



When evaluated, this vm instruction saves the source word into the target as a type Character. There are no conversions made between different types. This instruction may return an Error value. After the operation, the Instruction Pointer is promoted. The operation of this vm instruction is expressed in the following C expression:



(vmnatSaveCharacter source target)

Name Format AIS Types
source regoffset (word:character)
target regoffset character



Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.



Keyword Links

Here are a number of links to this instruction by related keywords.

[...under construction ]


Instruction Type

Here are a number of links to this instructions of this same type.

vmnatAddInteger vmnatAddNumber vmnatAndInteger vmnatDivInteger
vmnatDivNumber vmnatDivrInteger vmnatDivrNumber vmnatJumpCCInteger
vmnatJumpCCNumber vmnatLoadCharacter vmnatLoadFloat vmnatLoadInteger
vmnatLoadLong vmnatLoadNumber vmnatLoadObject vmnatLoadShort
vmnatMulInteger vmnatMulNumber vmnatOrInteger vmnatSaveCharacter
vmnatSaveFloat vmnatSaveInteger vmnatSaveLong vmnatSaveNumber
vmnatSaveObject vmnatSaveShort vmnatShlInteger vmnatShrInteger
vmnatSubInteger vmnatSubNumber vmnatXorInteger


Argument Types

Here are a number of links which are related to this instructions .

vmapply vmargcount vmargfetch vmcadd
vmcall vmcallarg vmcdiv vmcmul
vmcsub vmjumpcc vmmove vmmovei
vmmoven vmnatLoadCharacter vmnatSaveCharacter vmnatSaveFloat
vmnatSaveInteger vmnatSaveLong vmnatSaveNumber vmnatSaveObject
vmnatSaveShort vmonerror vmpop vmpush
vmref vmrefbitvector vmrefbytevector vmrefdickey
vmrefdicvalue vmrefdirkey vmrefdirvalue vmreffltvector
vmrefintvector vmreflongvector vmrefmatrix vmrefnummatrix
vmrefnumvector vmrefobjvector vmrefpcdvector vmrefshortvector
vmrefstring vmrefstrkey vmrefstrvalue vmrefsymbol
vmreftext vmrefvector vmregLoadAddress vmregLoadDclType
vmregLoadInteger vmregLoadTail vmregLoadType vmregRefCharacter
vmregRefLong vmregRefShort vmregRefWord vmregRefXCharacter
vmregRefXFloat vmregRefXInteger vmregRefXLong vmregRefXNumber
vmregRefXShort vmregRefXWord vmregSaveDeclType vmregSaveDeclTypeImmediate
vmregSaveInteger vmregSaveNumber vmregSaveTail vmregSaveTailImmediate
vmregSetCharImmediate vmregSetCharacter vmregSetWord vmregSetXCharImmediate
vmregSetXCharacter vmregSetXWord vmregmoven vmreturn
vmself vmsend vmset vmsetbitvector
vmsetbytevector vmsetdickey vmsetdicvalue vmsetdirkey
vmsetdirvalue vmsetfltvector vmsetintvector vmsetlongvector
vmsetmatrix vmsetnummatrix vmsetnumvector vmsetobjvector
vmsetpcdvector vmsetshortvector vmsetstring vmsetvector


Virtual Machine Instructions

AIS Lambdas are designed to be write-once-run-anywhere executable objects. This is accomplished via the virtual machine concept of software Lambda execution. Lambda virtual machines are designed to be mapped onto the actual host microchip at the server location, providing faithful Lambda execution wherever the Lambda may travel on the Internet. There are currently several virtual machines operating within Analytic Information Server. The DRM virtual machine uses a Dynamically typed Register Machine model to provide portable Lambda execution from high level dynamically typed instructions all the way to super fast microchip-level register execution. The DRM virtual machine runs in emulation mode during the testing and debug phases of Lambda development, and there is an AIS Lambda debugger available for Lambdas running on this virtual machine. During the final release phases of Lambda development, DRM virtual machine Lambdas are automatically converted to the NATIVE virtual machine on the host computer, using the just-in-time compiler. The NATIVE virtual machine is a faithful machine language translation of the execution rules in the DRM virtual machine onto the actual host microchip at the server location. NATIVE virtual machine execution runs at microchip-level execution speeds.

Analytic Information Server (AIS)

AIS Component Systems

  • Smartbase Engine
  • QT C++ Libraries
  • MySQL Relational Database
  • AIS Lisp Libraries
  • Rapid Analytic Demo IDE