JavaScript Statements


Statements Overview

This chapter is a reference guide to the JavaScript statements. These statements contain the basic control flow operators for the javaScript language. All of the basic building blocks of JavaScript are contained in its statements.

All JavaScript statements are lexical structures, which are understood only by the javaScript parser. They are not understood by the system outside of the javaScript parser, and they are not available nor are they understood by Lisp. All JavaScript statements have meaning only at parse time.

All JavaScript special forms are structures, which are understood only by the JavaScript compiler. Unlike Function objects, the JavaScript special forms are invalid outside of compilation, at run time.

JavaScript supports user defined global symbols, allowing the user to assign any valid JavaScript object to the newly created global symbol. User defined global symbols behave just like their built-in cousins; however, JavaScript even allows the user to redefine any of the built-in JavaScript special form symbols.

The Analytic Information Server dialect of javaScript is case sensitive.

Binary Arithmetic Operators


javaScript supports the basic binary and unary arithmetic operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), protected division (#), and modulus (%).




operand1 binaryOperator operand2


Arguments Explanation
Operand1 The first operand.
binaryOperator The binary operator. Must be one of:   +, -, *, /, #, %.
Operand2 The second operand.
RETURN The result of the binary operation.

When To Use

Use the binary operator statement to perform basic arithmetic operations on two numeric values, or to concatenate two string values.


These simple examples demonstrates the effect of the various binary operators.

a = 1 + 20;             //Returns 21

b = 30 - 5;              //Returns 25

c = 2 * 2.1;             //Returns 4.2

d = 100 / 10;          //Returns 10

e = 10 % 4;           //Returns 2  (the remainder)

Notes & Hints

The binary operator statement performs basic arithmetic operations on two numeric values, or concatenates two string values.

On a divsion by zero, the protected divide operator returns the highest possible number in the system if the sign of the numerator is negative or the lowest possible number in the system if the sign of the numerator is positive.

Unary Arithmetic Operators


javaScript supports the basic unary arithmetic operations: increment (++), decrement (--), and negation (-).
Syntax: unaryOperator operand1




unaryOperator operand1

operand1 incrementOperator

operand1 decrementOperator


Arguments Explanation
unaryOperator The unary operator. Must be one of:   ++, --, -.
Operand1 The first operand.
RETURN The result of the unary operation.

When To Use

Use the unary operator statement to perform basic arithmetic operations on a single numeric value.


These simple examples demonstrates the effect of the various unary operators.

var a = 100;

var b  = 100;

var c = 10;

var d = 10;

++a;     //Returns 101

--b;      //Returns 99

c++;    //Returns 11

d--;     //Returns 9

-a;      //Returns -101

Notes & Hints

The unary operator statement performs basic arithmetic operations on a single numeric value.

Assigment Operators


javaScript assigns a value to a variable with the = (equal) operator. Another class of assignment operators perform math operations on the variable and saves the result in the same variable. They are +=, -=, *=, /=and %=. The += operator is shorthand for a=a + exp.




variable assignmentOperator expression


Arguments Explanation
variable The variable to be assigned a new value.
assignmentOperator The assignment Operator. Must be one of:  =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.
expression If the assignmentOperator is (=), the expression may return any value. If the assignmentOperator is (+=, -=, *=, /=, or %=), then the expression must return a numeric value.
RETURN If the assignmentOperator is (=), the variable is set to the value of expression. If the assignmentOperator is (+=, -=, *=, /=, or %=), then the arithmetic operation is performed on the original variable and the expression.

When To Use

Use the assignment operator statement to assign a new value to a javaScript variable.


This simple example demonstrates the effect of the simple assignment operator.

a = 3.14;         //Returns 3.14


This examples demonstrate the effects of the arithmetic assignment operators.

var a = 100;

var b  = 100;

var c = 10;

var d = 10;

a += 10;      //Returns 110

b -= 10;      //Returns 90

c *= 10;     //Returns 100

Notes & Hints

The assignment operator statement assigns a new value to a javaScript variable.



