) - (2.045229508597*x7*cos(x0)) + (45.1292360492*x8*tan(x0)) + (26.03603502163*x9*sin(x0));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);
...starting new evolutionary process.
...starting a best-of-breed MVL selector WFF.
...starting generation of random selector WFFs.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [10], Generations = [1000], WFFs = [3658], Score=[0.9868305026246], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.9868305026246 )]

Show final results on training data, Score=[0.9868305026246]
X[0], ey=[-1030387.885584], y=[-1024937.036537], ErrorPct=[0.005318228195902]
X[500], ey=[-9951.968398611], y=[-9773.816980605], ErrorPct=[0.01822741497603]
X[1000], ey=[-5026.077277652], y=[-4734.189061328], ErrorPct=[0.06165537804754]
X[1500], ey=[-2389.50105742], y=[-2741.356998936], ErrorPct=[0.1283510107048]
X[2000], ey=[152.5281842689], y=[-2014.765351952], ErrorPct=[1.075705185282]
X[2500], ey=[-2426.423652351], y=[-1551.93614668], ErrorPct=[0.5634816274761]
X[3000], ey=[-321.4679325519], y=[-1214.215685637], ErrorPct=[0.7352464340936]
X[3500], ey=[-1750.625794543], y=[-852.3491808088], ErrorPct=[1.053883354334]
X[4000], ey=[-770.2560062024], y=[-546.3941850847], ErrorPct=[0.4097075467284]
X[4500], ey=[4.037444566292], y=[-166.432262292], ErrorPct=[1.024258785591]
X[5000], ey=[-41.75577288999], y=[202.0334096688], ErrorPct=[1.206677563669]
X[5500], ey=[376.8685300024], y=[475.5120027448], ErrorPct=[0.207446861852]
X[6000], ey=[-122.2949251977], y=[835.4455784947], ErrorPct=[1.146382874415]
X[6500], ey=[-175.2483823423], y=[1127.0717718], ErrorPct=[1.155489993386]
X[7000], ey=[391.5756677349], y=[1395.835859137], ErrorPct=[0.7194686859693]
X[7500], ey=[28.98547329412], y=[1750.870197658], ErrorPct=[0.9834451044213]
X[8000], ey=[1897.957254799], y=[2253.533779632], ErrorPct=[0.1577861969705]
X[8500], ey=[2791.831698307], y=[3165.207691911], ErrorPct=[0.117962557262]
X[9000], ey=[7701.353302604], y=[5084.541523732], ErrorPct=[0.5146603222057]
X[9500], ey=[10309.16392174], y=[12510.20723974], ErrorPct=[0.1759397966655]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[2.335759377277] versus reported ErrorPct=[2.335759377275]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.9806423241556]
X[0], ey=[-115451.2602401], y=[-124201.1295381], ErrorPct=[0.07044919261671]
X[25], ey=[-9838.523613893], y=[-11708.6792366], ErrorPct=[0.1597238753338]
X[50], ey=[-4194.544848452], y=[-4577.939792496], ErrorPct=[0.08374835874245]
X[75], ey=[-66.62102060797], y=[-2851.651130517], ErrorPct=[0.9766377380827]
X[100], ey=[-1455.414907781], y=[-2034.338308002], ErrorPct=[0.2845757748078]
X[125], ey=[887.2675655723], y=[-1502.105850924], ErrorPct=[1.590682450925]
X[150], ey=[42.27356990154], y=[-1024.530167446], ErrorPct=[1.041261420351]
X[175], ey=[-3.768977131112], y=[-787.9442378846], ErrorPct=[0.9952166956113]
X[200], ey=[177.543440904], y=[-526.9949650224], ErrorPct=[1.336897793504]
X[225], ey=[1293.830523561], y=[-297.930618511], ErrorPct=[5.342724255825]
X[250], ey=[-258.6390532574], y=[87.58875452875], ErrorPct=[3.952879677865]
X[275], ey=[601.9472850416], y=[449.1817587149], ErrorPct=[0.3400973511564]
X[300], ey=[3.474482138168], y=[877.0752604536], ErrorPct=[0.9960385587249]
X[325], ey=[-542.693525946], y=[1143.703149587], ErrorPct=[1.474505579653]
X[350], ey=[802.4738362764], y=[1543.207097808], ErrorPct=[0.479996017763]
X[375], ey=[-212.1186601163], y=[1993.748514877], ErrorPct=[1.106391883697]
X[400], ey=[2069.361573499], y=[2842.154821905], ErrorPct=[0.2719039942688]
X[425], ey=[3500.670810997], y=[3750.151177889], ErrorPct=[0.06652541592516]
X[450], ey=[5784.617586656], y=[6025.534239412], ErrorPct=[0.03998262115578]
X[475], ey=[12627.53580548], y=[9229.935060505], ErrorPct=[0.3681066792678]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[1.239902944162]

esm.selfTest: completed in [406.1893166667] minutes.


Cycle Dependent Regression (20% Random Noise - One Variable)

We ran the self test known as cyclicSeries in this SelfTest log. This training set was 10,000 elements distributed over 20 time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. The cyclic series regression problem had one independent variable and was trained for one hundred generations. The average percent error on the training data was 10.89%, and the selector score was 100%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 20.8%, and the selector score was also 100%. The training time was 16 minutes.

(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest cyclicSeries: 20 1 500 100 95% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: cyclicSeries
Building test data as: y = -9.165146942478 - (9.165146942478*x0*sin(x0));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);
...starting new evolutionary process.
...starting generation of random selector WFFs.
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [1], Generations = [0], WFFs = [793], Score=[1.006816272303], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.9979056891189 )]

