mathLib Functions




The arrayFillColumn destructively fills the mth column vector with the new value.

Type: Function


(math.arrayFillColumn arrayVector A m newValue)


Arguments Explanation
A The input array whose specified column vector is to be filled.
m The index of the array column vector to be filled.
newValue The new value with which the array column vector is to be filled.
RETURN The input array after the specified array column vector has been filled..

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The arrayRegressionGuestimate returns a vector containing the guestimated coefficients for a multivariable regression. The guestimated coefficients result from averaging a series of simple linear regressions on pairs of variables, each independent variable paired with the dependent variable.

Type: Function


(math.arrayRegressionGuestimate A)
(math.arrayRegressionGuestimate A Y)


Arguments Explanation
A The N by M+1 array representing the original observations in the matrix form of X Y.
Y (Optional) The N vector containing the dependent values.
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector with the constant inserted in first position.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The arrayWidrowHoffRegression returns the dense M coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables with a constant term inserted in the model. The method used is the Widrow-Hoff iterative approximation.

Type: Function


(math.arrayWidrowHoffRegression X Y Gmax err)
(math.arrayWidrowHoffRegression X Y Gmax err RfSW)
(math.arrayWidrowHoffRegression X Y Gmax err RfSW printSW)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M array representing the original observations of the independent variables.
Y The N vector containing the dependent values.
Gmax The maximum number of optimization trials (generations) to attempt before returning the best set of coefficients available at that time.
err A minimum error value which would terminate further optimization trials and return the best set of coefficients at that time. This minimum error is expressed as the absolute value of the average error.
RfSW (Optional)If present and true, return a linear regression Lambda, Rf, with coefficient vector, Rf.C, and Rf.Error set to the proper values.
printSW (Optional)If present and true, display each regression interation on the console.
RETURN The M+2 coefficient vector (with M+1th = error), AND the 0th term being an inserted constant.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The blackScholesDelta return the Black-Scholes theoretical delta for an option from the specified data. Note: Computes the option price as a percent of the current stock price, therefore, the stock price is considered to be 1, and the variance is the daily percent difference variance.

Type: Function


(math.blackScholesDelta optType strikePct daysExp dailyVar stockYield longBondYield)


Arguments Explanation
optType The option type (either "call" or "put").
strikePct The strike price as a percent of the current price.
daysExp The number of days until expiration..
dailyVar The daily percentage variance of the stock for past 365 days.
stockYield The annual dividend yield for stock as a percent.
longBondYield The annual long bond interest rate.
RETURN The Black-Scholes theoretical delta for an option, as a percent of the current price.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The blackScholesPrice return the Black-Scholes theoretical price for an option from the specified data. Note: Computes the option price as a percent of the current stock price, therefore, the stock price is considered to be 1, and the variance is the daily percent difference variance.

Type: Function


(math.blackScholesPrice optType strikePct daysExp dailyVar stockYield longBondYield)


Arguments Explanation
optType The option type (either "call" or "put").
strikePct The strike price as a percent of the current price.
daysExp The number of days until expiration..
dailyVar The daily percentage variance of the stock for past 365 days.
stockYield The annual dividend yield for stock as a percent.
longBondYield The annual long bond interest rate.
RETURN The Black-Scholes theoretical price for an option, as a percent of the current price.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The coefficientsToFormula returns a javaScript formula from the specified M+1 coefficient vector and the field name vector of length M.

Type: Function


(math.coefficientsToFormula coefficients fieldNames)


Arguments Explanation
coefficients The M+1 coefficient vector (0 = constant term, and e = M+1 term).
fieldNames The field name vector, of length M, with which the javaScript formula will be constructed.
RETURN The javaScript formula of the format (append coefficients[0] "+(" coefficients[1] "*" fieldNames[0] ")+(" ...).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The convertToArray converts the input arguments to a vector array. A rank one vector or matrix is converted into a rank two column vector array. A rank two matrix is converted into a rank two vector array. If the optional dependent variable vector Y is present, a rank two XY vector array is always returned.

Type: Function


(math.convertToArray X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X The rank one or rank two vector or matrix to be converted.
Y (Optional) A vector of dependent variable values.
RETURN The XY vector array resulting from the conversion.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note1: A math Lambda vector array must be an object vector of length N, each element of which is a number vector of length N.

Note2: If the argument is already a rank two vector and no Y argument is present, then no conversion is performed.



The convertToColumnVector returns the vector extracted from the mth column of the input array: #(w[0][m] w[1][m] .... w[N][m])

Type: Function


(math.convertToColumnVector X m)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M vector array to be converted.
m The mth column from which to extract the vector.
RETURN The mth column vector of length N.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The convertToMatrix converts the input arguments to a matrix. A rank one vector or matrix is converted into a rank two number matrix. If the optional dependent variable vector Y is present, a rank two XY number matrix is always returned.

Type: Function


(math.convertToMatrix X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X The rank one or rank two vector or matrix to be converted.
Y (Optional) A vector of dependent variable values.
RETURN The XY number matrix resulting from the conversion.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

Note1: A math Lambda vector array must be an object vector of length N, each element of which is a number vector of length N.

Note2: If the argument is already a rank two matrix and no Y argument is present, then no conversion is performed.



The convertToMatrixC converts the input arguments to a matrix. A rank one vector or matrix is converted into a rank two number matrix. If the optional dependent variable vector Y is present, a rank two XY number matrix is always returned. In all cases an additional column is inserted into location zero of the converted matrix. This constant column is filled with all ones, making it ready for the various regression algorithms.

Type: Function


(math.convertToMatrixC X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X The rank one or rank two vector or matrix to be converted.
Y (Optional) A vector of dependent variable values.
RETURN The XY number matrix resulting from the conversion.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note1: A math Lambda vector array must be an object vector of length N, each element of which is a number vector of length N.



The copyToMatrix copies a rank one or two vector or a rank one matrix into a rank two matrix.

Type: Function


(math.copyToMatrix X)


Arguments Explanation
X The rank one or rank two vector or matrix to be copied.
RETURN The XY number matrix resulting from the copy.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note1: A math Lambda vector array must be an object vector of length N, each element of which is a number vector of length N.



The correlation returns the correlation coefficient statistics for the two vectors.

Type: Function


(math.correlation X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N.
RETURN The correlation coefficient of x and y

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The covariance returns the covariance coefficient statistics for the two vectors.

Type: Function


(math.covariance X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N.
RETURN The covariance coefficient of x and y

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The cummNormalDensity returns the cummulative normal density for the specified input.

Type: Function


(math.cummNormalDensity x)


Arguments Explanation
x The value whose cummulative normal density is to be returned.
RETURN The cummulative normal density of x.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The cursorRegress returns the sparse M coefficient vector for the fields with the best least squares fit of the variables. The field names vector is used to construct an N by M+1 array where the M+1 column represents the dependent variable (the last field name in the vector).

Type: Function


(math.cursorRegress cursor fieldNames)


Arguments Explanation
cursor The dataMineLib memory cursor from which the N by M+1 array will be extracted.
fieldNames The vector of field names which are to become the colums of the N by M+1 array.
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector (0 = constant term, and e = M+1 term).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

The cursor is NOT restored before the regression array is extracted. This enables conditional regression on partial row sets.



The cursorToArray returns a regression array from the cursor and table fields specified. The field names vector is used to construct an N by M+1 array where the M+1 column represents the dependent variable (the last field named in the field names vector).

Type: Function


(math.cursorToArray cursor fieldNames)


Arguments Explanation
cursor The dataMineLib memory cursor from which the N by M+1 array will be extracted.
fieldNames The vector of field names which are to become the colums of the N by M+1 array.
RETURN The N by M+1 regression array with the dependent variable in the last column.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

The cursor is NOT restored before the regression array is extracted. This enables conditional regression on partial row sets.