The child function declaration creates a new Lambda object and assigns it to the specified persistent variable name childName of the parent Lambda parent. The child function declaration always returns the newly created object identifier of the new Lambda. The child Lambda is invoked using the parent.childName() syntax form.




child parent childName ([type] arg..) { cvardec pvardec vardec exp }


Arguments Explanation

Mandatory keyword.


Name of the parent class


The name of the child Lambda (function)

([type] arg...)

A list of type hints (optional) and arguments separated by commas. If there are no arguments the parenthesis are still required. Note: The optional type hints can be one of the following: char, bool, int, float, or obj


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a persistent class variable declaration. See cvar.


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a persistent variable declaration. See pvar.


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a local variable declaration. See var.


The javaScript statements that form the Lambda

RETURN An Lambda object.

When To Use

Use the child statement to create a new javaScript Lambda with a child relationship to a parent Lambda.


This simple example demonstrates the effect of the simple assignment operator.

function  foo(x)  {
                       pvar y;
                       y = x
                       return (y);
                       child foo sum (x)  {
                       var temp ;
                       temp = x +  y;
                       return ( temp );

We can invoke the parent and the child Lambda as follows:

foo(10);                          //Returns 10
                      foo.sum(3);                       //Returns 13
                      compareEQ(foo.Cv, foo.sum.Cv);    //Returns true
                      compareEQ(foo.Pv, foo.sum.Pv);    //Returns true

Notes & Hints

The child statement creates a new javaScript Lambda with a child relationship to a parent Lambda. A Child Lambda inherits pvar and cvar structures from its parent Lambda.



The class statement declares a class and names all of its members. The class statement can also use to sub-class, i.e., create a class that inherits from another class and extend it.




class className {member1 ; member2 ... }

class className extends parentClass {member1 ; member2 ... }


Arguments Explanation

Mandatory Keyword


The name of this class


Optional Keyword. If present, it must be followed by an existing parent class.

{member1; member2; ...}

The names of the class members, where each name is separated by a semicolon

RETURN An class name.

When To Use

Use the class statement to create a new class or to extend and existing class through in heritance.


This simple example demonstrates the effect of the simple assignment operator.

class employee {Name; Address; Salary }
                      emp = new ('employee' , 'Name' ,"Tom Jones" , 'Address',  "200 Main Street, Small Town,  USA" )


This simple example demonstrates the effect of the simple assignment operator.

class employee {Name; Address; Salary }
                      class manager extends 'employee' {Perks }
                      emp = new ('employee' , 'Name' ,"Tom Jones" , 'Address',  "200 Main Street, Small Town,  USA" )
                      mgr = new('manager', 'Name', "John Smith", 'Perks', "Special Parking Space")

Notes & Hints

The class statement creates a new class or to extend and existing class through in heritance.

Comparison Operators

The comparison operators are ==(equal) , !=(not equal) ,< (less than) , <=(less than or equal) , > (greater than), >=(greater than or equal) . The resulting value is a Boolean value of true if the relational operator results in a true comparison otherwise the resulting value is false. javaScript performs type checking and type conversions, therefore the operands need not be the same type.
Syntax: (obj1 operator obj2)


First object to be compared


Must be ==(equal), !=(not equal) ,< (less than) , <=(less than or equal) , > (greater than), >=(greater than or equal) .


Second object to be compared


Returns true if the comparison is true, false if the comparison is false


var a = true; //Returns True
                 (a == true ); //Returns  True  
                 ( 2 < 3)    ; //Returns  True
                 ( 2 > 3)    ; //Returns  False

Conditional Expression

A conditional expression is a shorthand version of the if-else statement. Besides having a shorter syntax, conditional expression always return a value, unlike the if statement.
Syntax: condition ? val1 : val2


A Boolean expression


Mandatory operator


The value to be returned if condition is true.


