Virtual Machine



The Lambda Information Server database engine comes with a built in virtual machine (DRM) for managing distributed intelligent Lambda execution. Analytic Information Server also supports multiple virtual machines (as many as one per Lambda), and execution of Lambdas on native binary machine code.

The DRM virtual machine instruction set, which is machine independent and computationally complete, is designed for fast execution. The design goal is to come as close as possible to compiled C execution speeds, while still retaining portability. The Analytic Information Server engine does not force the user to choose an Lambda source language syntax, instead compilers are supplied for Lisp, JavaScript, and even natural language.

The Lambda Information Server engine performs its own state of the art object management for all Lambda objects supervised by the database engine. Lambda Information Server manages all of its own object tables to maximize execution speed.  The Lambda Information Server engine supports: fully automated mark and sweep garbage collection; a user extendible type system; dynamic object creation; optimized object messaging; both object and Lambda inheritance; mixed or interleaved execution of intelligent Lambdas and host functions, line by line source code debugging of Lambdas, and full object, Lambda, and code level browsing.

Multiple Virtual Machines

AIS Lambdas are designed to be write-once-run-anywhere executable objects. This is accomplished via the virtual machine concept of software Lambda execution. Lambda virtual machines are designed to be mapped onto the actual host microchip at the server location, providing faithful Lambda execution wherever the Lambda may travel on the Internet. There are currently several virtual machines operating within Analytic Information Server. The DRM virtual machine uses a Dynamically typed Register Machine model to provide portable Lambda execution from high level dynamically typed instructions all the way to super fast microchip-level register execution. The DRM virtual machine runs in emulation mode during the debug phases of Lambda development; while, during normal operation, DRM virtual machine Lambdas are automatically converted into NATIVE machien code. The NATIVE machine code is a faithful machine language translation of the execution rules in the DRM virtual machine onto the actual host microchip at the server location. NATIVE DRM code always runs at microchip-level execution speeds.

Analytic Information Server is agnostic in the choice of Lambda virtual machine. It is certainly possible, and is currently often the practice to have communities of Lambdas which are not all running on the same virtual machine. It is often the case that one virtual machine model is preferable for certain data analysis applications while yet another virtual machine model is preferable for other data analysis applications. AIS comes equipped with several Lambda virtual machines and loadable library tools for the easy creation of additional user-defined Lambda virtual machines. The only caveat is that popular virtual machines (such as the Python, Java, or Smalltalk virtual machines) implemented in Analytic Information Server must be tailored to execute our executable Lambda objects, and to operate within the AIS runtime environment. AIS virtual machine development tools are not designed to create virtual machines for execution outside Lambda Information Server.

Microchip-level Execution Speeds

Analytic Information Server is primarily concerned with software Lambdas which perform high volume data analysis. Super fast execution speed is essential in such application domains. There are several levels of general computer program execution speeds. Disk based operations, such as those performed by SQL and other database system languages, are among the slowest executing animals in the program zoo. The next level of faster execution speed is achieved by programs performing memory to memory operations, such as those performed by COBOL and many other business languages. The fastest possible level of program execution is achieved by programs performing register to register operations on the microchip, such as those performed by assembler language.

The AIS DRM virtual machine provides very fast native execution of Lambdas performing disk based operations, memory to memory operations, and microchip-level register to register operations. Regardless of the data analysis domain, AIS allows the development of write-once-run-anywhere Lambdas which execute at the fastest possible speeds.



The DRM virtual machine is based upon a register machine style architecture similar to most modern Von Neumann computer architecture designs. Because the DRM virtual machine is expected to service a database, the main machine memory has been subdivided into dynamically typed words. Hence the name, Dynamic typed Register Machine. With the machine memory subdivided into dynamically typed words, data (from the database) with a wide variety of types, can be easily loaded into memory; and, since the register machine architecture is similar to the internal architecture of most modern computing equipment, it is easy to write Just-In-Time compilers for translating DRM pcodes into native binary machine code for a wide variety of computers.

Faster runtime pcode emulation is achieved by expanding the DRM virtual machine from a byte code interpreter to a 32-bit word code interpreter. The greater width of the DRM pcode allows the central instruction loop to branch directly to the proper C emulator instruction much faster than with a byte code interpreter. Even though Analytic Information Server supports execution of Lambdas against native binary machine code, its Lambda execution times, under DRM virtual machine emulation (which is used during debugging), are among the fastest in the industry.

The Analytic Information Server virtual machine architecture is composed of the following components:

Machine Registers

The Analytic Information Server virtual machine provides a set of machine registers for fast microchip-level arithmetic operations. There are fifty arithmetic registers, and a complete set of virtual machine instructions for register to register operations.

Virtual Machine Instructions

The Analytic Information Server virtual machine is designed to interpret Analytic Information Server Lambdas. Each Analytic Information Server Lambda contains a vector of virtual machine instructions. These virtual machine instructions control the operation of the Analytic Information Server engine. Our virtual machine instructions are similar to the internal formats used in most modern computing engines. Every effort has been made to have our interpreted pcodes approach, as close as possible, to microchip-level register to register execution speeds.

Virtual Machine Words

Most of the memory space, set aside within the host application, for use by the Analytic Information Server subsystem is divided into a set of virtual machine words. Each virtual machine word begins with a type tag and is followed by an immediate data (Dynamic Typing). The contents of the tag inform the Analytic Information Server virtual machine about the type of data which follows.