Show final results on training data, Score=[1.006816272303]
X[0], ey=[-427.6182084951], y=[-506.9782643317], ErrorPct=[0.1565354205889]
X[500], ey=[-307.7902799242], y=[-325.4068558196], ErrorPct=[0.05413707664845]
X[1000], ey=[-255.527758913], y=[-257.9804685534], ErrorPct=[0.00950734625057]
X[1500], ey=[-242.8483250453], y=[-200.9154043552], ErrorPct=[0.2087093362736]
X[2000], ey=[-194.3474723665], y=[-157.7609266026], ErrorPct=[0.2319113265358]
X[2500], ey=[-107.5728164173], y=[-122.026327275], ErrorPct=[0.1184458401759]
X[3000], ey=[-107.1230185854], y=[-90.07507300321], ErrorPct=[0.1892637442728]
X[3500], ey=[-50.67575314912], y=[-60.00700279038], ErrorPct=[0.1555026781433]
X[4000], ey=[-30.55491873375], y=[-32.38969431089], ErrorPct=[0.05664689390186]
X[4500], ey=[-24.38133847832], y=[-21.19309281874], ErrorPct=[0.1504379604642]
X[5000], ey=[-12.19907631577], y=[-10.91480044338], ErrorPct=[0.1176637061809]
X[5500], ey=[5.327362752015], y=[5.601717365505], ErrorPct=[0.0489768754096]
X[6000], ey=[25.98236699818], y=[26.9483102306], ErrorPct=[0.0358442968837]
X[6500], ey=[44.62551819287], y=[47.50131773271], ErrorPct=[0.06054146868145]
X[7000], ey=[92.92167218496], y=[81.40759008087], ErrorPct=[0.1414374518722]
X[7500], ey=[129.9745064425], y=[121.9276990494], ErrorPct=[0.06599654923171]
X[8000], ey=[165.2761425368], y=[164.526875016], ErrorPct=[0.004554073738647]
X[8500], ey=[228.5039765556], y=[205.417055358], ErrorPct=[0.1123904787626]
X[9000], ey=[312.6812709789], y=[253.5713976278], ErrorPct=[0.233109388141]
X[9500], ey=[350.8422730084], y=[324.1865089111], ErrorPct=[0.08222354528808]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[0.1089416815593] versus reported ErrorPct=[0.1089416815592]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[1.0]
X[0], ey=[-429.5762926448], y=[-504.468951844], ErrorPct=[0.1484584114155]
X[25], ey=[-311.6964465494], y=[-315.9856984548], ErrorPct=[0.01357419632079]
X[50], ey=[-253.5554224639], y=[-245.3901859345], ErrorPct=[0.03327450320898]
X[75], ey=[-191.726382307], y=[-190.8939319332], ErrorPct=[0.004360800604633]
X[100], ey=[-137.2710292195], y=[-153.5216225652], ErrorPct=[0.1058521469105]
X[125], ey=[-134.4310125008], y=[-121.6553376754], ErrorPct=[0.1050153250119]
X[150], ey=[-81.07204762472], y=[-72.02273336397], ErrorPct=[0.1256452489107]
X[175], ey=[-44.14497401221], y=[-52.3375131604], ErrorPct=[0.1565328318729]
X[200], ey=[-30.48183145157], y=[-25.38470140429], ErrorPct=[0.2007953517395]
X[225], ey=[-9.611858391581], y=[-11.14855738027], ErrorPct=[0.137838371035]
X[250], ey=[0.6697740410197], y=[0.4641264142951], ErrorPct=[0.4430853758602]
X[275], ey=[17.30123909837], y=[18.74961578631], ErrorPct=[0.07724833961618]
X[300], ey=[35.39259112192], y=[34.90209278805], ErrorPct=[0.01405355079573]
X[325], ey=[82.11114041793], y=[66.28020100262], ErrorPct=[0.2388486935137]
X[350], ey=[82.73637869504], y=[90.90025647488], ErrorPct=[0.08981138333861]
X[375], ey=[148.5845659846], y=[137.0874559316], ErrorPct=[0.08386697364005]
X[400], ey=[171.514087292], y=[183.5839612851], ErrorPct=[0.06574579777345]
X[425], ey=[242.9632608865], y=[231.0925715838], ErrorPct=[0.05136768015242]
X[450], ey=[314.7003771462], y=[284.7935027532], ErrorPct=[0.1050124883608]
X[475], ey=[342.3524388714], y=[349.2146878608], ErrorPct=[0.0196505165101]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[0.2080051678402]

esm.selfTest: completed in [1.2362] minutes.


Mixed Model Regression (20% Random Noise - Ten Variables)

We ran the self test known asmixedModels in this SelfTest log for an extended training run. This training set was 10,000 elements distributed over 20 time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. The mixed models regression problem had ten independent variables and was trained for one thousand generations. The average percent error on the training data was 50536%, and the selector score was 80%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 3248%, and the selector score was 00%. The training time was 424 minutes.

(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 1000 100% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (9.165146942478*x0) - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (9.165146942478*x0*x0) - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (9.165146942478* sin(x0)) - (19.5666514757* sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304* sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288* sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492* sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142* sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804* sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597* sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492* sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163* sin(x9));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (9.165146942478* log(.000001+abs(x0))) - (19.5666514757* log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304* log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288* log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492* log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142* log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804* log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597* log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492* log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163* log(.000001+abs(x9)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);
...starting new evolutionary process.
...starting a best-of-breed MVL selector WFF.
...starting generation of random selector WFFs.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [10], Generations = [1000], WFFs = [402], Score=[0.8035448886348], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.8035448886348 )]