Mandatory operator


The value to be returned if condition is false.


If the condition is true, val1 is returned, otherwise val2 is returned


a = 1;
                 X = (a >= 1) ? 1 : -1  ); // X will be set to 1


The cvar statement declares a persistent class variable within an Lambda. This means that the persistent class variable will have a scope for the life of the Lambda object. The class variable is created and initialized when the Lambda is instantiated and re-initialized each time the Lambda is invoked. Although javaScript is a dynamically typed language, the cvar allows the programmer to optionally provide hints to the compiler by specifying a type for variable declarations. The supported types are: char, bool, int, float, and obj. Specifying a type of obj is equivalent to specifying no type information.
Syntax: cvar varName
Syntax: cvar varName=init
Syntax: cvar type varName
Syntax: cvar type varName=init


Mandatory keyword

type obj char bool int float obj text string symbol bitvec fltvec pcdvec stc dir dic matrix nummat vec bitvec numvec intvec objvec

The name of the persistent class variable


Optional argument. If present, the compiler will assign the cvarName to the value in init.

Note: If type hints are supplied, the programmer must assure that no other types are saved in the variable. Note: Multiple variable declarations may be separated by commas as in: cvar x, int y, z;.

When To Use

Unlike a temporary variable (var) that is declared inside a function and which is only "alive" while the function is currently active, a cvar (persistent variable) is accessible, as long the Lambda object instance is active. The contents of the entire cvar structure is in LambdaName.Cv, where LambdaName is the name of the instance of the Lambda. The contents of a single cvar variable is LambdaName.Cv.memberName;

A persistent class variable (cvar) is analogous to a static variable in a C or C++ programming environment. It is created and initialized when the Lambda is instantiated and it is persistent, meaning the memory is not released as long as the Lambda is in memory. However, the cvar differs from the pvar in that it is always re-initialized on entry to the Lambda that encapsulates it.


function squareIt(x)  {
            cvar float xx;
            var y;
            xx = x * x;
            y = xx;
            return (xx);
            var result, int;
            result = squareIt(10);
            writeln(result); //displays "100"
            writeln(squareIt.Cv.xx); //displays "100"        
            writeln(squareIt.y); //error !Cannot find name: y in the PV structure of Lambda squareIt!


function foo  (x)  {
                 cvar z;
                 z = x;
                 var z;
                 result = foo(7);
                 display(result);  //displays "7"
                 display(z);  //displays #void  (accesses the contents of the global variable)
                 display(foo.Cv.z);  //displays "7"

Notes and Hints

The scope of variables in nested Lambdas depends upon the following compilation rules: Nested Lambdas do not share either their arguments or their temporary variables. The argument and the temporary variables are always limited in scope to the immediate Lambda object. A nested Lambda shares the persistent variables (pvar) and the persistent class variables (cvar) of its parents. When a variable reference is encountered, the javaScript compiler first searches the local Lambda's temporary variables (var), then the persistent variable structure (pvar), then the persistent class structure (cvar), and finally the global variables.

Also note: Any variable that is used without explicit declaration is automatically declared as a global variable. (This is true even if it is used inside a function definition).


The for statement repeats a set of javaScript statements until the specified condition is false.
Syntax: for ( initexp; cond; increxp ) { exp ... }


Mandatory keyword


Initializer expression. Usually resets an index to be used to determine loop control


An expression that returns a Boolean value. Usually tests the loop index to see if has reached a max number.


Increment expression. Usually increments (or decrements) the loop index.


A set of javaScript statements


var int a;
                 for (a = 1; a < 10; ++a ) { display(" ", a)}

This will display the following line in the console screen:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  


The friend statement creates a new Lambda object and assigns it to the specified persistent variable name friendName of the parent Lambda parent. The friend function declaration always returns the newly created Lambda object. The new friend Lambda is invoked by using the parent.friendName () syntax.
Syntax: friend parent friendName ([type] arg..) { cvardec pvardec vardec exp }


Mandatory keyword.


