The RAD mainWindow class is the principal tool for AIS Lisp to surface a graphic user interface (GUI). Opening and showing the mainWindow object causes the AIS Lisp .exe to move from the Background Processes list to the Apps list in the Windows Task Manager. The mainWindow is one of the key words accepted by the qt function. There can be only one mainWindow object.
Instantiating and showing the mainWindow object paints a GUI background containing
The Title Bar appears along the top of the application main window GUI and contains the .exe icon followed by whatever contents are specified by the AIS Lisp programmer.
The Horizontal Menu Bar appears along the top of the application main window GUI just below the Title Bar. It contains the drop down menus specified by the AIS Lisp programmer.
The Horizontal Tab Bar appears along the top of the application main window GUI just below the Horizontal Menu Bar. It contains the tab panes specified by the AIS Lisp programmer.
The mainWindow aboutQt function displays the contents of the special QT about message box. The mainWindow object must be showing for the aboutQt message box to work properly. The aboutQt function returns control when the GUI user presses the OK button on the message box. The contents of the message box are provided by QT and contain general information about the current release of QT. To display the current properties of the main window, use the maximize function.
(qt mainWindow: aboutQt:)
Returns | Always returns 0. |
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Message Box Demo."))
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window.
(qt mainWindow: aboutQt:) ;; Display the standard QT message box
The mainWindow addTab function adds a tab to the right on the horizontal tab bar of the main window. The tab must have a title, a GUI object descendant of RadWidget as its contents, and a tab manger Lambda to handle tab events properly. The aboutQt function returns control when the GUI user presses the OK button on the message box. The contents of the new tab are provided by radWidgetPtr argument, which muist be the returned value from a previous (qt new: RadWidget: ...) function call. The tabManager Lambda must provide the proper management of tab events.
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radWidgetPtr title tabManager))
radWidgetPtr | A pointer to ANY QT GUI object with RadWidget as an ancestor. |
title | The text title to appear on the tab. |
tabManager | The Lambda tab manger function which must provide the proper behavior for tab events. |
tabIndex | Always returns the index of the tab on the main window horizontal tab bar. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow addMenu function adds a manu to the right on the horizontal menu bar of the main window. The menu must have a title which is displayed on the main window horizontal menu bar. The returned main menu object pointer can be used to add vertical menu items beneath the main menu on the horizontal menu bar.
(setq radMainMenuPtr (qt mainWindow: addMenu: title))
title | The text title to appear on the menu. |
radMainMenuPtr | Always returns a pointer to the menu object on the main window horizontal menu bar. |
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Menu Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radMainMenuPtr (qt mainWindow: addMenu: "Help")) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal menu bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow count function returns the number of tabs on the horizontal tab bar of the main window.
(setq tabCount (qt mainWindow: count:))
tabCount | Always returns the count of tabs on the main window horizontal tab bar. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(setq tabCount (qt mainWindow: count:)) ;; Return the count of tabs
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: (string tabCount)) ;; Display the main window
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow getAis function returns and sets the global _ais Structure. The global _ais Structure contains important information about the current .exe context including the following elements.
(setq _ais (qt mainWindow: getAis:))
_ais | Always returns and sets the global _ais Structure. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: getAis:) ;; Set the global _ais Structure
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: (string _ais true)) ;; Display the _ais Structure contents in the main window
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow getClipboardText function returns the text currently stored in the main window clipboard.
(setq text (qt mainWindow: getClipboardText:))
text | Always returns the text currently stored in the main window clipboard. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(setq text (qt mainWindow: getClipboardText:)) ;; Set the clipboard text
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: text) ;; Display the clipboard contents in the main window
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow getCurrentIndex function returns the index of the currently selected tab in the main window horizontal tab bar.
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: getCurrentIndex:))
tabIndex | Always returns the the index of the currently selected tab in the main window horizontal tab bar. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: getCurrentIndex:)) ;; Set the index of the currently selected tab
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: (string tabIndex true)) ;; Display the index of the currently selected tab
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow insertTab function inserts a new tab on the main window horizontal tab bar at the specified tab index.
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: tabIndex radWidgetPtr title tabManager))
tabIndex | Always returns the the index of the newly inserted tab in the main window horizontal tab bar. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: (string tabIndex true)) ;; Display the index of the newly inserteded tab
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow maximize function displays the main window in its full screen format.
(qt mainWindow: maximize:))
(qt mainWindow: maximize: title))
title | (Optional) title to be set into the title bar of the main window. |
Returns | Always returns void. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: (string tabIndex true)) ;; Display the index of the newly inserteded tab
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow minimize function displays the main window in its minimal format for the host operating system.
