



The makeDictionary function returns a new dictionary object, which is formed with the specified bindings and with the optional cdr value. Each binding {symbol: value} is a quoted symbol followed by a value. There may be zero or more bindings specified. The optional cdr value is preceded by the period special character '.


The makeDictionary function is used whenever it is necessary to coerce a symbol-value pair into a Dictionary binding.




(makeDictionary symbol value ...)
(makeDictionary symbol value ... . cdrvalue)

Arguments Name Type Description
Argument:symbolSymbol A symbol (This will be used as the key part of a dictionary binding)
Argument:valueCharacter String Symbol Vector BitVector ByteVector IntVector FltVector ObjVector Structure Dictionary Directory Matrix NumMatrix Integer Float Number Complex A value (This will be used as the value part of a dictionary binding). There may be more than one symbol-value pairs.
Argument:. A period. An optional parameter, if present, must be followed by a value which will be assigned as the cdr of the dictionary


A Dictionary object.



Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.


Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the function arguments.


Here are also a number of links to functions having arguments with any of these data types.

addMethod binaryInsert boolean cdr
compareEQ compareGE compareGT compareLE
compareLT compareNE compare comparison
cons copy count delete
dimension display exportCsv exportSbf
exportTab importCsv importSbf importTab
insert inside integer isAtom
isBitVector isBoolean isBound isByteVector
isChar isCharacter isComplex isDate
isDictionary isDirectory isEqual isError
isFloatVector isIdentical isInside isIntegerVector
isInteger isLambda isMatrix isMember
isMoney isNumberMatrix isNumberVector isNumber
isObjectVector isObject isPair isPcodeVector
isString isStructure isSymbol isText
isType isVector length list
macroReplace makeDictionary makeQuotedList map
mapc member methodsOf money
new number objectToDictionary objectToList
objectToMatrix objectToNumMatrix objectToNumVector objectToVector
offset pair parent parse
pointer refAttributes refValues ref
remove resize saveObject setCar
setCdr setLastCdr setq sizeof
sort string type uniqueInsert
vectorFill writelg writeln

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