The cursorToMatrix returns a regression matrix from the cursor and table fields specified. The field names vector is used to construct an N by M+1 matrix where the M+1 column represents the dependent variable (the last field named in the field names vector).

Type: Function


(math.cursorToMatrix cursor fieldNames)


Arguments Explanation
cursor The dataMineLib memory cursor from which the N by M+1 matrix will be extracted.
fieldNames The vector of field names which are to become the colums of the N by M+1 matrix.
RETURN The N by M+1 regression matrix with the dependent variable in the last column.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

The cursor is NOT restored before the regression matrix is extracted. This enables conditional regression on partial row sets.



The cursorToVector Returns a vector containing the values from the specified column from the cursor specified. If the optional string switch is present, the values are returned as a column of strings ready for console display.

Type: Function


(math.cursorToVector cursor fieldName stringSW)


Arguments Explanation
cursor The dataMineLib memory cursor from which the N by M+1 matrix will be extracted.
fieldName The field name which specifies the colum to be extracted.
stringSW (Optional) True IFF row numbers are to be prefixed to each value as a display string; otherwise, a number vector of column values is to be returned.
RETURN The vector of column values.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The egm creates a new evolutionary grid machine Lambda instance. Form 1: create a new egm instance with initial training information (setq estimator (math.egm cursor analystName baseExpressions fieldExpressions trainExpressions maxDepth numGridBuckets numTopGridSel)) Form 2: create a new egm instance with previously saved egm state information (setq estimator (math.egm s)) s is structure containing saved pvars from former instance of egm.
Call Form 1 to ready machine for training on a summary table cursor. See egm.setMyPvars for logic behind Form 2. The cursor is reduced to a dense XY sigmod vector array using the supplied baseExpressions, fieldExpressions and trainExpressions.
Evolutionary grid machines (egm) are quasi regression engines which learn and make regression estimates on XY vector arrays such as:
XY: An NumRows by NumX + NumY array representing the original observations in the matrix form of: X Y
NumRows is the number of rows in the observation set. NumX is the number of independent columns (x values). NumY is the number of dependent columns (y values) for which regressions are to be peformed.
The XY vector array is constructued by applying the baseExpressions against the cursor to reduce the cursor to NumRows. Then the fieldExpressions are applied to the cursor to produce NumX independent columns (x values). Then the trainExpressions are applied to the cursor to produce NumY dependent columns (y values). Then the XY vector is crunched to a dense sigmod vector for the independent columns.
The resulting XY dense sigmod vector is stored in the egm pvars and is persistent across multiple calls to egm.trainMachine
The egm is designed to process very large numbers of cross correlations of the variables in the independant colums. This is accomplished by keeping a top result list, for each dependent column, of only the best performing correlations and associated rows. The results from every cross-correlation are not kept and this vastly reduces the persistant storage required to store the results of machine training.
The egm.trainMachine Lambda is passed an argument that specifies some amount of time within which training will be completed. Each time trainMachine is called, new training, not previously performed, will be done.

Type: Function


(math.egm cursor analystName baseExpressions fieldExpressions trainExpressions maxDepth numGridBuckets numTopGridSel)


Arguments Explanation
cursor The dataMineLib memory cursor from which to seed the new egm machine.
baseExpressions List of fitler expressons to apply to table.
fieldExpressions List of field expressions to apply to table to generate independent columns (x values).
trainExpressions List of training expressions to apply to table to generate dependent columns (y values)
maxDepth Maximum depth of column cross correlation to perform. Can not exceed 10
numGridBuckets Optional - Number of grid buckets (default is 100 for a percentile grid)
numTopGridSel Optional - Number of top grid selectors to keep for each trainExpression (default is 100)
PreviousPeriods Optional - Vector of TVAL dates for PreviousPeriods to process in trainMachine (default is empty vector)
RETURN A new evolutionary grid machine Lambda instance.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The gaussianEliminate function triangulates the M by M+1 coefficient array representing a system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables.

Type: Function


(math.gaussianEliminate XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The M by M+1 coefficient array to be triangulated.
RETURN The M by M+1 coefficient array after triangulation.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The gaussianSubstitute function returns the M coefficient vector from a triangulated array representing a system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables.

Type: Function


(math.gaussianSubstitute T)


Arguments Explanation
T The M by M triangulated array representing a system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables.
RETURN The M coefficient vector representing a solution for the M variables.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The linearRegress function returns a vector containing the coefficients resulting from a linear regression on two variables.
If the matrix XY is an N by 2 matrix with the independent variable, X, in the first column and the dependent variable, Y, in the last column,
then (linearRegress XY) returns #(a b error),
where a + bX = Y represents the least squares best fit. The term, error, is the least squares error = sqr(y - (a + bx)).

Type: Function


(math.linearRegress XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by 2 array representing the original observations in the matrix form of: X Y.
RETURN The coefficient vector #(a b error)

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The makeCorrelationMatrix function returns The N by (M*M) cross correlation matrix containing all possible cross correlations of the original input features, known as the correlation matrix.

Type: Function


(math.makeCorrelationMatrix X)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M matrix representing the original observations.
RETURN The N by (M*M) matrix containing all possible cross correlations of the original observations in the form of Xc[n,((i*M)+j)] = X[n,i]*X[n,j] for all i in M and all j in M.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The makeGaussianArray function returns the M by M+1 system of linear equations representing the coefficient derivative equations for the least squares error fit.

Type: Function


(math.makeGaussianArray XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing a system of N simultaneous linear equations in M variables.
RETURN The M by M+1 array containing the dot products of the column vectors of the original observation array XY, where: X[i,j] = vectorInnerProduct(Xcol[i],Xcol[j])

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note1:See Sedgewick[2] chap 38.

Note2:The Gaussian array represents the coefficients of the derrivatives of the least squares conversion of the original observation array in preparation for least squares regression.



The makeGaussianMatrix function returns the M by M+1 system of linear equations representing the coefficient derivative equations for the least squares error fit.

Type: Function


(math.makeGaussianMatrix XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing a system of N simultaneous linear equations in M variables.
RETURN The M by M+1 matrix containing the dot products of the column vectors of the original observation array XY, where: X[i,j] = vectorInnerProduct(Xcol[i],Xcol[j])

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note1:See Sedgewick[2] chap 38.

Note2:The Gaussian matrix represents the coefficients of the derrivatives of the least squares conversion of the original observation array in preparation for least squares regression.



The makeGramArray function returns the N by N array containing the dot products of the input vectors, known as the Gram array.

Type: Function


(math.makeGramArray XY)
(math.makeGramArray X Y)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing a system of N simultaneous linear equations in M variables.
Y (Optional) The N column vector representing the dependent variables.
RETURN The N by N array containing the dot products of the row vectors of the original observation array XY, where: G[i,j] = vectorDotProduct(XYrow[i],XYrow[j])

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note1:See Cristianini, "Support Vector Machines", page 169.



The makeGramMatrix function returns the N by N matrix containing the dot products of the input vectors, known as the Gram matrix.

Type: Function


(math.makeGramMatrix XY)
(math.makeGramMatrix X Y)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing a system of N simultaneous linear equations in M variables.
Y (Optional) The N column vector representing the dependent variables.
RETURN The N by N matrix containing the dot products of the row vectors of the original observation array XY, where: G[i,j] = vectorDotProduct(XYrow[i],XYrow[j])

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note1:See Cristianini, "Support Vector Machines", page 169.



The makeIdentityMatrix function returns the N by N identity matrix with 1's only along the diagonal and zero's everywhere else.