(qt mainWindow: minimize:))
(qt mainWindow: minimize: title))
title | (Optional) title to be set into the title bar of the main window. |
Returns | Always returns void. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: (string tabIndex true)) ;; Display the index of the newly inserteded tab
(qt mainWindow: minimize:) ;; Display the main window in its most minimal format for the host operating system
The mainWindow removeTab function removes the specified tab fromthe main window horizontal tab bar.
(qt mainWindow: removeTab: tabIndex)
tabIndex | The index of the tab to be removed from the main window horizontal tab bar. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: (string tabIndex true)) ;; Display the index of the newly inserteded tab
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(sleep 5000.0) ;; Wait for 5 seconds
(qt mainWindow: removeTab:) ;; Remove the edit tab from the main window
The mainWindow setCurrentIndex function sets the main window horizontal tab bar to focus on specified tab.
(qt mainWindow: setCurrentIndex: tabIndex)
tabIndex | The index of the tab to become the focused tab on the main window horizontal tab bar. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtrE (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtrE "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt radTextEditPtrE setText: "Edit Tab Focused") ;; Display on the newly inserteded tab
(setq radTextEditPtrH (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 1 radTextEditPtrH "Help" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt radTextEditPtrH setText: "Help Tab Focused") ;; Display on the newly inserteded tab
(qt mainWindow: setCurrentIndex: 0) ;; Focus on the edit tab in the main window
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(sleep 5000.0) ;; Wait for 5 seconds
(qt mainWindow: setCurrentIndex: 1) ;; Focus on the edit tab in the main window
The mainWindow setClipboardText function sets the main window clipboard text to the specified value.
(qt mainWindow: setClipboardText: theText)
theText | The text value to be set in the main window clipboard. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: setClipboardText: "I set this text in the clipboard") ;; Set text into the main window clipboard
(setq theText (qt mainWindow: getClipboardText:)) ;; Get the contents of the main window clipboard
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: theText) ;; Display on the newly inserteded tab
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The mainWindow setTitle function sets the contents of the main window title bar (but does not display the title bar). The AIS Lisp programmer has full control over the contents of the .exe title bar. To display the title bar and all other current properties of the main window, use the maximize function.
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: textData)
textData | The text data to appear in the title bar. |
Returns | Always returns void. |
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My Application with [" (inspect) "] bytes of free heap memory."))
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window.
The mainWindow showMsgBox function displays a standard message box and returns the button pressed. Several styles of standard message box may be shown. The standard message box may contain one or more buttons. If more than one button is displayed, the button pressed will be returned.
(setq index (qt mainWindow: showMsgBox: style title message buttons))
style | The style of standard message box to display. The style options are - (information question warning critical) |
title | The text title of the standard message box. |
message | The message to be displayed in the standard message box. May be RichText with basic HTML tags, etc. |
buttons | The buttons to be displayed in the standard message box. The button options are - Ok: Yes: No: YesNo: YesNo displays two buttons and returns which button the user pressed (0=No, 1=Yes) |
index | Always returns the button pressed. |
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My Application with [" (inspect) "] bytes of free heap memory."))
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window.
(setq index (qt mainWindow: showMsgBox: critical: "Warning" "Alien attack! Do you wish to resist?" YesNo:)) ;; Display a standard message box.
The mainWindow showOpenFileDialog function displays a standard Open File dialog box and returns the file and path name selected.
(setq pathFileName (qt mainWindow: showOpenFileDialog: title pathName wildCards))
title | The text title of the standard open file dialog box. |
pathName | The path name to be used for browsing. |
wildCards | The wild cards to be used to limit browing choices. |
pathFileName | Always returns the path and file name selected. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(setq pathFileName (qt mainWindow: showOpenFileDialog: "Select a file" "" "*.sl")) ;; Display a standard open file dialog box.
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: pathFileName) ;; Display on the newly inserteded tab
The mainWindow showOpenFileDialog function displays a standard Save File dialog box and returns the file and path name selected.
(setq pathFileName (qt mainWindow: showSaveFileDialog: title pathName wildCards))
title | The text title of the standard save file dialog box. |
pathName | The path name to be used for browsing. |
wildCards | The wild cards to be used to limit browing choices. |
pathFileName | Always returns the path and file name selected. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radTextEditPtr (qt new: RadTextEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: insertTab: 0 radTextEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(setq pathFileName (qt mainWindow: showSaveFileDialog: "Select a file" "" "*.sl")) ;; Display a standard open file dialog box.
(qt radTextEditPtr setText: pathFileName) ;; Display on the newly inserteded tab