Name of the parent class


The name of the friend Lambda (function)

([type] arg...)

A list of type hints (optional) and arguments separated by commas. If there are no arguments the parenthesis are still required. Note: The optional type hints can be one of the following: char, bool, int, float, or obj


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a persistent class variable declaration. See cvar.


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a persistent variable declaration. See pvar.


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a local variable declaration. See var.


The javaScript statements that form the Lambda


Lambda object identifier


function foo(x) {
pvar y=5, d;
return (d);

friend foo sum (x) {
pvar d=20 ;
var temp ;
temp=x + d + y;
return ( temp );

We can invoke the parent and friend Lambdas as follows:

foo(10); //Returns 10
                    foo.sum(3); //Returns 28
                 compareEQ(foo.Pv,  foo.sum.Cv); //Returns true
                 compareEQ(foo.Pv,  foo.sum.Pv); //Returns false

Notes and Hints

A friend Lambda has a different pvar structure than its parent Lambda, but the cvar structure of a friend Lambda is the pvar structure of its parent Lambda.


A javaScript function compiles into a first class Lambda object. It has the same footprint and is treated like any Lambda Object created by any compiler in the LambdaClient development environment.
Syntax: function name ([type] arg..) { cvardec pvardec vardec exp }
Syntax: function ([type] arg..) { cvardec pvardec vardec exp }


Mandatory keyword.


(Optional) The name of the Lambda (function)

([type] arg...)

A list of type hints (optional) and arguments separated by commas. If there are no arguments the parenthesis are still required. Note: The optional type hints can be one of the following: char, bool, int, float, or obj


Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a persistent variable declaration. See cvar.


Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a persistent variable declaration. See pvar.


Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a local variable declaration. See var.


The javaScript statements that form the Lambda


Lambda object identifier

Note: A function with no name will generate an unnamed function.

When To Use

The function statement defines the name of an Lambda, its arguments, and the statements that comprise the Lambda.


function foo (x) {
                 writeln( "The value of x is " , x);

To invoke:



function sayHello  ( ) {
                 writeln( "Hello World");

To invoke:


Function Invocation

javaScript functions may be called by name or by Object Identifier. The function to be invoked must always have a set of parenthesis following the function name. If the function requires arguments, the arguments are passed as a comma separated list inside the parenthesis.
Syntax: name ()
Syntax: name (arg ...)
Syntax: Lambda.child ()
Syntax: Lambda.friend ( arg ...)
Syntax: class.method ()
Syntax: class.method ( arg ...)


The name of the function to be invoked.


Alternate form of function name. Must be a method of a specified class


A list of arguments separated by commas. If there are no arguments the parenthesis are still required.


Lambda object identifier


foo (x) {
                     display( "The value of x is " , x);

To invoke:

foo (1998);


function  foo(x) {
                     pvar y;
                     y = x;
                     return (y);
                       child foo sum (x) {
                    var temp;
                    temp = x +  y;
                    return ( temp );

We can invoke the parent and the child Lambda as follows:

foo(10);  //Returns 10
                     foo.sum(3);  //Returns 13


The if statement selects one of two expressions to evaluate based upon the value of a {test} expression. If the {cond} evaluates to True, then the expressions in the {thenClause} is evaluated.

If the else keyword is present and the {test} evaluates to false, then the expressions in the {elseClause} is evaluated.

The {test} and {thenClause} expressions are mandatory. The {else} expression is optional. The braces {} are also mandatory.

The {elseClause} may also be an if statement therefore creating a limitless number of conditions and conditional paths.
Syntax: if (test) { trueClause... }
Syntax: if (test) { trueClause... } else { elseClause... }
Syntax: if (test) { trueClause... } else if (test2) { exp ... }


An expression that returns a Boolean value. Must be enclosed in parenthesis.