Type: Function


(math.makeIdentityMatrix N)
(math.makeIdentityMatrix N C)


Arguments Explanation
N The number of rows and columns in the identity matrix.
C (Optional) The alternative diagonal constant (defaults to 1.0).
RETURN The N by N identity matrix, in the form of:
1 0 ... 0 0
0 1 ... 0 0
0 0 ... 1 0
0 0 ... 0 1

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixColToVector function returns the N by N identity matrix with 1's only along the diagonal and zero's everywhere else.

Type: Function


(math.matrixColToVector X c N)


Arguments Explanation
X The matrix from which the column vector is to be extracted.
N The number of rows to include in the final column vector (must be less than or egual to the number of rows in X.
C The column of X to be extracted.
RETURN The N vector containing the values from the C column of the matrix X.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixDualGramRegress function returns the dense N coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables, in dual Gram matrix form.

Type: Function


(math.matrixDualGramRegress X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M array or matrix representing the original observations.
Y The separate N column vector containing the dependent variable.
RETURN The N+1th coefficient vector (with N+1th = stdError, avgError, minError, maxError, avgY).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note:See Cristianini, "Support Vector Machines" chap 2.



The matrixDualGramRegressC function returns the dense N coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables, in dual Gram matrix form, with constant term inserted before the first column.

Type: Function


(math.matrixDualGramRegressC X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M array or matrix representing the original observations.
Y The separate N column vector containing the dependent variable.
RETURN The N+1th coefficient vector (with N+1th = stdError, avgError, minError, maxError, avgY).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

Note:See Cristianini, "Support Vector Machines" chap 2.



The matrixFillColumn function destructively fills the Cth column vector with the fill value. The fill value may be a scalar or a vector.

Type: Function


(math.matrixFillColumn X C newValue)


Arguments Explanation
X The matrix whose Cth column is to be filled.
C The index of the matrix column to be filled.
fillValue The value which is to fill the Cth column of the matrix.
RETURN The original input matrix with the specified column filled.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixFillRow function destructively fills the Rth row vector with the fill value. The fill value may be a scalar or a vector.

Type: Function


(math.matrixFillRow X R newValue)


Arguments Explanation
X The matrix whose Rth row is to be filled.
R The index of the matrix row to be filled.
fillValue The value which is to fill the Rth row of the matrix.
RETURN The original input matrix with the specified row filled.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixGaussianEliminate function triangulates the M by M+1 coefficient matrix representing a system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables.

Type: Function


(math.matrixGaussianEliminate XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The M by M+1 coefficient matrix to be triangulated.
RETURN The M by M+1 coefficient matrix after triangulation.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixGaussianSolve function solves the M by M+1 system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables, and returns the M vector containing the coefficients for each of the M variables.

Type: Function


(math.matrixGaussianSolve X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X The M by M matrix representing a system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables.
Y The M vector representing the dependent variables.
RETURN The M coefficient vector representing a solution for the M variables.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixGaussianSubstitute function returns the M coefficient vector from a triangulated matrix representing a system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables.

Type: Function


(math.gaussianSubstitute XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The M by M+1 triangulated matrix representing a system of M simultaneous linear equations in M variables.
RETURN The M coefficient vector representing a solution for the M variables.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixInvert function returns the inversion of the N by N input matrix using gaussian LU decomposition, without pivoting, to reduce round off errors.

Type: Function


(math.matrixInvert X)


Arguments Explanation
X The M by M matrix to be inverted.
RETURN The M by M matrix after inversion.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixInvertUpperTriangular function returns the inversion of the M by M upper triangular input matrix, using gaussian substitution.

Type: Function


(math.matrixInvertUpperTriangular U)


Arguments Explanation
U The M by M matrix (upper triangular).
RETURN The M by M matrix after inversion (also upper triangular).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixLower function returns the lower triangular component matrix of the N by N input matrix using gaussian LU decomposition, without pivoting, to reduce round off errors.

Type: Function


(math.matrixLower X)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by N matrix to be lower triangulated.
RETURN The N by N matrix after lower triangulation.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixMultipleRegress function returns the dense M+1 coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables.

Type: Function


(math.matrixMultipleRegress XY)
(math.matrixMultipleRegress X Y)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 matrix representing the original observations.
Y (Optional)A separate vector contains the dependent values.
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector (with M+1th = stdError, avgError, minError, maxError, avgY).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixMultipleRegressC function returns the dense M+1 coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables. A constant column is added to the input matrix.

Type: Function


(math.matrixMultipleRegressC XY)
(math.matrixMultipleRegressC X Y)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 matrix representing the original observations.
Y (Optional)A separate vector contains the dependent values.
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector (with M+1th = stdError, avgError, minError, maxError, avgY).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixMultiply function Returns The M by N matrix product from multiplying A times B, where A is maximally an M by K matrix, and B is maximally a K by N matrix.
Minimally the A component may be a scalar, a vector, a row vector, a column vector, a vector array, or a matrix. In each case, the appropriately shaped product result will be returned.

Type: Function


(math.matrixMultiply A B)


Arguments Explanation
A The M by K matrix representing the left matrix.
B The K by N matrix representing the right matrix.
RETURN The M by N matrix containing the dot products of the row vectors of the left matrix A, with the column vectors of the right matrix B, where: AB[m,n] = vectorInnerProduct(rowA[m],colB[n]).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixNormalize function Normalizes the column values in a matrix. Each matrix cell value is normalized by finding the high and low range for the value's column, then value is converted into a fraction (0 ... 1) of it's column's high-low range.
Minimally the A component may be a scalar, a vector, a row vector, a column vector, a vector array, or a matrix. In each case, the appropriately shaped product result will be returned.

Type: Function


(math.matrixNormalize A)


Arguments Explanation
A The M by N matrix to be normalized.
RETURN The M by N matrix with normalized columns.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixRowToVector function returns the M number vector which is the specified row of the N by M matrix input matrix.

Type: Function


(math.matrixRowToVector X r M)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M matrix whose specified row is to be extracted.
r The row which is to be extracted.
M The maximum number of elements to extract into the row vector.
RETURN The and M number vector which is the specified row of the N by M matrix input matrix.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixTranspose function returns The N by M matrix transposition of the M by N input matrix. The input matrix may be a scalar, a vector, a row vector, a column vector, a vector array, or a matrix. In each case, the appropriately shaped product result will be returned.

Type: Function


(math.matrixTranspose X)


Arguments Explanation
X The M by N matrix to be transposed.
RETURN The N by M matrix transposition.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixTriangulate function triangulates the M by M matrix using gaussian elimination to reduce round off error..

Type: Function


(math.matrixTriangulate X)


Arguments Explanation
X The M by M matrix to be triangulated.
RETURN The M by M matrix after triangulation.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixUpper function returns the upper triangular component matrix of the M by M input matrix using gaussian LU decomposition, without pivoting, to reduce round off errors.

Type: Function


(math.matrixUpper X)


Arguments Explanation
X The M by M matrix to be upper triangulated.
RETURN The M by M matrix after upper triangulation.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The matrixWidrowHoffRegression returns the dense M coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables with a constant term inserted in the model. The method used is the Widrow-Hoff iterative approximation.

Type: Function


(math.matrixWidrowHoffRegression X Y Gmax err)
(math.matrixWidrowHoffRegression X Y Gmax err RfSW)
(math.matrixWidrowHoffRegression X Y Gmax err RfSW printSW)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M matrix representing the original observations of the independent variables..
Y The N vector containing the dependent values.
Gmax The maximum number of optimization trials (generations) to attempt before returning the best set of coefficients available at that time.
err A minimum error value which would terminate further optimization trials and return the best set of coefficients at that time. This minimum error is expressed as the absolute value of the average error.
RfSW (Optional)If present and true, return a linear regression Lambda, Rf, with coefficient vector, Rf.C, and Rf.Error set to the proper values.
printSW (Optional)If present and true, display each regression interation on the console.
RETURN The M+2 coefficient vector (with M+1th = error), AND the 0th term being an inserted constant.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The multipleRegress returns the sparse M coefficient vector for the factors with the best least squares fits of the variables.