Show final results on training data, Score=[0.8035448886348]
X[0], ey=[-32597.88243325], y=[-147284.662848], ErrorPct=[0.7786742909756]
X[500], ey=[-1046.763113004], y=[-6570.500014129], ErrorPct=[0.8406874498511]
X[1000], ey=[39166.4907362], y=[-2276.962399079], ErrorPct=[18.20120224736]
X[1500], ey=[-2505.245595347], y=[-771.5552339419], ErrorPct=[2.247007453437]
X[2000], ey=[-5621.604017633], y=[-80.86076042705], ErrorPct=[68.5220275934]
X[2500], ey=[14237.91684146], y=[-37.38012611882], ErrorPct=[381.8953665966]
X[3000], ey=[17374.89436088], y=[-6.710495068673], ErrorPct=[2590.212000466]
X[3500], ey=[7879.270880261], y=[20.78444779664], ErrorPct=[378.0945497976]
X[4000], ey=[5858.201014608], y=[46.45071253512], ErrorPct=[125.1164941265]
X[4500], ey=[-17132.00711641], y=[84.39001125974], ErrorPct=[204.0098925296]
X[5000], ey=[24047.05128093], y=[126.7475591102], ErrorPct=[188.7239792998]
X[5500], ey=[-1775.21180529], y=[165.7180737949], ErrorPct=[11.71224015968]
X[6000], ey=[-7254.115537802], y=[203.7209962901], ErrorPct=[36.60808983808]
X[6500], ey=[24473.39276444], y=[254.0801951847], ErrorPct=[95.32152851049]
X[7000], ey=[37201.6380334], y=[459.9116701141], ErrorPct=[79.88865852038]
X[7500], ey=[121.7070494704], y=[1817.01090678], ErrorPct=[0.9330179862893]
X[8000], ey=[67612.90428292], y=[4005.337457948], ErrorPct=[15.88070106272]
X[8500], ey=[14889.96003386], y=[30149.4859814], ErrorPct=[0.5061288924447]
X[9000], ey=[9769.747919464], y=[62347.96279989], ErrorPct=[0.8433028525596]
X[9500], ey=[16489.2905917], y=[102730.4162725], ErrorPct=[0.8394896936077]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[505.3691049917] versus reported ErrorPct=[505.3691049881]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.0]
X[0], ey=[4812.89290625], y=[-8488.049098751], ErrorPct=[1.567019918271]
X[25], ey=[38847.67623433], y=[-3830.006284664], ErrorPct=[11.14297976217]
X[50], ey=[7414.348054674], y=[-3040.41073662], ErrorPct=[3.438600800008]
X[75], ey=[22649.36134591], y=[-2365.440306462], ErrorPct=[10.57511431764]
X[100], ey=[43758.85519317], y=[-1891.00487813], ErrorPct=[24.14053004265]
X[125], ey=[7001.101979928], y=[-1622.202418647], ErrorPct=[5.315800481771]
X[150], ey=[15166.65300329], y=[-1322.378704244], ErrorPct=[12.46922054523]
X[175], ey=[7939.249311458], y=[-1017.610017436], ErrorPct=[8.801858448157]
X[200], ey=[2256.418268778], y=[-565.7443713525], ErrorPct=[4.988406041731]
X[225], ey=[14882.42517168], y=[-134.4781470489], ErrorPct=[111.6679821092]
X[250], ey=[4370.096295289], y=[126.4518341456], ErrorPct=[33.55937452246]
X[275], ey=[1760.025838243], y=[409.6319071121], ErrorPct=[3.29660338388]
X[300], ey=[-4741.132012577], y=[783.7084577302], ErrorPct=[7.049611900716]
X[325], ey=[15802.1857114], y=[1107.199990813], ErrorPct=[13.27220542136]
X[350], ey=[3258.27407803], y=[1655.621227236], ErrorPct=[0.9680069477419]
X[375], ey=[13919.77508376], y=[1946.057743713], ErrorPct=[6.152806810965]
X[400], ey=[8323.170088229], y=[2409.684335566], ErrorPct=[2.454049962223]
X[425], ey=[13025.6547548], y=[2844.257418189], ErrorPct=[3.579632867089]
X[450], ey=[5549.721532291], y=[3467.732911693], ErrorPct=[0.6003889785102]
X[475], ey=[29825.52360295], y=[4302.293724524], ErrorPct=[5.932470331567]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[32.48176037513]

esm.selfTest: completed in [424.675] minutes.


Mixed Model Regression (20% Random Noise - Ten Variables)

We ran the self test known asmixedModels in this SelfTest log for an extended training run. This training set was 10,000 elements distributed over 20 time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. The mixed models regression problem had ten independent variables and was trained for two hundred generations. The average percent error on the training data was 79338%, and the selector score was 69%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 3533%, and the selector score was 00%. The training time was 424 minutes.

        ;; Begin User Defined Learning Options
        (myBestAverage 1)  	            ;; The count of best selector champions to average in creating the final myBest selector Lambda.
        (Integer:myBGMMaximum 0003)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one BGM regression.
        (Number:myCrossColPct 0.00)  	;; The probability of cross over in each column island during each generation step.
        (Number:myCrossRegPct 0.00)  	;; The probability of cross over in the best-regressor island during each generation step.
        (Number:myCrossSelPct 1.00)  	;; The probability of cross over in the best-of-breed island during each generation step.
        (Integer:myFRMMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one FRM regression.
        (Integer:myGreedyDepth 00)    	;; The depth of greedy search exploration of each chosen column island  during each generation step. 
        (Integer:myGreedyGEN  000)    	;; The number of greedy search WFFs the system will grow in the best-of-breed island  during each generation step. 
        (myGreedyWidth narrow)    	    ;; The width of each greedy search WFF the system will grow in the best-of-breed island (base, full, narrow). 
        (myGreedyRule MVL:)          	;; The rule used for greedy search WFFs grown in the best-of-breed island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (Integer:myGrowColINIT 00)   	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in each column island during the initialization step.
        (Integer:myGrowColGEN 00)    	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in each column island during each generation step. 
        (myGrowColRule REG:)         	;; The rule used for random WFFs grown in each column island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (Integer:myGrowSelINIT 5000)   	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in the best-of-breed island during the initialization step.
        (Integer:myGrowSelGEN 00)    	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in the best-of-breed island during each generation step. 
        (myGrowSelRule REG:)         	;; The rule used for random WFFs grown in the best-of-breed island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (myGrowWFFStyle root:)       	;; The style used for random WFFs grown in the best-of-breed island (full, or root). 
        (Integer:myMaxColWFFLen 05)  	;; The maximum length of a single WFF for each column.
        (Number:myMigratePct 0.00)   	;; The probability of Column island mutation during each generation step.
        (Number:myMutateColPct 0.00) 	;; The probability of mutation in each column island during each generation step.
        (Number:myMutateRegPct 0.00) 	;; The probability mutation in the best-regressor island during each generation step.
        (Number:myMutateSelPct 1.00) 	;; The probability mutation in the best-of-breed island during each generation step.
        (Integer:myMVLMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one MVL regression.
        (Integer:myENNMaximum 0003)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one ENN regression.
        (myRandomError .40)          	;; The amount of random error to add to each selfTest test case (0.00 thru .50).
        (myREGMultiple true)            ;; Support multiple columns when growing REG regression expressions.
        (Integer:myREGMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one REG regression.
        (Integer:myRestartGap 00010) 	;; The count of generations to allow, without measurable improvement, before initiating a new evolutionary process.
        (Integer:myRootINIT 00)  	 	;; The number of root WFFs the system will grow in each column island during the initialization step.
        (Integer:myRootGEN 00)       	;; The number of root WFFs the system will grow in each column island during each generation step. 
        (myRootRule REG:)            	;; The rule used for root WFFs grown in each column island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (mySamplingON  true)   	     	;; Support initial scoring on a small sample set before scoring on the full training data set.
        (myScoreStyle sequence:)        ;; The style of scoring the sequencing of the training data (errorpct, sequence, or combined).
        (mySeedDefault 2407987.0)    	;; The default seed number used to initialize the random number genenerator at the start of each training run.
        (mySequenceFocus 005)        	;; The focus of scoring the sequencing of the training data (05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 100).
        (mySequenceStyle high:)         ;; The style of scoring the sequencing of the training data (average, low, high, or contrast).
        (Integer:mySurvivors  25)     	;; The count of surviving selector WFFs in each generation.
        (mySurvivorStyle equalOFF:)  	;; The option allowing surviving selector WFFs to have equal scores (equalON, or equalOFF).
        (mySvmKernelID cube:)       	;; The kernelID to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress: all, binary, bipolar, composite, cosine, cube, exp, linear, log, poly, quart, sigmoid, sine, square, tan, tanh).
        (Integer:mySVMMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one SVM regression.
        (mySvmMaxGen 1)             	;; The maximum number of training generations to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress).
        (mySvmMaxLayers 1)             	;; The maximum number of training layers to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress).
        (mySvmModelCount 1)             ;; The maximum number of training models to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress).
        (Integer:myTournamentSize 05)	;; The size of the myBestSelectorChampions queue which initiates a tournament-of-champions when the next evolutionary process begins.
        (myTimeON  true)  			 	;; Support separate sequence scoring of each individual time period.
        (myUseBGM false)             	;; Grow BGM selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseFRM false)             	;; Grow FRM selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseMVL false)             	;; Grow MVL selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseENN false)             	;; Grow ENN selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseREG  true)             	;; Grow REG selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseSVM false)             	;; Grow SVM selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myVerboseSW false)		     	;; The switch controlling verbose mode during testing, maintennance, and development.
        ;; End User Defined Learning Options