The expression to be executed if the cond clause returned True


Optional Keyword


Optional expression. If the else keyword is present the elseClause must be present. The expression to be executed if the cond clause returned False

else if

If present, must be a valid if statement.


Returns the value of the expression evaluated. If no else clause is specified, the returned value is the result of the condition expression.

When To Use

The if statement is used whenever it is necessary to perform actions based on a condition


if ( j < 10 ) { k = 100;} else { k = -100;} //sets k to 100


    j = 2;
                      if ( j < 10 )  { k = 100;} 
                    else if ( j == 0)  {k = 10;}
                    else if ( j == 1 ) {k = 100;} 
                    else if ( j == 2 ) {k = 1000;} //sets k to 1000

Logical Operators

The logical operators are && (and) , || (or) , and ! (not) . The resulting value from a logical operation is a Boolean value. The && operator returns true if both operands are true, the || operator returns true if one or both operands are true, and the ! operator returns true if the operand is false, otherwise the ! operator returns false. javaScript performs type checking and type conversions, therefore if the operands are not Boolean, the operands are converted to Boolean.
Syntax: (obj1 && obj2 )
Syntax: (obj1 || obj2 )


First object to be compared


Must be && (and) , || (or)


Second object to be compared


The && operator returns true if both operands are true, otherwise it returns false. The || operator returns true if one or both operands are true otherwise it returns false.

Syntax: (!obj1)


Logical not operator


Object to be negated


Returns true if the operand is false, otherwise the ! operator returns false.


    var a = true, k;
                        if ( 2 < 3) && (a == true) {k = 1;} else {k = 2;} // sets k to 1   
                        if ( 2 > 3) || (a == true) {k = 1;} else {k = 2;} // sets k to 1   
                        if ( 2 > 3) && (!a) {k = 1;} else {k = 2;}// sets k to 2


The method statement defines a method to javaScript class.
Syntax: method className methodName([type] arg...) { expr }


Mandatory keyword


Name of the parent class of the method


Name of this method.

([type] arg...)

A list of type hints (optional) and arguments separated by commas. If there are no arguments the parenthesis are still required. Note: The optional type hints can be one of the following: char, bool, int, float, or obj


A set of javaScript statements


    class employee {Name; Address; Salary }
                    method employee updateSalary( this, newSalary) {
                    this.Salary = newSalary;
                    emp = new ('employee', 'Name', "Tom Jones",  'Address',  "200 Main Street, Small Town,  USA" )
                    writeln (emp.Name, "'s new salary is ", emp.Salary);
Note: In a method declaration the receiving object (this) is declared, but is not passed in the function invocation.
emp.updateSalary(45000); // This is correct
                emp.updateSalary(emp,45000); // This is incorrect


The new function creates an instance of an object. The Lambda Information Server definition of an object is very specific. It is a memory resident container to store data, which is of variable length or is too large to fit in small fixed containers. The Analytic Information Server object Heap manager supports automated object resizing, garbage collection, and anti-fragmentation algorithms so that the user may concentrate on the analysis and modeling of data rather than on memory management.

The javaScript compiler supports all of the Analytic Information Server objects. Each object is covered in detail in its own chapter in the Lambda Information Server Programmer's Guide.

    Syntax: new ('objectType' )
                    Syntax: new ('String' , value)
                    Syntax: new ('Symbol' , value)
                    Syntax: new  ('Vector' , vecSubType,  size)
                    Syntax: new  ('Vector',  vecSubType,  size,  value)
                    Syntax: new  ('Structure',  key,  value)
                    Syntax: new  ('Structure',  key,  value ... . cdr )
                    Syntax: new  ('Dictionary',  key,  value)
                    Syntax: new  ('Directory',  key,  value)
                    Syntax: new  ('ObjectRepository',  filename,  'key',  code, 'buffer', count)

Mandatory keyword


Must be 'String', 'Symbol', 'Vector', 'Structure' , 'Dictionary', 'Directory', 'ObjectRepository'


Optional Argument. If present, must be a constant of type objectType.