Type: Function


(math.multipleRegress XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing the original observations.
RETURN The M+2 coefficient vector (with M+1th = error), AND the 0th term being an inserted constant.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The multivariableRegress returns the sparse M coefficient vector for the factors with the best least squares fits of the variables.

Type: Function


(math.multivariableRegress XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing the original observations.
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector (with M+1th = error).

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The multivariableRegressC returns the dense M coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables with a constant term inserted in the model.

Type: Function


(math.multivariableRegressC XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing the original observations.
RETURN The M+2 coefficient vector (with M+1th = error), AND the 0th term being an inserted constant.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The multivariableRegressIC Returns the dense M coefficient vector giving the coefficients with the best least squares fit of the variables with a constant term inserted in the model. The method used is evolutionary approximation.

Type: Function


(math.multivariableRegressIC XY)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing the original observations.
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector (with M+1th = error).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The normalizeArray normalizes the column values in a array. Each array cell value is normalized by finding the high and low range for the value's column, then value is converted into a fraction (0 ... 1) of it's column's high-low range.

Type: Function


(math.normalizeArray XY)
(math.normalizeArray XY lastSW)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M array values to be normalized.
lastSW (Optional) true if last column is to be unchanged.
RETURN The normalized array (all values are fractions).

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress returns the input estimator Lambda with numeric coefficients optimized against the specified objective function. The regression may be linear or nonlinear and will minimize any objective function. Neither the estimator Lambda nor the objective function are required to be continuous.
The problem sizes addressed by this Lambda are classified as:

  o Small Problems (nominally 4 columns by 500 rows of data).
  o Midsize Problems (nominally 20 columns by 5000 rows of data).
  o Large scale Problems (nominally 100 columns by 25000 rows of data).

This Lambda uses many user selectable search strategies for estimator Lambda optimization. Each technology has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some are linear only. Some cannot be used on large scale problems. As new technologies become available, in the scientific community, they are made available here. The currently supported numeric regression strategies are as follows.

Multivariate Linear Regression: This is the technology developed by Gauss several centuries ago. It is deterministic and absolutely accurate, but limited to linear regression only. This strategy is extremely fast and applicable for all small, midsize, and large scale regression problems.

Support Vector Machine Regression: This is technology developed by Vapnik and Platt in this century. It is non-deterministic, incremental, but fairly accurate and capable of handling both linear and non-linear regression tasks. This strategy is reasonably fast and applicable for all small, midsize, and large scale regression problems.

Genetic Evolutionary Regression: This technology was developed by Holland and Koza in the past century. It is non-deterministic, incremental, fairly inaccurate but capable of handling both linear and non-linear regression tasks. This strategy is fairly slow and applicable for only small scale regression problems. It has trouble handling more than 500 or so rows. There are three flavors of this technology. Evolve, uses a real number genome. EvolveBinary uses a binary genome, and evolveBinaryMemo uses a binary genome with memoizing.

Induced Regression: This is ad hoc technology defined by the user. The regression technology to be used must be entirely contained in the user supplied estimator Lambda. As examples of such ad hoc, user defined technology, we supply estimator regression Lambdas to implement nearest neighbor cluster regression, and euclidean induction regression. The speed and problem size applicability of these strategies is entirely on the estimator Lambda supplied by the user.

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress X Y Rf Gmax err)


Arguments Explanation
XY (Option 1): The N by M+1 array of the original observations where each of the row vectors must be Number vectors.
(Option 2): The N by M+1 number matrix of the observations
(Option 3): The N by M array of the independent variables where each of the row vectors must be Number vectors.
Y (Option A) #void (in which case the XY argument must be either Option 1 or Option 2, and never Option 3.
(Option B) The N number vector representing the dependent variables

Note: If Y is NOT #void then the first argument, X, must be Option 3, and never Options 1 or 2.
Note: Each of the available regression strategies will accept X and Y variables in any of the legal options combinations. In all cases, data conversion will be done for the user. To avoid expensive automatic data conversions, use the following X Y input options for each strategy as follows:
Multivariate Linear RegressionX(Option 2) Y(Option A)
Support Vector Machine RegressionX(Option 3) Y(Option B)
Genetic Evolutionary RegressionX(Option 1) Y(Option A)
Induced Regression...user defined...
Rf The estimator Lambda which maps a number vector, of length M, into a single real number, Rf: Vm --> R, whose coefficients are to be optimized. The estimator Lambda is in the form of a function, (Rf mVector) ==> aNumber, and the coefficients to be optimized are stored as a number vector Rf.C in the persistant variables of the Rf Lambda.

Note: The estimator Lambda, Rf, must be an Lambda containing the following persistant (pvars) variables:
CA number vector containing the coefficients to optimized
ErrorThe final score from the objective function
GThe final generation count when optimization halted
ObjectiveThe objective function which maps an N by M+1 observation array, X, using it's parent estimator Lambda, Rf, into a single positive real error value. The objective function is in the form of a child Lambda, (Rf.Objective X) ==> anErrorNumber. The numericRegress Lambda attempts to optimize the estimator Lambda coefficients, Rf.C, such that the objective function's resulting error value is minimized.
PThe final population count when optimization halted
StrategyThe optimization strategy to use:
#voidGenetic Evolutionary Algorithms (real number genome)
evolveGenetic Evolutionary Algorithms (real number genome)
evolveBinaryGenetic Evolutionary Algorithms (binary genome)
evolveBinaryMemoGenetic Evolutionary Algorithms (binary genome) with memos
induceInduced Regression (user supplied technology)
linearMultivariate Linear Regression
svmSupport Vector Machine Regression

Note: We supply a number of child Lambdas with expertise in constructing estimator Lambdas for use with the various regression strategies. Reviewing the following child Lambdas and their documentation will provide assistance in using each of the available regression techniques:
Multivariate Linear RegressionmakeLinear
Support Vector Machine RegressionmakeSVM
Genetic Evolutionary RegressionmakeLinearEvolve, makeLogit,makeBExponential, makeExponential, makeSinusoidal, makeTailExponential
Induced RegressionmakeCluster, makeEuclidean, makePolynomial, makeNeighbor, makeLinearNetwork
Gmax The maximum number of optimization trials (generations) to attempt before returning the best set of coefficients available at that time.
err A minimum error value which would terminate further optimization trials and return the best set of coefficients at that time.
RETURN The estimator Lambda, Rf, with all coefficients in Rf.C optimized.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

The math.numericRegress.selfTest child Lambda contains a number of examples demonstrating the use of these regression techniques to solve test regression problems. Also included are examples of using the child Lambdas to construct estimator Lambdas for use with each regression strategy.



The numericRegress.makeBExponential Genetic Evolutionary Regression: (binary genome)
Return an exponential regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements an exponential polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

y = C[0] + C[1]*expt(X[0],C[2]) + ... + C[2M]*expt(X[M-1],C[2M+1])

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeBExponential variableCount)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeCluster Induced Regression:

Return a nearest neighbor cluster induction estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. This estimator Lambda memorizes each unique independent vector, X, observed during the training period along with the average dependent variable, y, associated with the memorized observation, X. Additionally, all the observations are segmented into nearest neighbor euclidean clusters along each independent axis. For each cluster along each independent axis, the optimal multivariable regression coefficients are memorized.