(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 260 30 500 25 00% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10) + (39.25956682671*x11) - (36.9527398792*x12) + (8.601886956836*x13) + (7.533313498536*x14) - (23.03633770636*x15) - (41.11091670539*x16) + (46.07594342939*x17) - (4.158230358161*x18) + (35.61243398897*x19) - (0.8539648928299*x20) + (48.46608517312*x21) + (21.92818922469*x22) - (5.51333900824*x23) - (3.155879615049*x24) - (35.40602155255*x25) + (21.05316767957*x26) + (48.63345254591*x27) + (18.09100857528*x28) - (45.97902827701*x29) + (18.31189165581*x30);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10) + (39.25956682671*x11*x11) - (36.9527398792*x12*x12) + (8.601886956836*x13*x13) + (7.533313498536*x14*x14) - (23.03633770636*x15*x15) - (41.11091670539*x16*x16) + (46.07594342939*x17*x17) - (4.158230358161*x18*x18) + (35.61243398897*x19*x19) - (0.8539648928299*x20*x20) + (48.46608517312*x21*x21) + (21.92818922469*x22*x22) - (5.51333900824*x23*x23) - (3.155879615049*x24*x24) - (35.40602155255*x25*x25) + (21.05316767957*x26*x26) + (48.63345254591*x27*x27) + (18.09100857528*x28*x28) - (45.97902827701*x29*x29) + (18.31189165581*x30*x30);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10)) + (39.25956682671*sin(x11)) - (36.9527398792*sin(x12)) + (8.601886956836*sin(x13)) + (7.533313498536*sin(x14)) - (23.03633770636*sin(x15)) - (41.11091670539*sin(x16)) + (46.07594342939*sin(x17)) - (4.158230358161*sin(x18)) + (35.61243398897*sin(x19)) - (0.8539648928299*sin(x20)) + (48.46608517312*sin(x21)) + (21.92818922469*sin(x22)) - (5.51333900824*sin(x23)) - (3.155879615049*sin(x24)) - (35.40602155255*sin(x25)) + (21.05316767957*sin(x26)) + (48.63345254591*sin(x27)) + (18.09100857528*sin(x28)) - (45.97902827701*sin(x29)) + (18.31189165581*sin(x30));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10))) + (39.25956682671*log(.000001+abs(x11))) - (36.9527398792*log(.000001+abs(x12))) + (8.601886956836*log(.000001+abs(x13))) + (7.533313498536*log(.000001+abs(x14))) - (23.03633770636*log(.000001+abs(x15))) - (41.11091670539*log(.000001+abs(x16))) + (46.07594342939*log(.000001+abs(x17))) - (4.158230358161*log(.000001+abs(x18))) + (35.61243398897*log(.000001+abs(x19))) - (0.8539648928299*log(.000001+abs(x20))) + (48.46608517312*log(.000001+abs(x21))) + (21.92818922469*log(.000001+abs(x22))) - (5.51333900824*log(.000001+abs(x23))) - (3.155879615049*log(.000001+abs(x24))) - (35.40602155255*log(.000001+abs(x25))) + (21.05316767957*log(.000001+abs(x26))) + (48.63345254591*log(.000001+abs(x27))) + (18.09100857528*log(.000001+abs(x28))) - (45.97902827701*log(.000001+abs(x29))) + (18.31189165581*log(.000001+abs(x30)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [31], Generations = [25], WFFs = [3829], Score=[0.4014102032497], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.4314788707252 0.370830565833 0.5295548213807 0.3451624716074 0.4245445237928 0.340761449759 0.5175313435104 0.355543825195 0.4290839836546 0.3105922068026 0.5218991986507 0.2968193440175 0.3490550282891 0.3814960523474 0.5104515767008 0.3109523184407 0.4313117120513 0.3443044136048 0.5668039806836 0.3841316700523 0.4243050469755 0.2765376224936 0.4831745940098 0.3117904631927 0.3918253679707 0.3144697867339 0.5380055269564 0.3682886420199 0.4266606264549 0.3358316316095 0.5132966054544 0.3381703489507 0.3950420787284 0.3018453711844 0.5056426714079 0.3817591844732 0.5050711888544 0.3116186006794 0.595857617804 0.2995290542275 0.3625880776079 0.3540208219479 0.5600797426684 0.3263173721829 0.4064148604007 0.2837620240312 0.5762523918192 0.3556091663523 0.451788531232 0.2757394616948 0.4822318699195 0.3371976627996 0.4311446784735 0.3166378852358 0.5751618248858 0.3421843929752 0.4122873281423 0.3505610125923 0.5436604420031 0.333169694755 0.3556937548836 0.2978145598364 0.5152109006675 0.373531773994 0.5205788467954 0.2776995784607 0.5650951356193 0.2981484142706 0.3725328029706 0.3886330639769 0.5371652335046 0.3227352016664 0.4439135957985 0.3608044706109 0.5749654404464 0.3726671204379 0.4620401955774 0.2769618881544 0.4964868043753 0.3258344995575 0.4823246774442 0.3060655836617 0.5618348856339 0.3494428853556 0.4092578675161 0.3755983291156 0.5527130312327 0.3250545168439 0.3867426218476 0.3073466517031 0.5290661037633 0.4080520343218 0.4810850908941 0.286278721833 0.4982343136662 0.3119917339389 0.4047181747002 0.3470698040036 0.5195644413011 0.3124605079275 0.4320490305069 0.3252519657162 0.543547718997 0.3594731592158 0.3885670042547 0.3151804709757 0.5074877194542 0.3164815746723 0.4533149220085 0.292666228445 0.5261264396323 0.352882957115 0.4249043798564 0.3468062962237 0.5183515635114 0.3241220108847 0.4081926674651 0.3053849438537 0.5614489491272 0.4023472977057 0.4717718742258 0.2991586665644 0.5141703123601 0.3145213570247 0.3744232833164 0.3457247002533 0.506433626938 0.3178178525966 0.4272790136613 0.3585490925221 0.5675081193945 0.379352349927 0.3973305955673 0.3035211656092 0.5011545699324 0.3394168868888 0.4810214730109 0.2967597603466 0.5103934066082 0.3433985615239 0.4134789017764 0.3588417387975 0.507051280275 0.3345258530082 0.4069214944099 0.3279194874627 0.5541044343287 0.3786283060802 0.4176623447525 0.2883566586139 0.4981261106465 0.309672228571 0.3735069754608 0.3137466683324 0.5706462874675 0.3177954647703 0.4291697807343 0.3439528891504 0.5929245079231 0.3943021015065 0.4050304336118 0.328563465219 0.5055439903962 0.3583973251459 0.4257309348618 0.3184227430329 0.5317569580203 0.3587046743092 0.3998586316313 0.3755735494453 0.4995475884492 0.317587458776 0.453865856167 0.3233113796393 0.5430173741853 0.4216228543847 0.422032646461 0.2766485873816 0.4915655759963 0.2778163010047 0.3653227228014 0.3266492733405 0.5145711257676 0.29680026712 0.4293098813007 0.3185692748384 0.5948029658241 0.3731014824681 0.3776213775237 0.3453259575388 0.5052523349203 0.4330747442372 0.4466365615599 0.3190427538287 0.5301682437947 0.3239009331685 0.3902836960459 0.33513329047 0.5414153331693 0.3118163622999 0.4310590395454 0.2939959842038 0.5568470185001 0.3836087091312 0.3720524499737 0.2732039002871 0.484850897882 0.2595313800206 0.3876494510467 0.3078321471122 0.5326263126294 0.3320138624043 0.4303199410314 0.3176866394394 0.5883776340682 0.3447882384584 0.3701259800116 0.3088621378253 0.5070643916968 0.3577590605366 0.4970578083207 0.3112806023384 0.578261865986 0.345726480088 0.3544236525196 0.3699619344759 0.5214777261026 0.3201776246431 0.4541731568738 0.3326795592414 0.5656231554794 0.3823393800701 0.4549581869223 0.2775062166551 0.4849322125012 0.3178523848134 0.4148305815001 0.3086796690786 0.5365461209695 0.3646331826142 0.4234514321185 0.308776379774 0.5745796292992 0.338116298431 0.4079348218563 0.2760824635071 0.5057054928388 0.3947963090068 0.4856336377755 0.2979272722732 0.5430188880362 0.3382135868254 0.3589938903 0.3540349375879 0.5110186470176 0.3211552515249 0.4463167141724 0.3106002126643 0.5743125386278 0.3534470611767 )]