Optional argument, but if present must only be used with objectType, Vector. Valid vecSubtypes are









If omitted, the default is normal vector.


Optional argument, but if present must only be used with objectType, Vector. It must be an integer representing the number of items the Vector will store.

key, value

Optional arguments to Structure, Dictionary, and Directory, but must appear in pairs. There may be an arbitrary number of key, value pairs.

. cdr

Optional Argument to Structure only. If present, it must be a constant that will be assigned to the cdr (tail) of a structure.


If objectType is ObjectRepository, filename is a mandatory field which names the database archive file to be associated with the ObjectRepository. If no such file exists, a new database archive file will be created.


If objectType is ObjectRepository, 'clear' is an optional keyword. If present, the database archive file will be cleared immediately before any further processing. If no such file exists, a new database archive file will be created.

'key', code

If objectType is ObjectRepository, 'key' is an optional keyword. If present and it must followed by a number. See ObjectRepository in the Programmer's Guide for more detail.


If objectType is ObjectRepository, 'buffer' is an optional keyword. If the key word 'buffer' is present, the numeric buffered object count must follow. See ObjectRepository in the Programmer's Guide for more detail.


The new function will return an object identifier for the type specified in objectType .


javaScript Syntax Lisp Syntax
new ('String', "John") (new String: "John")
new ('Symbol' , "Donald") (new Symbol: "Donald")
new ('Vector', 3, 11, 12, 99) (new Vector: 3 11 12 99)
new ('Vector' , 'bit', 5, 1 ) (new Vector: bit: 5 1)
new ('Structure', 'X', 22, 'Y', 34, ' .', 3) (new Structure: X: 22 Y: 34 . 3)
new ('Dictionary' , 'Name', "John Doe", 'Age', 30) (new Dictionary: Name: "John Doe" Age: 30)
new ('Directory' , 1, "New Year's Day", 2, "Valentine's Day" ) (new Directory: 1 "New Year's Day" 2 "Valentine's Day" )
new ( 'ObjectRepository', "myarchive.odb") (new ObjectRepository: "myarchive.odb")


The orphan statement creates a new Lambda object and assigns it to the specified persistent variable name orphanName of the parent Lambda parent. The orphan function declaration always returns the newly created Lambda object. The new orphan Lambda is invoked by using the parent.orphanName () syntax form.
Syntax: orphan parent orphanName ([type] arg..) { cvardec pvardec vardec exp }


Mandatory keyword.


Name of the parent class


The name of the orphan Lambda (function)

([type] arg...)

A list of type hints (optional) and arguments separated by commas. If there are no arguments the parenthesis are still required. Note: The optional type hints can be one of the following: char, bool, int, float, or obj


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a persistent class variable declaration. See cvar.


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a persistent variable declaration. See pvar.


Optional declaration. If present, must be followed by a local variable declaration. See var.


The javaScript statements that form the Lambda


Lambda object identifier


       function  foo(x) {
                        pvar y = 5; pvar d =30;
                        var temp ;
                        temp = x + d + y;
                        return ( temp );
                    orphan foo  sum (x) {
                       pvar d = 20 ; 
                      cvar e = 100 ; 
                       var temp ;
                       temp = x + d + y;
                      return ( temp );

We can invoke the parent and orphan Lambdas as follows:

     y = 10; //declare a global variable
                     foo(10); //Returns 45
                    foo.sum(10); //Returns 40 (uses the value of global  y)
                    compareEQ(foo.Cv,  foo.sum.Cv); //Returns false
                    compareEQ(foo.Pv,  foo.sum.Pv); //Returns false

Notes and Hints

An orphan Lambda is a member of its parent's pvar structure. Therefore, the parent knows about the orphan. However, the orphan Lambda has a different pvar structure than its parent Lambda, and a different cvar structure than its parent Lambda. Therefore, an orphan Lambda knows nothing of its parent Lambda.


