



The c..r notation is a shorthand notation to represent the all the combinations of nested car and cdr function calls. The "...." may be any combination of the letters a and d up to four letters long. Each of the c..r functions apply an appropriate sequence of car and cdr functions to a List (a set of Pairs linked together) and returns the result.

All of these functions are evaluated from right to left.


The c..r functions are a useful shortcut to replacing several nested car and cdr functions that are applied on the same list.




(cadr list )

(caar list )

(cadar list)

Arguments Name Type Description
Argument:listList The target list.


The result expression after applying the car and cdr.



Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.


Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the function arguments.


Here are also a number of links to functions having arguments with any of these data types.

apply associate boolean c::r
car cdr compareEQ compareGE
compareGT compareLE compareLT compareNE
compare compile copy count
delete display eval integer
isAtom isComplex isDate isEqual
isError isIdentical isInteger isMoney
isNumber isObject isPair isType
last length lisp list
macroReplace makeQuotedList map mapc
member money morph number
objectToList objectToMatrix objectToNumMatrix objectToNumVector
objectToVector pair proplist proprecord
putprop quote ref remProp
reverse saveObject setCar setCdr
setLastCdr setq sizeof sort
type writelg writeln

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