Show final results on training data, Score=[0.4014102032497]
X[0], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-220272.9889479], ErrorPct=[1.201804001047]
X[6500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-5202.136617654], ErrorPct=[9.544944848504]
X[13000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-1904.040746597], ErrorPct=[24.34612353841]
X[19500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-185.5385371954], ErrorPct=[240.5834911936]
X[26000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-86.32421757094], ErrorPct=[515.942060792]
X[32500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-18.77296532424], ErrorPct=[2368.871549565]
X[39000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[36.87332396086], ErrorPct=[1204.53195962]
X[45500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[101.4782237056], ErrorPct=[437.0444283416]
X[52000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[252.811269997], ErrorPct=[174.8306522204]
X[58500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[451.5633009914], ErrorPct=[97.44017526367]
X[65000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[544.3752388899], ErrorPct=[80.65685600044]
X[71500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[634.1011087847], ErrorPct=[69.10233837539]
X[78000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[741.3660810574], ErrorPct=[58.9595417541]
X[84500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[944.6313245087], ErrorPct=[46.05748088055]
X[91000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[2966.628745906], ErrorPct=[13.98400180797]
X[97500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[6915.682377919], ErrorPct=[5.427705620802]
X[104000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[67716.05118204], ErrorPct=[0.3435534158255]
X[110500], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[139756.885234], ErrorPct=[0.68193359191]
X[117000], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[206353.6011967], ErrorPct=[0.7845835001936]
X[123500], ey=[45917.90175831], y=[287132.8061244], ErrorPct=[0.8400813115781]
Actual computed error on training data is ErrorPct=[733.1831084353] versus reported ErrorPct=[736.0152916494] while average Y is AvgY=[44467.53993857]
yHistory=[#(num| -14697.97808232 -490.3771358847 -21.55606906054 116.2166289993 435.7528068228 638.2474396991 1322.921629548 15195.26245748 137496.8512217 304680.0584888 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 51894.6907767 42034.2375117 40855.38917786 40722.03645727 44832.89505535 42161.24532025 40471.50705644 41988.51410296 43859.91543311 55854.96849413 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 51894.6907767 46964.4641442 44928.10582209 43876.58848088 44067.84979578 44867.23008138 45543.72627166 47234.46601007 49857.44196362 55854.96849413 )]
dHistory=[#(num| 799.3802856023 1667.137790777 2306.36018798 2892.97781942 3960.277717427 )]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.472430987482]
X[0], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-14517.77378233], ErrorPct=[4.061899927544]
X[25], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-7622.368238458], ErrorPct=[6.831779455099]
X[50], ey=[44455.29761921], y=[-5654.441918486], ErrorPct=[8.862013309195]
X[75], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-4750.136542517], ErrorPct=[10.35804057302]
X[100], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-4028.168825865], ErrorPct=[12.03527990356]
X[125], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-3344.333520915], ErrorPct=[14.29172769828]
X[150], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-2423.739559073], ErrorPct=[19.34024217901]
X[175], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-1776.27287899], ErrorPct=[26.02541755719]
X[200], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-1241.743366626], ErrorPct=[36.79803338352]
X[225], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-666.3796905339], ErrorPct=[67.70667057188]
X[250], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[-144.9999524571], ErrorPct=[307.5654142569]
X[275], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[400.3511060442], ErrorPct=[110.032465806]
X[300], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[821.0298006443], ErrorPct=[53.14172598528]
X[325], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[1624.025058851], ErrorPct=[26.37148066156]
X[350], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[2229.439285945], ErrorPct=[18.93863245008]
X[375], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[3171.958676678], ErrorPct=[13.01404464033]
X[400], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[4194.169328732], ErrorPct=[9.598515941575]
X[425], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[5536.621426978], ErrorPct=[7.028717707814]
X[450], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[7069.391097242], ErrorPct=[5.287948973368]
X[475], ey=[44451.97049223], y=[9050.354515307], ErrorPct=[3.911627540894]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[57.78003618958], Avg Y=[167.1804860875]
yHistory=[#(num| -8000.584457878 -4778.813377477 -3251.59536317 -1795.697077344 -676.9018915225 342.7062307246 1540.356059729 3218.72270074 5626.136995946 9447.475041127 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 733.9390631426 1172.973545901 -798.5704823483 535.9608211486 798.1202766635 -1493.752219877 -155.7082847917 493.3005453239 -255.3236731795 640.8652688918 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 733.9390631426 953.4563045218 369.4473755651 411.075736961 488.4846449015 -154.1236727266 180.7834640611 292.9473803454 192.7707978561 640.8652688918 )]
dHistory=[#(num| -642.6083176281 -230.2922728999 -76.49999521972 -760.6855066657 -93.07379425079 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [137.8567833333] minutes.


