Example List copy 010




This example shows how the contents of a two Lists are similar when the second List is copied from the first List.



The original List.

(define x '( 1 #(1 2) "hello")) Returns: #<Pair 123456>

The contents of x.

x[1] Returns: 1
x[2] Returns: #<Vector 123456>
x[3] Returns: hello

The copied List using the copy function.

(setq z (copy x)) Returns: #<Pair 234567>

The contents of w.

w[1] Returns: 1
w[2] Returns: #<Vector 123456>
w[3] Returns: hello


Related Examples

Here are examples of the copy function at work.

BitVector copy 011 Brick copy 012 CpxVector copy 013 Dictionary copy 002
Directory copy 003 FltVector copy 006 IntVector copy 007 Lambda copy 008
List copy 010 Matrix copy 006 Matrix copy 007 NumMatrix copy 011
NumVector copy 008 ObjVector copy 009 Pair copy 009 PcodeVector copy 010
ShortVector copy 008 Structure copy 001 Vector copy 004 Vector copy 005


Function Links

Here is the link to the current function used in this example.


Here are a number of links to other related functions.



Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the arguments used in this example.


Here are a number of links to examples having similar argument types.

BitVector isAtom 010 Dictionary isAtom 002 Directory isAtom 003 FltVector isAtom 005
IntVector isAtom 006 List associate 001 List c..r 001 List c..r 002
List car 001 List cdr 009 List compare 020 List compareEQ 020
List compareGE 020 List compareGT 020 List compareLE 020 List compareLT 020
List compareNE 020 List comparison 020 List compile 002 List copy 010
List eval 002 List eval 003 List inside 008 List isAtom 011
List isEqual 019 List isIdentical 018 List isInside 010 List isMember 009
List isObject 015 List isPair 002 List last 001 List list 001
List makeQuotedList 001 List mapc 009 List member 009 List morph 001
List morph 002 List objectToList 001 List quote 001 List quote 002
List quote 003 List ref 028 List reverse 003 List setCar 002
List setCdr 011 List setLastCdr 011 List setq 025 List setq 026
List sizeof 022 List sort 018 List sort 019 Matrix isAtom 005
NumMatrix isAtom 012 NumVector isAtom 007 ObjVector isAtom 008 Pair append 011
Pair associate 001 Pair car 001 Pair isAtom 010 Pair isEqual 018
Pair isInside 009 Pair isMember 008 Pair isPair 001 Pair map 008
Pair mapc 008 Pair pair 001 Pair setCar 001 Pair type 023
PcodeVector isAtom 009 ShortVector isAtom 007 Structure isAtom 001 Vector isAtom 004

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