The pvar statement declares a persistent variable within an Lambda. This means that the persistent class variable will have a scope for the life of the Lambda object. The persistent variable is created and initialized when the Lambda is instantiated and not re-initialized each time the Lambda is invoked. Although javaScript is a dynamically typed language, the pvar allows the programmer to optionally provide hints to the compiler by specifying a type for variable declarations. The supported types are: char, bool, int, float, and obj. Specifying a type of obj is equivalent to specifying no type information.

Note: If type hints are supplied, the programmer must assure that no other types are saved in the variable.
    Syntax: pvar varName 
                    Syntax: pvar varName = init
                    Syntax: pvar type varName 
                    Syntax: pvar type varName = init

Mandatory keyword

type obj char bool int float obj text string symbol bitvec fltvec pcdvec stc dir dic matrix nummat vec bitvec numvec intvec objvec

The name of the persistent variable


Optional argument. If present, the compiler will assign the pvarName to the value in init.

When To Use

Unlike a var statement that is declared inside a function, the variables are only "alive" while the function is currently active. A pvar (persistent variable) is accessible, as long the Lambda object instance is active. The contents of the pvar structure is in LambdaName.Pv, where LambdaName is the name of the instance of the Lambda.

A persistent variable (pvar) is analogous to a static variable in a C or C++ programming environment. . It created and initialized when the Lambda is instantiated.

Unlike temporary variables (var), which are always allocated and initialized upon entry to a function and released upon exit, a pvar is initialized once and the memory allocated is fixed until the application ends.


    function squareIt  (x)  {
                    pvar xx;
                    var y;
                       xx = x * x;
                    y = xx;
                    return (xx);
                    var result;
                    result = squareIt (10);
                    writeln(result);  //displays "100"
                    writeln(squareIt.xx);  //displays "100"
                    writeln(squareIt.y); //error !Cannot find name: y in the PV structure of Lambda squareIt!

Notes and Hints

The scope of variables in nested Lambdas depends upon the following compilation rules: Nested Lambdas do not share either their arguments or their temporary variables. The argument and the temporary variables are always limited in scope to the immediate Lambda object. A nested Lambda shares the persistent variables (pvar) and the persistent class variables (cvar) of its parents. When a variable reference is encountered, the javaScript compiler first searches the local Lambda's temporary variables (var), then the persistent variable structure (pvar), then the persistent class structure (cvar), and finally the global variables.

Also note: Any variable that is used without explicit declaration is automatically declared as a global variable. (This is true even if it is used inside a function definition).


The reg statement declares a register variable inside a javaScript program. If a reg statement appears outside a function definition, the variable declaration generates an error message.

The reg statement declares a register variable within an Lambda. This means that the register variable will have a scope for this invocation of the Lambda object. The register variable is created and initialized each time the Lambda is invoked. Although javaScript is a dynamically typed language, the reg allows the programmer to optionally provide hints to the compiler by specifying a type for register declarations. The supported types are: int and float. Specifying a type of int is equivalent to specifying no type information.

Note: If type hints are supplied, the programmer must assure that no other types are saved in the variable.
Syntax: reg varName
Syntax: reg varName=init|
Syntax: reg type varName
Syntax: reg type varName=init

Mandatory keyword

type int float

The name of the register variable


Optional argument. If present, the compiler will assign the varName to the value in init.

When To Use

It is necessary to explicitly declare register variables inside a function using the reg statement. The register variable structure, LambdaName.Rv, (where LambdaName is the name of the instance of the Lambda) is accessible.