Mixed Model Regression (run parameter comparison)

We ran the self test known asmixedModels in this SelfTest log for an extended training run. This training set was 10,000 elements distributed over 20 time periods. The testing data set was 500 elements in time period 21. The mixed models regression problem had ten independent variables and was trained for two hundred generations. The average percent error on the training data was 79338%, and the selector score was 69%. On the testing data, the average percent error was 3533%, and the selector score was 00%. The training time was 424 minutes.

        ;; Begin User Defined Learning Options
        (myBestAverage 3)  	            ;; The count of best selector champions to average in creating the final myBest selector Lambda.
        (Integer:myBGMMaximum 0003)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one BGM regression.
        (Number:myCrossColPct 0.00)  	;; The probability of cross over in each column island during each generation step.
        (Number:myCrossRegPct 0.00)  	;; The probability of cross over in the best-regressor island during each generation step.
        (Number:myCrossSelPct 1.00)  	;; The probability of cross over in the best-of-breed island during each generation step.
        (Integer:myFRMMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one FRM regression.
        (Integer:myGreedyDepth 00)    	;; The depth of greedy search exploration of each chosen column island  during each generation step. 
        (Integer:myGreedyGEN  000)    	;; The number of greedy search WFFs the system will grow in the best-of-breed island  during each generation step. 
        (myGreedyWidth narrow)    	    ;; The width of each greedy search WFF the system will grow in the best-of-breed island (base, full, narrow). 
        (myGreedyRule MVL:)          	;; The rule used for greedy search WFFs grown in the best-of-breed island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (Integer:myGrowColINIT 00)   	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in each column island during the initialization step.
        (Integer:myGrowColGEN 00)    	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in each column island during each generation step. 
        (myGrowColRule REG:)         	;; The rule used for random WFFs grown in each column island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (Integer:myGrowSelINIT 5000)   	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in the best-of-breed island during the initialization step.
        (Integer:myGrowSelGEN 00)    	;; The number of random WFFs the system will grow in the best-of-breed island during each generation step. 
        (myGrowSelRule REG:)         	;; The rule used for random WFFs grown in the best-of-breed island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (myGrowWFFStyle root:)       	;; The style used for random WFFs grown in the best-of-breed island (full, or root). 
        (Integer:myMaxColWFFLen 05)  	;; The maximum length of a single WFF for each column.
        (Number:myMigratePct 0.00)   	;; The probability of Column island mutation during each generation step.
        (Number:myMutateColPct 0.00) 	;; The probability of mutation in each column island during each generation step.
        (Number:myMutateRegPct 0.00) 	;; The probability mutation in the best-regressor island during each generation step.
        (Number:myMutateSelPct 1.00) 	;; The probability mutation in the best-of-breed island during each generation step.
        (Integer:myMVLMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one MVL regression.
        (Integer:myENNMaximum 0003)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one ENN regression.
        (myRandomError .40)          	;; The amount of random error to add to each selfTest test case (0.00 thru .50).
        (myREGMultiple true)            ;; Support multiple columns when growing REG regression expressions.
        (Integer:myREGMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one REG regression.
        (Integer:myRestartGap 00010) 	;; The count of generations to allow, without measurable improvement, before initiating a new evolutionary process.
        (Integer:myRootINIT 00)  	 	;; The number of root WFFs the system will grow in each column island during the initialization step.
        (Integer:myRootGEN 00)       	;; The number of root WFFs the system will grow in each column island during each generation step. 
        (myRootRule REG:)            	;; The rule used for root WFFs grown in each column island (BGM, FRM, MVL, ENN, REG, or SVM). 
        (mySamplingON  true)   	     	;; Support initial scoring on a small sample set before scoring on the full training data set.
        (myScoreStyle sequence:)        ;; The style of scoring the sequencing of the training data (errorpct, sequence, or combined).
        (mySeedDefault 2407987.0)    	;; The default seed number used to initialize the random number genenerator at the start of each training run.
        (mySequenceFocus 005)        	;; The focus of scoring the sequencing of the training data (05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 100).
        (mySequenceStyle high:)         ;; The style of scoring the sequencing of the training data (average, low, high, or contrast).
        (Integer:mySurvivors  25)     	;; The count of surviving selector WFFs in each generation.
        (mySurvivorStyle equalOFF:)  	;; The option allowing surviving selector WFFs to have equal scores (equalON, or equalOFF).
        (mySvmKernelID cube:)       	;; The kernelID to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress: all, binary, bipolar, composite, cosine, cube, exp, linear, log, poly, quart, sigmoid, sine, square, tan, tanh).
        (Integer:mySVMMaximum 1000)     ;; The maximum number of chromosomes to allowed in any one SVM regression.
        (mySvmMaxGen 1)             	;; The maximum number of training generations to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress).
        (mySvmMaxLayers 1)             	;; The maximum number of training layers to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress).
        (mySvmModelCount 1)             ;; The maximum number of training models to use for all SVM learning (see svmRegress).
        (Integer:myTournamentSize 05)	;; The size of the myBestSelectorChampions queue which initiates a tournament-of-champions when the next evolutionary process begins.
        (myTimeON  true)  			 	;; Support separate sequence scoring of each individual time period.
        (myUseBGM false)             	;; Grow BGM selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseFRM false)             	;; Grow FRM selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseMVL false)             	;; Grow MVL selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseENN false)             	;; Grow ENN selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseREG  true)             	;; Grow REG selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myUseSVM false)             	;; Grow SVM selector candidates during the initialization step and during each generation step.
        (myVerboseSW false)		     	;; The switch controlling verbose mode during testing, maintennance, and development.
        ;; End User Defined Learning Options

