The RadLineEdit class is the principal tool for AIS Lisp to surface text edit line functionality. The RadLineEdit is one of the key words accepted by the qt new: function. There can be many RadLineEdit objects.
The new function creates a new RadLineEdit object and returns a pointer to the newly created object. The RadLineEdit is one of the class key words accepted by the qt new: function. There can be many RadLineEdit objects.
(qt new: RadLineEdit:)
(qt new: RadLineEdit: keyMgr)
keyMgr | (Optional)The key manager lambda to manage the RADLineEDIT object's key strokes. |
Returns | Always returns a pointer to the newly created RadLineEdit object. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt new: RadLineEdit:)) ;; Create a RadLineEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radLineEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
The delete function destroys a RadLineEdit object and returns a null pointer.
(qt delete: radLineEditPtr)
radLineEditPtr | The pointer to the RadLineEdit object to be destroyed. |
Returns | Always returns a null pointer. |
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt new: RadLineEdit:)) ;; Create a RadLineEdit object.
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt delete: radLineEditPtr)) ;; Destroy the RadLineEdit object.
The RadLineEdit getText function returns the entire contents of the RadLineEdit display pane as an ASCII string.
(setq myText (qt radLineEditPtr getText:))
myText | Always returns the entire contents of the RadLineEdit display pane as an ADCII string. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt new: RadLineEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radLineEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(qt radLineEditPtr setText: "Hello world")) ;; Set the RadLineEdit display pane to specified ASCII text.
(setq return (qt radLineEditPtr getText:)) ;; Return the ASCII text in the RadLineEdit pane.
The RadLineEdit selectAll function selects highlights all text in the RadLineEdit display pane.
(qt radLineEditPtr selectAll:)
returns | Always returns #void. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Horizontal Tab Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt new: RadLineEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radLineEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(qt radLineEditPtr setText: "Hello world")) ;; Set the RadLineEdit display pane to specified ASCII text.
(qt radLineEditPtr selectAll:)) ;; Select and highlight all text in the RadLineEdit pane.
(setq result (qt radLineEditPtr getSelectedText:)) ;; Return the text selected which is "Hello world".
The RadLineEdit setFocus function sets the RadLineEdit to have the focus.
(qt radLineEditPtr setFocus:)
returns | Always returns #void. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Edit Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt new: RadLineEdit:)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radLineEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(qt radLineEditPtr setText: "Hello world")) ;; Set the RadLineEdit display pane to specified ASCII text.
(qt radLineEditPtr setFocus:)) ;; Sets the RadLineEdit display pane to have the focus.
The RadLineEdit setMgr function sets the RadLineEdit key stroke manager name - where (defun mgrLambdaName(command) ...lisp code...)
(qt radLineEditPtr setMgr: mgrLambdaName)
mgrLambdaName | The RadLineEdit key stroke manager name - where (defun mgrLambdaName(command) ...lisp code...). |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Edit Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt new: RadLineEdit: editMgr)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radLineEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(qt radLineEditPtr setText: "Hello world")) ;; Set the RadLineEdit display pane to specified ASCII text.
The RadLineEdit setReadOnly function sets the RadLineEdit to read only mode (true).
(qt radLineEditPtr setReadOnly: switch)
switch | The RadLineEdit read only switch (true) or (false) if editing allowed. |
(defun editMgr(...) true) ;; Don't do anything special when the tab is clicked
(qt mainWindow: setTitle: (append "My QT Edit Demo.")) ;; Set the main window title
(setq radLineEditPtr (qt new: RadLineEdit: editMgr)) ;; Create a QT TextEdit object (a GUI descentant of RadWidget).
(setq tabIndex (qt mainWindow: addTab: radLineEditPtr "Edit" editMgr)) ;; Add a new tab to the main window horizontal tab bar
(qt mainWindow: maximize:) ;; Display the main window
(qt radLineEditPtr setHtmlText: "Hello world") ;; Set the RadLineEdit display pane to specified HTML text.
(qt radLineEditPtr setReadOnly: true) ;; Set the RadLineEdit display pane to read only mode.