Example List morph 002
Notes and Hints First morph sends the innermost proper sublist to foo => (foo '(add1 34)) The result of (foo '(add1 34)) => 35, is not the altFailure value _failure, so morph substitutes. After substitution, the list appears as follows: '(divi (+ 35 5) n) Next morph sends the next innermost proper sublist to foo => (foo '(+ 35 5)) The result of (foo '(+ 35 5) => 40, is not the altFailure value _failure, so morph substitutes. After substitution, the list appears as follows: '(divi 40 n) Next morph sends the next innermost proper sublist to foo => (foo '(divi 40 n)) The result of (foo '(divi 40 n) => _failure:, is the altFailure value _failure. There are no more proper sublists, so the final morphed list appears as follows: '(divi 40 n)
Here are examples of the morph function at work.
List morph 001 | List morph 002 |
Here is the link to the current function used in this example.
Here are a number of links to other related functions.
compile(#void) | eval(#void) | lisp(#void) |
Here are the links to the data types of the arguments used in this example. Here are a number of links to examples having similar argument types.
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