***MixedModels with pop size of 5000, and 100 generations
(setq esm.myGrowSelINIT 5000)(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 100 00% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [11], Generations = [100], WFFs = [1809], Score=[0.3275879981541], ScoreHistory=[#void]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.308659408276]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[119.753714189], Avg Y=[-141.1903455357]
yHistory=[#(num| -4691.535215325 -2795.313902086 -1773.158565375 -1037.766299339 -495.2014939888 85.82106338726 732.5554099929 1478.674833022 2604.292012692 4479.728701661 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 1654.046922833 464.5885406671 -270.1604971771 -1072.570517571 -1406.065867575 -470.8927025826 -818.6333478567 -1209.652338245 80.71531320669 1636.721038942 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 1654.046922833 1059.31773175 616.1583221076 193.9761121879 -126.0322837646 -156.3484073069 -77.71233348801 169.2613379682 858.7181760746 1636.721038942 )]
dHistory=[#(num| -30.31612354238 -271.688445676 -446.8969841394 -200.5995556753 -17.32588389025 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [41.58985] minutes.

***MixedModels with pop size of 1000, and 400 generations
(setq esm.myGrowSelINIT 1000)(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 400 00% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [11], Generations = [400], WFFs = [1430], Score=[0.3125165028855], ScoreHistory=[#void]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.2938626212464]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[119.9161473847], Avg Y=[-141.1903455357]
yHistory=[#(num| -4691.535215325 -2795.313902086 -1773.158565375 -1037.766299339 -495.2014939888 85.82106338726 732.5554099929 1478.674833022 2604.292012692 4479.728701661 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 1475.360382573 787.9226397162 -295.0090995577 -1183.962480502 -1153.836654106 -470.8349219526 -1039.889389597 -1069.459058002 -362.8949387362 1900.700064807 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 1475.360382573 1131.641511145 656.0913075771 196.0778605573 -73.90504237532 -208.4756486962 -142.8858303821 156.115356023 768.9025630355 1900.700064807 )]
dHistory=[#(num| -134.5706063209 -338.9636909394 -499.9759515541 -362.738948109 425.3396822344 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [111.5481833333] minutes.

***MixedModels with pop size of 10000, and 100 generations
(setq esm.myGrowSelINIT 10000)(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 100 00% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [11], Generations = [100], WFFs = [2531], Score=[0.3213088237771], ScoreHistory=[#void]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.3185339114028]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[120.0871767379], Avg Y=[-141.1903455357]
yHistory=[#(num| -4691.535215325 -2795.313902086 -1773.158565375 -1037.766299339 -495.2014939888 85.82106338726 732.5554099929 1478.674833022 2604.292012692 4479.728701661 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 546.8936251201 -144.6559102388 -975.0962673922 -119.8486679541 -887.6513490177 -257.157985214 -672.4295914858 -211.8205766707 352.916686806 956.9465806897 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 546.8936251201 201.1188574406 -190.952850837 -173.1768051162 -316.0717138965 33.69102282503 106.4032748348 366.014230275 654.9316337478 956.9465806897 )]
dHistory=[#(num| 349.7627367216 279.580079951 556.967081112 453.8127763072 410.0529555696 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [41.78828333333] minutes.

