Example Directory cdr 004
This example shows that the tail key-binding value of a Directory
must first be defined before it can be accessed by the cdr
function. If no tail value is defined, then the cdr function
returns #void.
(define ClassRec #{dir|Bldg: 200 Room: 34 Period: 1 } )
Returns: #<Directory 188141>
The tail value of the ClassRec Directory is defined.
(setCdr ClassRec #{dic| Teacher: "Smith" Subject: "Math" })
Returns: none
(display ClassRec)
Returns: (#{dir| Bldg: 200 Room: 34 Period: 1 } . #{dir| Teacher: "Smith" Subject: "Math" })
Displays only the tail value of the ClassRec Directory.
(display (cdr ClassRec))
Returns: #{dir| Teacher: "Smith" Subject: "Math" }
Displays only the length ClassRec Directory. The cdr value is not included.
(length ClassRec) |
Returns: 3
Notes and Hints
The cdr is not reachable by the [] operator.
Related Examples
Here are examples of the cdr function at work.
Function Links
Here is the link to the current function used in this example.
Here are a number of links to other related functions.
Argument Types
Here are the links to the data types of the arguments used in this example.
Here are a number of links to examples having similar argument types.
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