During estimation, if the input X has been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value seen for X during training. If the input X has NOT been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value, returned from the memorized optimal multivariable regression coefficients, for each of the euclidean nearest neighbor clusters of X as on each independent axis as segmented during training.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeCluster variableCount filter)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
filter The type of final output filter. Must be one of (binary, bipolar, continuous, or sigmoid).
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeEuclidean Induced Regression:

Return a Euclidean induction regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. This estimator Lambda memorizes each unique independent vector, X, observed during the training period along with the average dependent variable, y, associated with the memorized observation, X.

During estimation, if the input X has been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value seen for X during training. If the input X has NOT been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value for the euclidean nearest neighbors of X as memorized during training. The optimal neighborhood size is determined empirically during training.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeEuclidean variableCount filter)
(math.numericRegress.makeEuclidean variableCount filter crunch)
(math.numericRegress.makeEuclidean variableCount filter crunch errorOn)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
filter The type of final output filter. Must be one of (binary, bipolar, continuous, or sigmoid).
crunch (Optional)Input vector crunch function. Defaults to copy function if missing or #void. Can be used to crunch input elements into deciles, percentiles, etc. After learning, during estimation phase, new observations are compared with the memorized crunched training samples stored during learning.
  o Does not effect the dependent variable.
  o Only used during training.
  o Must produce a copy of the original input vector.
  o Must NEVER mutate the original input vector.

May use the following symbols for specially prepared sigmoid input crunching functions.
  o percentile:
  o decile:
  o quintile:
  o quartile:
  o trinary:
  o binary:

May use a number argument for specially prepared sigmoid input crunching functions of the specified arity.
errorOn True iff least squared errors are to be returned from the Objective function
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeExponential Genetic Evolutionary Regression: (real number genome):

Return an exponential regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements an exponential polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

y = C[0] + C[1]*expt(X[0],C[2]) + ... + C[2M]*expt(X[M-1],C[2M+1]).

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeExponential variableCount)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeLinear Multivariable Linear Regression (Gaussian):

Return a linear regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements a linear polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

This model does NOT support a threshold constant at C[0]. The model assumes each coefficient C[m] is multiplied by its paired variable X[m]. A threshold constant at C[0] can be achieved by setting X[0] equal to one for all rows in the training data. The resulting C[0] value will equal the threshold constant.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

y = C[0]*X[0] + ... + C[M-1]*X[M-1].

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeLinear variableCount)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeLinearEvolve Genetic Evolutionary Regression (real number genome):

Return a linear regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements a linear polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

y = C[0] + C[1]*X[0] + ... + C[M]*X[M-1].

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeLinearEvolve variableCount)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeLinearNetwork Induced Regression:

Return a linear network regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. This estimator Lambda memorizes each unique independent vector, X, observed during the training period along with the average dependent variable, y, associated with the memorized observation, X. Additionally, all the observations are segmented into nearest neighbor euclidean clusters along each independent axis. For each cluster along each independent axis, the optimal multivariable regression coefficients are memorized.

During estimation, if the input X has been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value seen for X during training. If the input X has NOT been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value, returned from the memorized optimal multivariable regression coefficients, for each of the euclidean nearest neighbor clusters of X as on each independent axis as segmented during training.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeLinearNetwork variableCount filter)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
filter The type of final output filter. Must be one of (binary, nbinary, bipolar, continuous, or sigmoid).
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeLogit Genetic Evolutionary Regression (real number genome):

Return a logit regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements a logit polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

d = C[0] + abs(C[1])*X[0] + ... + abs(C[M])*X[M]
y = exp(d) / (1 + exp(d))

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeLogit variableCount)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeNeighbor Induced Regression:

Return a nearest neighbor induction regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. This estimator Lambda memorizes each unique independent vector, X, observed during the training period along with the average dependent variable, y, associated with the memorized observation, X. Additionally, all the observations are segmented into nearest neighbor euclidean clusters along each independent axis. For each cluster along each independent axis, the optimal multivariable regression coefficients are memorized.

During estimation, if the input X has been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value seen for X during training. If the input X has NOT been observed during training, then the best estimate for y is the average y value, returned from the memorized optimal multivariable regression coefficients, for each of the euclidean nearest neighbor clusters of X as on each independent axis as segmented during training.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeNeighbor variableCount filter)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
filter The type of final output filter. Must be one of (binary, nbinary, bipolar, continuous, or sigmoid).
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makePolynomial Induced Regression (uses ad hoc Gaussian methods):

Return a non-linear polynomial regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements a general non-linear polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

This ad hoc regression technique attempts to reduce a non-linear problem to a linear polynomial regression where Gaussian methods can be applied.

First, a general polynomial is computed, then it is raised to a power, and a filter is applied to the output. To find the polynomial regression coefficients, the filter and power are reversed in the dependent variable, Y. Now we have a linear relationship between X and Y and we can use Gaussian techniques.

Warning: In order to be reversable, the power must be a positive, odd, integer. Since we need all the positive integers to create the family of Nth order polynomials, from which all other functions can be simulated, this method tends to over fit all problems where an even integer would suffice to fit the data. The sigmoid output filter has been selected so that it can be easily reversed.

The objective function computes the average absolute tolerance (expressed as a percent of each dependent variable).
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

p = expt( C[0]*X[0] + ... + C[M-1]*X[M-1] , power )
(filter == continuous): y = p
(filter == sigmoid): y = exp(p) / (1 + exp(p))

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makePolynomial variableCount power filter ErrTolerance)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
power The power to which the polynomial is to be raised (a positive, odd integer).
filter The output filter for the polynomial (continuous, or sigmoid).
ErrTolerance The tolerance limit to use in the regression.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeSinusoidal Genetic Evolutionary Regression (real number genome):

Return a sinusoidal regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements a sinusoidal polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

y = C[0]*X[1] + (C[1]*X[1])*sin(C[2]*X[0])

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeSinusoidal variableCount)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeSVM Support Vector Machine Regression:

Return a support vector machine regression estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements a support vector machine polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow. The Support Vector Machine creates a weighted polynomial dual model based on the Gram matrix of the observations.

Support Vector Machine regression can be highly accurate when solving non-linear regression problems. However, the accuracy varies from excellent to poor depending upon the ratio of: the chosen Gaussian Sample Size (maxSVSize); the number of regression variables (M); and the THEORETICAL number of variables created by the kernel function to make the non-linear problem linearly solvable. A simplified example would be as follows.

Solving a quadratic regression problem with variableCount == 3, y = sum{m from 0 until variableCount}(Cm*Xm*Xm), and a kernel function of vectorSquareInnerProduct, is very accurate with a Gaussian Sample Size (maxSVSize) of 10. However, if the variableCount is increased to 10, then the accuracy completely breaks down and is not restored until the Gaussian Sample Size is increased to around 100. An explanation is as follows.

In order to make the quadratic regression linearly tractable, the vectorSquareInnerProduct performs an on-the-fly squaring of each training point vector. Thus, with a training point vector of size three, the vectorSquareInnerProduct creates the following on-the-fly THEORETICAL new training point: kernel(X1,X2,X3) => (X1,X2,X3,X1*X1,X2*X2,X3*X3,X1*X2,X1*X3,X2*X3). Clearly the problem is now linearly solvable because the squared variables are now terms in the THEORETICAL on-the-fly linear regression created by the kernel. NOTICE however, that the THEORETICAL linear regression, created on-the-fly by the kernel function, has nine variables not three variables as in the original quadratic problem. Unless the number of training points is greater than nine, and the Gaussian sample size is greater than nine, the on-the-fly linear regression will not have enough data to get accurate results. (The Lambda math.numericRegress.selfTest contains a sample test case which demonstrates the fall in accuracy as Gaussian Sample Size is decreased).

This model does NOT support a threshold constant at C[0]. The model assumes each coefficient C[m] is multiplied by its paired dual model variable: kernel(X[0],Xs). A threshold constant at C[0] can be achieved by setting X[0] equal to one for all rows in the training data.