***MixedModels with pop size of 500, and 200 generations
(setq esm.myGrowSelINIT 500)(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 200 00% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [11], Generations = [400], WFFs = [1430], Score=[0.3125165028855], ScoreHistory=[#void]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.2938626212464]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[119.9161473847], Avg Y=[-141.1903455357]
yHistory=[#(num| -4691.535215325 -2795.313902086 -1773.158565375 -1037.766299339 -495.2014939888 85.82106338726 732.5554099929 1478.674833022 2604.292012692 4479.728701661 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 1475.360382573 787.9226397162 -295.0090995577 -1183.962480502 -1153.836654106 -470.8349219526 -1039.889389597 -1069.459058002 -362.8949387362 1900.700064807 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 1475.360382573 1131.641511145 656.0913075771 196.0778605573 -73.90504237532 -208.4756486962 -142.8858303821 156.115356023 768.9025630355 1900.700064807 )]
dHistory=[#(num| -134.5706063209 -338.9636909394 -499.9759515541 -362.738948109 425.3396822344 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [115.4716166667] minutes.

***MixedModels with pop size of 500, and 400 generations
(setq esm.myBestAverage 1)(setq esm.myGrowSelINIT 5000)(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 00 00% restart:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [11], Generations = [400], WFFs = [1430], Score=[0.3117256108914], ScoreHistory=[#(num| 0.250142227357 0.1964027356312 0.5665627938412 0.3382466414492 0.209203953871 0.2335213165134 0.4858299669171 0.2766134956018 0.2538766705944 0.258936338793 0.5079217716361 0.3118152615314 0.2167300036121 0.1722409649235 0.5181139526711 0.3070378418319 0.2330286567987 0.2729992082218 0.4644234279636 0.2620678610953 )]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.3010878174698]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[39.93423195005], Avg Y=[-141.1903455357]
yHistory=[#(num| -4691.535215325 -2795.313902086 -1773.158565375 -1037.766299339 -495.2014939888 85.82106338726 732.5554099929 1478.674833022 2604.292012692 4479.728701661 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 2140.173244019 10.91508697633 -208.1379210388 -1144.480713873 -1075.121278043 -114.146936064 -825.7358207427 -1028.940512751 -633.4196222147 1466.991018376 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 2140.173244019 1075.544165497 647.6501366521 199.6174240207 -55.33031639209 -227.0503746794 -255.2762343333 -65.12303886347 416.7856980805 1466.991018376 )]
dHistory=[#(num| -171.7200582873 -454.893658354 -712.7731755155 -658.758467417 -673.182225643 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [115.4716166667] minutes.

***MixedModels with pop size of 500, and 400 generations
(setq esm.myBestAverage 5)(setq esm.myGrowSelINIT 500)(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 400 00% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [11], Generations = [400], WFFs = [1430], Score=[0.3153549290754], ScoreHistory=[#void]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.2844427938482]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[199.8234189266], Avg Y=[-141.1903455357]
yHistory=[#(num| -4691.535215325 -2795.313902086 -1773.158565375 -1037.766299339 -495.2014939888 85.82106338726 732.5554099929 1478.674833022 2604.292012692 4479.728701661 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 1407.339677461 865.5432271094 -382.8226492183 -954.7260867214 -1196.17695472 -668.6228226791 -1093.482046327 -1226.194445397 -147.5185777 1984.757222836 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 1407.339677461 1136.441452285 630.0200851174 233.8335421577 -52.1685572179 -230.2121338536 -120.6094616472 203.6813999128 918.619322568 1984.757222836 )]
dHistory=[#(num| -178.0435766357 -354.4430038049 -426.3386852046 -217.8221297173 577.4175453748 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [115.30755] minutes.

***MixedModels with pop size of 500, and 400 generations
(setq esm.myBestAverage 100)(setq esm.myGrowSelINIT 500)(esm.verboseON)(esm.selfTest mixedModels: 20 10 500 400 00% checkpoint:)

Starting test case: mixedModels
Building test data as:
if ((xtime % 4) == 0) y = - (19.5666514757*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 1) y = - (19.5666514757*x1*x1) + (21.87460482304*x2*x2) - (17.48124453288*x3*x3) + (38.81839452492*x4*x4) - (38.63656433142*x5*x5) + (13.18212824804*x6*x6) - (2.045229508597*x7*x7) + (45.1292360492*x8*x8) + (26.03603502163*x9*x9) + (21.98935009253*x10*x10);
if ((xtime % 4) == 2) y = - (19.5666514757*sin(x1)) + (21.87460482304*sin(x2)) - (17.48124453288*sin(x3)) + (38.81839452492*sin(x4)) - (38.63656433142*sin(x5)) + (13.18212824804*sin(x6)) - (2.045229508597*sin(x7)) + (45.1292360492*sin(x8)) + (26.03603502163*sin(x9)) + (21.98935009253*sin(x10));
if ((xtime % 4) == 3) y = - (19.5666514757*log(.000001+abs(x1))) + (21.87460482304*log(.000001+abs(x2))) - (17.48124453288*log(.000001+abs(x3))) + (38.81839452492*log(.000001+abs(x4))) - (38.63656433142*log(.000001+abs(x5))) + (13.18212824804*log(.000001+abs(x6))) - (2.045229508597*log(.000001+abs(x7))) + (45.1292360492*log(.000001+abs(x8))) + (26.03603502163*log(.000001+abs(x9))) + (21.98935009253*log(.000001+abs(x10)));
Additionally, we add random error as: y = (y * 0.8) + (random 0.4);
...locating the best selector and the best regressor from this training run.

Final results of training
esm: N = [500], M = [11], Generations = [400], WFFs = [1430], Score=[0.3281711314848], ScoreHistory=[#void]

Final testing on test data returns Score=[0.382084157061]
Actual computed error on testing data is ErrorPct=[719.41230309], Avg Y=[-141.1903455357]
yHistory=[#(num| -4691.535215325 -2795.313902086 -1773.158565375 -1037.766299339 -495.2014939888 85.82106338726 732.5554099929 1478.674833022 2604.292012692 4479.728701661 )]
eHistory=[#(num| 799.4650206441 374.1809965654 -420.055956874 -662.5139725485 -759.8706810837 -705.3853014574 -1139.709493466 -230.6558417 261.8158786566 1070.825895906 )]
aHistory=[#(num| 799.4650206441 586.8230086048 251.1966867785 22.76902194676 -133.7589186593 -148.6217724122 -9.430890150843 367.3286442874 666.3208872811 1070.825895906 )]
dHistory=[#(num| -14.86285375282 -32.1999120976 116.1319575089 79.49787867636 271.3608752616 )]

esm.selfTest: completed in [115.39895] minutes.