Register variables are always allocated and initialized upon entry to a function and released upon exit.


    function zoo  (x)  {
                        reg int m;
                        m = x;
                        return (m);
                        var m = 99;
                        result = zoo(7); //displays "7"  (accesses the contents of the local variable)
                        writeln(m);  //displays "99"  (accesses the contents of the global variable)
                        writeln(zoo.m); //error--!Cannot find name: m in the PV structure of Lambda zoo!

Statement Blocks

An arbitrary number of javaScript statements may be grouped logically by embedding the statements in braces { exp ...}. A statement block such as this may be placed in any position where a single statement is required. Multiple statements in javaScript may be written on a single line as long as a semicolon terminates each statement.
Syntax: {exp ...}

exp ...

Any number of expressions to be evaluated

When To Use

A statement block may be placed in any position where a single statement is required.


    j = 1;

                if ( j < 10 ) { k = 100; writeln(k);} else { k = -100; writeln(k);} 


The var statement declares a temporary variable inside a javaScript program. The location of the var statement determines the scope the variable. If a var statement appears inside a function definition, the variable is considered local to that function only. If a var statement appears outside a function definition, the variable has global scope.

The var statement declares a temporary variable within an Lambda. This means that the temporary variable will have a scope for this invocation of the Lambda object. The temporary variable is created and initialized each time the Lambda is invoked. Although javaScript is a dynamically typed language, the var allows the programmer to optionally provide hints to the compiler by specifying a type for variable declarations. The supported types are: char, bool, int, float, and obj. Specifying a type of obj is equivalent to specifying no type information.

Note: If type hints are supplied, the programmer must assure that no other types are saved in the variable.
Syntax: var varName
Syntax: var varName=init|
Syntax: var type varName
Syntax: var type varName=init

Mandatory keyword

type obj char bool int float obj text string symbol bitvec fltvec pcdvec stc dir dic matrix nummat vec bitvec numvec intvec objvec

The name of the temporary variable


Optional argument. If present, the compiler will assign the varName to the value in init.

When To Use

Since global variables are automatically declared in the LambdaClient environment, it is unnecessary declare global variables. However, it is necessary to explicitly declare temporary variables inside a function using the var statement. The temporary variable structure, LambdaName.Tv, (where LambdaName is the name of the instance of the Lambda) is accessible, as long the Lambda object instance is active.

Temporary variables are always allocated and initialized upon entry to a function and released upon exit.


    function zoo  (x)  {

                var m;

                m = x;


                return (m);


                var m = 99;

                result = zoo(7); //displays "7"  (accesses the contents of the local variable)

                writeln(m);  //displays "99"  (accesses the contents of the global variable)

                writeln(zoo.m); //error--!Cannot find name: m in the PV structure of Lambda zoo!

Notes and Hints

The scope of variables in nested Lambdas depends upon the following compilation rules: Nested Lambdas do not share either their arguments or their temporary variables. The argument and the temporary variables are always limited in scope to the immediate Lambda object. A nested Lambda shares the persistent variables (pvar) and the persistent class variables (cvar) of its parents. When a variable reference is encountered, the javaScript compiler first searches the local Lambda's temporary variables (var), then the persistent variable structure (pvar), then the persistent class structure (cvar), and finally the global variables.

Also note: Any variable that is used without explicit declaration is automatically declared as a global variable. (This is true even if it is used inside a function definition).


The while statement repeats a set of javaScript statements until its condition is false.
Syntax: while (test) { expr }


Mandatory keyword


An expression that returns a Boolean value


A set of javaScript statements


    var int a = 1;

                while (a < 10)   { display (" ", a)  ++a }        

This will display the following line in the console screen:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  


The return statement exits the current function passes a single value to the caller.
Syntax: return ( value )


Any expression that returns a value. May be embedded in parenthesis


Immediately evaluates the expression, returns the value, and resume execution of the caller function

When To Use

The return statement is used to leave the current function and return to the caller with a return value.


    function foo  (x)  {

                var m;

                m = x * 2;

                return (m); // the value of m is returned to the caller


                result = foo(7); //result will receive the value of 14