The objective function computes the average absolute tolerance (expressed as a percent of each dependent variable).
Estimator training data must be an N x M vector array, X, and an N number vector, Y.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

y = C[0]*kernel(X[0],Xs) + ... + C[M-1]*kernel(X[M-1],Xs)

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeSVM variableCount kernel ErrTolerance maxSVSize)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
kernel The kernel function to use in the regression.
ErrTolerance The error tolerance limit to use in the regression.
maxSVSize The Gaussian sample size (maximum number of support vectors to use during Gaussian initialization -- defaults to 100).
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.makeTailExponential Support Vector Machine Regression:

Return an exponential tail estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements an exponential polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

This objective function trys to maximize its best top N% and to minimize its bottom N%. The product, not the sum, of the actual scores is used to force more wins/losses into each tail during the training process.

A standard least squares objective function is used.
Estimator training data must be a single N x M+1 vector array.
Estimator input must be a single number vector.

y = C[0] + C[1]*expt(X[0],C[2]) + ... + C[2M]*expt(X[M-1],C[2M+1])

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.makeTailExponential variableCount tailPct)


Arguments Explanation
variableCount The number of independent variables in the regression.
tailPct The percent of independent variables, top and bottom tail, to be optimized.
RETURN Always returns an estimator Lambda,Rf, suitable for use with the numericRegress Lambda.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.setRandom Return an exponential tail estimator Lambda for use with numericRegress. The estimator Lambda implements an exponential polynomial regression model, which has been modified to prevent overflow.

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.setRandom randomSW seed)


Arguments Explanation
randomSW The random number switch (true for random function, false for srandom function).
seed The numeric seed for the srandom function (iff randomSW = false).
RETURN Always returns the new randomSW setting.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.selfTest Perform a self test of the numericRegress general regression Lambda.

Type: Function




Arguments Explanation
RETURN Always returns true if the self test is successful.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.percentileGridMachine Returns a new percentile grid machine Lambda ready for training.

Percentile grid machines are quasi regression engines which learn and make regression estimates on XY vector arrays, where XY is an N by M+1 array representing the original observations.

The percentile grid machine constructs a percentile grid, of the XY training data. The grid contains Bayesian equal probabalistic percentile views of all possible N-way cross correlations of the independent columns in XY. Each row in the percentile grid contains exactly 100 entries representing the average Y values for each percentile of the specified N-way cross correlation of independent variables.

The percentile grid machine is designed to provide either 1-way, 2-way, 3-way, or 4-way column cross correlations. The PGM automatically selects the largest number of columns to cross correlate which it can fit into available resources. The percentile grid size is determined by the number of independent columns, MX, and the number of columns chosen for cross correlation, C. The number of rows in the percentile grid is always equal to expt(MX,C).

Percentile grid machines operate on entire vector arrays at once. For this reason percentile grid machines are not strictly regression engines, and therefore are not included in the math.numericRegress Lambda's tool set.

Type: Function


(math.numericRegress.percentileGridMachine MGrid)


Arguments Explanation
MGrid The number of cols in each row of the percentile training grid (default is 100 for percentile subdivisions).
RETURN Always returns, pgm, a new percentile grid machine Lambda ready for training. On this pgm copy the user can invoke the functions pgm.reset, pgm.inputArray, pgm.inputCursor, pgm.trainMachine, and pgm.runMachine.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.percentileGridMachine.inputArray function crunches the input vector array into a dense sigmoid XY training vector array.

Type: Function


(pgm.inputArray XY)
(pgm.inputArray XY Y)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array of independent variable observations (if no optional Y argument is present, then the M+1th column contains the dependent variable values).
Y (Optional) The N vector of dependent variable values.
RETURN Always returns, XY, the final crunched input array ready for training.

When To Use

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[...under construction...]

Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.percentileGridMachine.inputCursor function crunches the dataMineLib table memory cursor input into a dense sigmoid XY training vector array. The dataMineLib table, which the cursor is managing, must have a field named: SpecialSituationNotes, because the SpecialSituationNotes field is used as a scratch pad by this function.

Type: Function


(pgm.inputCursor cursor baseExpressions expressionVector)


Arguments Explanation
cursor A dataMineLib memory cursor to be crunched into a dense sigmoid XY training vector array (The dataMineLib table, which the cursor is managing, must have a field named: SpecialSituationNotes, because the SpecialSituationNotes field is used as a scratch pad by this function).
baseExpressions The vector of javaScript filter expressions used to reduce the table BEFORE data extraction. Selecting all cursor rows would require a baseExpression argument of: #("restore;").
expressionVector The M+1 vector of javaScript filter expressions used to extract each column of data from the cursor. The dependent variable is the M+1 expression.
RETURN Always returns, XY, the final crunched input array ready for training.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.percentileGridMachine.resetMachine Reset this percentile grid machine (clears all existing training memory).

Type: Function




Arguments Explanation
RETURN Always returns true.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.percentileGridMachine.runMachine Run this percentile grid machine on the X sample vector array.

Percentile grid machines are quasi regression engines which learn and make regression estimates on X vector arrays, where X is an N by M array representing the independent observations.

The percentile grid machine trains on a complete N by M+1 vector array, XY. When the percentile grid machine runs, it only requires a complete N by M vector array, X, on which to make its predictions concerning the estimated values of the dependent variable, Y.

May be run on a vector array or a table cursor, as follows.
(Option 1) (runMachine X {gridVector})
(Option 2) (runMachine cursor baseExpressions expressionVector {gridVector})

If a dataMineLib table memory cursor is passed as an argument, the SpecialSituationNotes field of each row in the table cursor will contain the new dependent variable, Yest, estimates.

An optional gridVector argument provides an object vector of percentile grids each of which will have an equal vote on the estimator values.

Type: Function


(pgm.runMachine X)
(pgm.runMachine X gridVector)
(pgm.runMachine cursor baseExpressions expressionVector)
(pgm.runMachine cursor baseExpressions expressionVector gridVector)


(Option 1)

Arguments Explanation
X The N by M vector array, X, on which this machine is to make its predictions concerning the estimated values for the dependent variable, Y.
gridVector (Optional) An object vector of percentile grids each of which will have an equal vote on the estimator values (the training grid inside this machine is ignored).
RETURN Always returns, Yest, an N vector of estimates for the dependent variable, Y.

(Option 2)

Arguments Explanation
cursor A dataMineLib memory cursor to be crunched into a dense sigmoid XY training vector array (The dataMineLib table, which the cursor is managing, must have a field named: SpecialSituationNotes, because the SpecialSituationNotes field is used as a scratch pad by this function).
baseExpressions The vector of javaScript filter expressions used to reduce the table BEFORE data extraction. Selecting all cursor rows would require a baseExpression argument of: #("restore;").
expressionVector The M vector of javaScript filter expressions used to extract each column of data from the cursor.
gridVector (Optional) An object vector of percentile grids each of which will have an equal vote on the estimator values (the training grid inside this machine is ignored).
RETURN Always returns, Yest, an N vector of estimates for the dependent variable, Y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The numericRegress.percentileGridMachine.trainMachine Train this percentile grid machine on an XY training vector array.

May be cummulatively trained on multiple training data arrays as long as the percentile grid machine is not reset between trainings.

Percentile grid machines are quasi regression engines which learn and make regression estimates on XY vector arrays, where X is an N by M+1 array representing the independent observations, with the M+1th column being the sependent variable, Y.

The percentile grid machine trains on a complete N by M+1 vector array, XY. When the percentile grid machine runs, it only requires a complete N by M vector array, X, on which to make its predictions concerning the estimated values of the dependent variable, Y.