Data Types

All data items stored in the Analytic Information Server virtual machine are typed. Some examples of Analytic Information Server data types are: Integer, Number, Boolean, String, Vector, and Structure. In the Analytic Information Server virtual machine the terms type and class are interchangeable. Lambda Information Server data types are divided into two categories: immediate (natives), and memory managed (objects). The immediate (native) types can be entirely contained within the immediate data of a single virtual machine word. The memory managed (objects) types are too large to be contained within a single virtual machine word and require extra memory which must be managed. Without exception, all of the memory managed (object) types are identified by a memory manager key (object id) contained within the immediate data of a single virtual machine word. The object id identifies a block of memory, managed by the Analytic Information Server memory manager, in which the object's data is stored.


Arithmetic Registers

The DRM virtual machine supports fifty fast microchip-level arithmetic registers (R0 thru R49). An Lambda's register vector, Rv, contains the variable names, assigned to arithmetic registers, for the Lambda in question. Each of the arithmetic registers may store an Integer value, a Number value, or a Pointer value. The arithmetic registers allow fast microchip-level execution of arithmetic operations for high speed data analysis.

Stack Pointer

The DRM virtual machine supports a stack pointer register, Sp, which stores the current highest used word in the operations stack. The stack pointer starts at zero (0) and grows as more and more words are used in the stack. When the stack pointer exceeds the size of the operations stack, a stack overflow error occurs.

Instruction Pointer

DRM virtual machine supports an instruction pointer register, Ip, which stores the instruction pointer for the virtual machine instruction currently executing. If the Just-In-Time compiler is in operation, the Ip becomes the host machine instruction pointer register.

Global Variables Base Address Register

The DRM virtual machine loads arithmetic register R0 with the base address of the AIS context's global variables, *globals*. The global variables base address register is assigned the register variable name of Gv. The compile function assigns Gv register offset addresses for all global variables.

Self object Variables Base Address Register

The DRM virtual machine loads arithmetic register R1 with the base address of the Lambda's Self Object Structure, Lambda.Sv. The Self object base address register is assigned the register variable name of Sv.

Argument Variables Base Address Register

The DRM virtual machine loads arithmetic register R2 with the base address of the Lambda's argument variables, Lambda.Av. The argument variables base address register is assigned the register variable name of Av. The compile function assigns Av register offset addresses for all argument variables.

Temporary Variables Base Address Register

The DRM virtual machine loads arithmetic register R3 with the base address of the Lambda's temporary variables, Lambda.Tv. The temporary variables base address register is assigned the register variable name of Tv. The compile function assigns Tv register offset addresses for all temporary variables.

Persistant Variables Base Address Register

The DRM virtual machine loads arithmetic register R4 with the base address of the Lambda's persistant variables, Lambda.Pv. The persistant variables base address register is assigned the register variable name of Pv. The compile function assigns Pv register offset addresses for all persistant variables.

Class Variables Base Address Register

The DRM virtual machine loads arithmetic register R5 with the base address of the Lambda's class variables, Lambda.Cv. The class variables base address register is assigned the register variable name of Cv. The compile function assigns Cv register offset addresses for all class variables.

Register Variables Base Address Register

The DRM virtual machine loads arithmetic register R6 with the base address of the Lambda's register variables, Lambda.Rv. The register variables base address register is assigned the register variable name of Rv. The compile function assigns Rv register direct and register offset addresses for all register variables.

Instruction Format


Each DRM virtual machine instruction (opcode) is a unique 32 bit pattern which identifies the operator and the argument modifiers for up to three inline arguments. Each DRM opcode is followed by from zero to three inline 32 bit integer arguments. The argument modifiers (part of the pcode data) identify the format and number of arguments which follow the pcode. A DRM instruction (opcode and inline integer arguments) may be as small as 32 bits or as large as 128 bits.

The format of each 32 bit opcode is broken into four 8 bit quantities as follows.

Instruction Modifiers

Each DRM virtual machine instruction modifier may contain one of fifty two distinct codes. Modifier codes 0 thru 49 indicate the specific DRM arithmetic registers (R0 thru R49). Modifier code 50 indicates immediate mode, and modifier code 51 indicates void mode. A void modifier indicates no inline argument. An immediate modifier indicates an inline integer argument. A register argument, in a register instruction, indicates no inline argument. A register argument, in a memory instruction, indicates an inline integer displacement argument.

Instruction Arguments

Each DRM virtual machine instruction may be followed by up to three inline integer arguments. All memory variables are specified by inline register offset arguments, which are inline integer quantities to be added to the base address, in the register specified by the instruction modifier, to form the address of the memory variable. All label arguments to jump instructions are inline integer values to be loaded into the Instruction Pointer Register Ip if the jump is taken. Of course all immediate arguments are inline integer quantities to be taken as immediate values.

Assembling Lambdas

AIS Lisp performs double duty as a DRM virtual machine assembler language. This allows Analytic Information Server to create Lambda objects from source languages other than Lisp. For instance, here is Lisp code to create an Lambda.

            (lambda (Integer:m Integer:n) (* (+ n 10) m))

We can also create an equivalent Lambda via the following Lisp assembler expression.

            (lambda (Integer:m Integer:n) regs:(Integer:t1 Integer:t2) (vmiadd 10 n t1) (vmimul m t1 t2) (vmreturn t2))