Example NumMatrix reverse 004




These examples use the reverse function to rearrange the elements of the NumMatrix. The NumMatrix, with its elements in reverse order is returned.



The elements of the NumMatrix will be returned in reverse order.

(reverse #(nummat| 1 2 3 4)) Returns: #<NumMatrix 123456>
(display #<NumMatrix 123456>) Returns: #(nummat| 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 )

The elements of the Number Matrix will be returned in reverse order.

(reverse #(nummat| 1.54 2 3.53 -4)) Returns: #<NumMatrix 123456>
(display #<NumMatrix 123456>) Returns: #(nummat| -4 3.53 2 1.54 )


Related Examples

Here are examples of the reverse function at work.

BitVector reverse 007 FltVector reverse 003 IntVector reverse 004 List reverse 003
Matrix reverse 002 NumMatrix reverse 004 NumVector reverse 005 ObjVector reverse 006
ShortVector reverse 005 Vector reverse 001


Function Links

Here is the link to the current function used in this example.


Here are a number of links to other related functions.

uniqueInsert(#void) insert(#void)


Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the arguments used in this example.

Matrix NumMatrix

Here are a number of links to examples having similar argument types.

Dictionary isDictionary 001 Lambda ref 017 Matrix addMethod 008 Matrix append 007
Matrix apply 005 Matrix apply 006 Matrix binaryInsert 005 Matrix binarySearch 005
Matrix binarySearch 006 Matrix cdr 007 Matrix cdr 008 Matrix compare 007
Matrix compareEQ 007 Matrix compareGE 007 Matrix compareLE 007 Matrix compareNE 007
Matrix comparison functions 007 Matrix copy 006 Matrix copy 007 Matrix count 005
Matrix defMethod 009 Matrix delete 009 Matrix insert 005 Matrix inside 005
Matrix isAtom 005 Matrix isEqual 005 Matrix isIdentical 005 Matrix isMatrix 001
Matrix isNumberMatrix 001 Matrix isObject 007 Matrix isType 009 Matrix length 008
Matrix makeGaussianMatrix 001 Matrix makeGramMatrix 001 Matrix map 006 Matrix map 007
Matrix mapc 005 Matrix matrixGaussianEliminate 001 Matrix matrixGaussianSubstitute 001 Matrix member 005
Matrix methodsOf 010 Matrix new 009 Matrix new 010 Matrix objectToMatrix 001
Matrix objectToNumMatrix 001 Matrix rank 001 Matrix ref 015 Matrix ref 016
Matrix remove 005 Matrix resize 005 Matrix reverse 002 Matrix send 008
Matrix setCdr 005 Matrix setLastCdr 005 Matrix setq 014 Matrix sizeof 007
Matrix sort 012 Matrix type 010 Matrix uniqueInsert 004 Matrix vectorFill 002
NumMatrix addMethod 027 NumMatrix append 012 NumMatrix apply 009 NumMatrix binaryInsert 007
NumMatrix binarySearch 007 NumMatrix cdr 011 NumMatrix compare 023 NumMatrix compareEQ 023
NumMatrix compareGE 023 NumMatrix compareGT 023 NumMatrix compareLE 023 NumMatrix compareLT 023
NumMatrix compareNE 023 NumMatrix comparison functions 023 NumMatrix copy 011 NumMatrix count 009
NumMatrix defmethod 024 NumMatrix delete 014 NumMatrix insert 009 NumMatrix inside 009
NumMatrix isAtom 012 NumMatrix isEqual 020 NumMatrix isIdentical 020 NumMatrix isNumberMatrix 001
NumMatrix isObject 014 NumMatrix isType 022 NumMatrix length 017 NumMatrix makeGaussianMatrix 001
NumMatrix makeGramMatrix 001 NumMatrix map 010 NumMatrix mapc 009 NumMatrix matrixGaussianEliminate 001
NumMatrix matrixGaussianSubstitute 001 NumMatrix member 009 NumMatrix methodsOf 024 NumMatrix new 015
NumMatrix rank 002 NumMatrix ref 035 NumMatrix remove 008 NumMatrix resize 011
NumMatrix reverse 004 NumMatrix send 027 NumMatrix setCdr 013 NumMatrix setLastCdr 012
NumMatrix sizeof 028 NumMatrix sort 020 NumMatrix type 025 NumMatrix uniqueInsert 005
NumMatrix vectorFill 008 String isChar 001 String isCharAlphabetic 001 String isCharAlphanumeric 001
String isCharLowercase 001 String isCharName 001 String isCharNumeric 001 String isCharUppercase 001
String isCharWhitespace 001 String isEqual 001 String isEqual 002 String isObject 001
String isString 001 String isText 001 String isType 001 String isType 002
String isType 003 String parse 001 String sizeof 001 String string 001
String string 002 String string 003 String type 001 Symbol isCharName 002
Symbol isCharNumeric 002 Symbol isObject 002 Symbol isSymbol 001 Symbol isType 004
Symbol sizeof 002 Symbol type 002 Void compare 008 Void compareEQ 008
Void compareGT 008 Void compareNE 008

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