May be trained on a vector array or a table cursor, as follows.
(Option 1) (pgm.trainMachine XY)
(Option 2) (pgm.trainMachine X Y)
(Option 3) (pgm.trainMachine cursor baseExpressions expressionVector)

If a dataMineLib table memory cursor is passed as an argument, the SpecialSituationNotes field of each row in the table cursor will contain the new dependent variable, Yest, estimates.

Type: Function


(pgm.trainMachine X)
(pgm.trainMachine X Y)
(pgm.trainMachine cursor baseExpressions expressionVector)


(Option 1)

Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 vector array, XY, on which this machine is to be trained. The M+1th column contains the values for the dependent variable, Y.
RETURN Always returns, Grid, the training grid estimates for the dependent variable, Y.

(Option 2)

Arguments Explanation
X The N by M vector array, X, on which this machine is to be trained.
Y The N vector containing the values for the dependent variable, Y.
RETURN Always returns, Grid, the training grid estimates for the dependent variable, Y.

(Option 3)

Arguments Explanation
cursor A dataMineLib memory cursor to be crunched into a dense sigmoid XY training vector array (The dataMineLib table, which the cursor is managing, must have a field named: SpecialSituationNotes, because the SpecialSituationNotes field is used as a scratch pad by this function).
baseExpressions The vector of javaScript filter expressions used to reduce the table BEFORE data extraction. Selecting all cursor rows would require a baseExpression argument of: #("restore;").
expressionVector The M+1 vector of javaScript filter expressions used to extract each column of data from the cursor. The M+1th expression is used to extract the values for the dependent variable, Y.
RETURN Always returns, Grid, the training grid estimates for the dependent variable, Y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.projectRegress function correlates the strategies in a dataMineLib miner project. Returns the sparse M coefficient vector for the strategies with the best least squares fit of the variables. The strategy names are used to construct an N by M+1 array where the M+1 column represents the dependent variable (the last strategy named in the strategy list).

Type: Function


(math.projectRegress cursor strategyNames)


Arguments Explanation
cursor The memory cursor from which the N by M+1 array will be extracted.
strategyNames The strategy names with which the N by M+1 array will be extracted. (Note: the strategy names must contain strategies tiles from the Name column of the data mine miner project).
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector (0 = constant term, and e = M+1 term).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.projectToArray function returns a regression array from the cursor and project strategies specified. The strategy names are used to construct an N by M+1 array where the M+1 column represents the dependent variable (the last strategy named in the list).

Type: Function


(math.projectToArray cursor strategyNames)


Arguments Explanation
cursor The memory cursor from which the N by M+1 array will be extracted.
strategyNames The strategy names with which the N by M+1 array will be extracted. (Note: the strategy names must contain strategies tiles from the Name column of the data mine miner project).
RETURN The M+1 coefficient vector (0 = constant term, and e = M+1 term).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regress function returns a vector containing the coefficients resulting from a linear regression on two vectors of equal length. If x and y are vectors of equal length, then (regression x y) is: #(a b e). where a + bx = y represents the least squares best fit extracted from a comparison of the two vectors. The term e is the error ä sqr(y - (a + bx)).

Type: Function


(math.regress X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N.
RETURN The coefficient vector #(a b error) containing the optimized regression terms.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regressNet function returns an Lambda using the coefficients from several segmented multiple regressions.

Type: Function


(math.regressNet X)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
RETURN The estimator Lambda (Lambda(x) ==> y) expecting an x input vector (length M), returning a scalar y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regressNetBinaryRegress function returns an Lambda using the coefficients from several segmented multiple regressions.

Type: Function


(math.regressNetBinaryRegress X T S Z)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
T The column index of the target variable to segment at the top level.
S The maximum number of splits to segment the target variable.
Z The minimum number of elements in each segment of the target variable.
RETURN The estimator Lambda (Lambda(x) ==> y) expecting an x input vector (length M), returning a scalar y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regressNetCart2 function returns an Lambda using the coefficients from several segmented multiple regressions.

Type: Function


(math.regressNetCart2 X T S Z)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
T The column index of the target variable to segment at the top level.
S The maximum number of splits to segment the target variable.
Z The minimum number of elements in each segment of the target variable.
RETURN The estimator Lambda (Lambda(x) ==> y) expecting an x input vector (length M), returning a scalar y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regressNetCart3 function returns an Lambda using Classification Tree with 3 classes (no pruning).

Type: Function


(math.regressNetCart3 X T S Z)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
T The column index of the target variable of the first split.
S The maximum number of splits to segment the target variable.
Z The minimum number of elements in each segment of the target variable.
RETURN The estimator Lambda (Lambda(x) ==> y) expecting an x input vector (length M), returning a scalar y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regressNetMultiSegment function returns an Lambda using the coefficients from several segmented multiple regressions.

Type: Function


(math.regressNetMultiSegment X T S Z)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
T The column index of the target variable of the first split.
S The maximum number of splits to segment the target variable.
Z The minimum number of elements in each segment of the target variable.
RETURN The estimator Lambda (Lambda(x) ==> y) expecting an x input vector (length M), returning a scalar y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regressNetTwoSegment function returns an Lambda using the coefficients from several segmented multiple regressions.

Type: Function


(math.regressNetTwoSegment X T S Z)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
T The column index of the target variable of the first split.
S The maximum number of splits to segment the target variable.
Z The minimum number of elements in each segment of the target variable.
RETURN The estimator Lambda (Lambda(x) ==> y) expecting an x input vector (length M), returning a scalar y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.regressTree function returns an Lambda using the coefficients from several segmented multiple regressions.

Type: Function


(math.regressTree X T S Z)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
T The column index of the target variable of the first split.
S The maximum number of splits to segment the target variable.
Z The minimum number of elements in each segment of the target variable.
RETURN The estimator Lambda (Lambda(x) ==> y) expecting an x input vector (length M), returning a scalar y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.sigmoidizeArray function converts the column values in an array to sigmoid values. Each array cell value is normalized by finding the positive logit value x/(1+x). Positive values of x are scaled into [.5 - 1.0]. Negative values of x are scaled into [0 - .5].

Type: Function


(math.sigmoidizeArray X depSW)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the last column representing the dependent variable Y.
depSW (Optional) true if last column is to be unchanged.
RETURN The sigmoidized array (all values are positive fractions).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.smoRegress function trains a support vector machine dual regression Lambda, and returns the trained Lambda.

Support Vector Machine regression can be highly accurate when solving non-linear regression problems. However, the accuracy varies from excellent to poor depending upon the ratio of: the chosen Gaussian Sample Size (maxSVSize); the number of regression variables (M); and the THEORETICAL number of variables created by the kernel function to make the non-linear problem linearly solvable. A simplified example would be as follows.

Solving a quadratic regression problem with variableCount == 3, y = sum{m from 0 until variableCount}(Cm*Xm*Xm), and a kernel function of vectorSquareInnerProduct, is very accurate with a Gaussian Sample Size (maxSVSize) of 10. However, if the variableCount is increased to 10, then the accuracy completely breaks down and is not restored until the Gaussian Sample Size is increased to around 100. An explanation is as follows.

In order to make the quadratic regression linearly tractable, the vectorSquareInnerProduct performs an on-the-fly squaring of each training point vector. Thus, with a training point vector of size three, the vectorSquareInnerProduct creates the following on-the-fly THEORETICAL new training point: kernel(X1,X2,X3) => (X1,X2,X3,X1*X1,X2*X2,X3*X3,X1*X2,X1*X3,X2*X3). Clearly the problem is now linearly solvable because the squared variables are now terms in the THEORETICAL on-the-fly linear regression created by the kernel. NOTICE however, that the THEORETICAL linear regression, created on-the-fly by the kernel function, has nine variables not three variables as in the original quadratic problem. Unless the number of training points is greater than nine, and the Gaussian sample size is greater than nine, the on-the-fly linear regression will not have enough data to get accurate results. (The Lambda math.numericRegress.selfTest contains a sample test case which demonstrates the fall in accuracy as Gaussian Sample Size is decreased).

See Cristianini, "Support Vector Machines", page 169.

Type: Function


(math.smoRegress X Y kernelID tolerance maxErr maxGen maxSVSize verboseSW)


Arguments Explanation
X The N by M array representing the independent variables
(must be an ObjVector of length N with each Object element being a NumVector of length M).
Y The N vector of dependent variables.
kernelID The kernel identifier to be used for support vector machine training.
voidUse a linear inner product kernel.
"linear"Use a linear inner product kernel.
"square"Use a squared linear dot product kernel.
"cube"Use a cubed linear dot product kernel.
LambdaUse any user supplied modified dot product kernel.
functionUse any user supplied modified dot product kernel.
tolerance (Optional) The regression error tolerance as a percent of Y (defaults to 0.1).
maxErr (Optional) The maximum error before halting training as a percent of Y (defaults to .05).
maxGen (Optional) The maximum generation count before halting training (defaults to 1).
maxSVSize (Optional) The Gaussian sample size (maximum number of support vectors to use during Gaussian initialization -- defaults to 100).
verboseSW (Optional) True iff we are to set verbose mode on (defaults to false).
RETURN The result structure containing the trained dual regression model results, where
result.ErrorContains the final tolerance (expressed as a percent of each target value).
result.GenerationsContains the number of generations used during training.
result.WeightsContains the weight number vector after training.
result.EyContains the estimate errors for each training example.
result.PyContains the estimate errors for each training example (expressed as a percent of each target value).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.symbolicMath function manages symbolic math problems. This Lambda contains a number of expert system rules about algebra which are used to evaluate and simplify symbolic algebra problems.

Invoking this parent function initializes the symbolic math system, and is a required step before using this Lambda to perform symbolic math operations.

Type: Function




Arguments Explanation
RETURN Always returns true.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.symbolicMath.evaluate function manages symbolic math problems. This Lambda contains a number of expert system rules about algebra which are used to evaluate and simplify symbolic algebra problems.

Invoking this parent function initializes the symbolic math system, and is a required step before using this Lambda to perform symbolic math operations.

Type: Function


(math.symbolicMath.evaluate formula)


Arguments Explanation
formula The symbolic math formula to be evaluated (in either string or list format).
RETURN Always returns the symbolic or numeric value of the evaluated formula.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.symbolicRegress function returns a regression estimator function with numeric coefficients optimized against the specified objective function. The regression is nonlinear and will minimize any objective function. Neither the estimator function nor the objective function are required to be continuous.

This Lambda uses three search technologies for estimator function optimization: multivariate regression, neural net regression, and genetic algorithm regression. Genetic algorithms learn faster when the input data has been crunched into the sigmoid or the closed bipolar domain. The neural net regression requires that the input data be crunched into the sigmoid domain.

Multivariate regression is deterministic and absolutely accurate, but limited in scope. Both genetic algorithms and neural nets are nondeterministic and only appoximately accurate, but are general in scope. Please see the _selfTest child Lambda for an introduction to the use and accuracy of these various regression techniques in a wide range of sample problem domains.

The regression estimator function maps a number vector, of length M, into a single real number, Rf: Xm --> R, whose coefficients are optimized. The estimator function is in the form of an Lambda, (Rf mVector) ==> aNumber, and the coefficients to be optimized are stored as a number vector Rf.C in the persistant variables of the Rf Lambda.

Note: The returned estimator function, Rf, will be an Lambda containing the following persistant (pvars) variables:

CA number vector containing the coefficients to optimize
ErrorThe final score from the objective function
GThe final generation count when optimization halted
ObjectiveThe objective function which maps an N by M+1 observation matrix, w, using it's parent estimator function, Rf, into a single positive real error value. The objective function is in the form of a child Lambda, (Rf.Objective w) ==> anErrorNumber. The symbolicRegress Lambda attempts to optimize the estimator function coefficients, Rf.C, such that the objective function's resulting error value is minimized.
PThe final population count when optimization halted
StrategyThe optimization strategy to use:
voidUse genetic algorithm
evolveUse genetic algorithm (real number genome)
evolveBinaryUse genetic algorithm (binary genome)
evolveBinaryMemoUse genetic algorithm (binary genome) with memos
evolveIntegerUse genetic algorithm (integer genome)
linearUse multivariate linear regression
neuralUse neural net regression

Type: Function


(math.symbolicRegress XY Gmax err)


Arguments Explanation
XY The N by M+1 array representing the original observations with the M+1th column being the dependent variable.
Gmax The maximum number of optimization trials (generations) to attempt before returning the best set of coefficients available at that time.
err A minimum error value which would terminate further optimization trials and return the best set of coefficients at that time.
RETURN Always returns a regression estimator function, Rf.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.vectorAdd function returns the sum of two vectors or of a vector and a constant. If x and y are vectors of equal length, then x+y is: #(x[0]+y[0] x[1]+y[1] .... x[N]+y[N]). If x is a vector and y is a constant, then x+y is: #(x[0]+y x[1]+y .... x[N]+y).

Type: Function


(math.vectorAdd X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N or a constant.
RETURN Always returns the vector sum of x+y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.vectorDeltas function converts an N vector into an N-1 vector of deltas.
If x is: x[0] x[1] .... x[N], then result is: (x[1]-x[0]) (x[2]-x[1]) .... (x[N]-x[N-1]).

Type: Function


(math.vectorDeltas Y)


Arguments Explanation
Y A vector of length N.
RETURN An N-1 vector of deltas.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.vectorDeltaPercents function converts an N vector into an N-1 vector of deltas (expressed as percent differences).
If x is: x[0] x[1] .... x[N], then result is: (x[1]/x[0])-1 (x[2]/x[1])-1 .... (x[N]/x[N-1])-1.

Note: Where ever x[n] == 0, then x[n+1]/x[n] == x[n+1].

Type: Function


(math.vectorDeltaPercents Y)


Arguments Explanation
Y A vector of length N.
RETURN An N-1 vector of deltas (expressed as percent differences).

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.vectorDivide function returns the quotient of two vectors or of a vector and a constant.
If x and y are vectors of equal length, then xøy is: #(x[0]/y[0] x[1]/y[1] .... x[N]/y[N]).

If x is a vector and y is a constant, then xøy is: #(x[0]/y x[1]/y .... x[N]/y).

Type: Function


(math.vectorDivide X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N or a constant.
RETURN The vector quotient of x and y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.vectorDotProduct function returns the inner (dot) product of two vectors.
If x and y are vectors of equal length, then x*y is: x[0]y[0] + x[1]y[1] + .... x[N]y[N].

Type: Function


(math.vectorDotProduct X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N.
RETURN The vector inner (dot) product of x and y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.vectorProduct function returns the product of two vectors or of a vector and a constant.
If x and y are vectors of equal length, then x*y is: #(x[0]y[0] x[1]y[1] .... x[N]y[N]).
If x is a vector and y is a constant, then x*y is: #(x[0]y x[1]y .... x[N]y).

Type: Function


(math.vectorProduct X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N or a constant.
RETURN The vector product of x and y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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The math.vectorSub function returns the difference of two vectors or of a vector and a constant.
If x and y are vectors of equal length, then x-y is: #(x[0]-y[0] x[1]-y[1] .... x[N]-y[N]).
If x is a vector and y is a constant, then x-y is: #(x[0]-y x[1]-y .... x[N]-y).

Type: Function


(math.vectorSub X Y)


Arguments Explanation
X A vector of length N.
Y A vector of length N or a constant.
RETURN The vector difference of x and y.

When To Use

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Notes & Hints

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