The arithmetic functions are / (divide), * (multiply), - (subtract), and + (add).
The arithmetic functions are will accept 2 or more Numbers (all Number Native Types
such as Number, Percent, Money) as arguments. The arguments are process starting from
the leftmost and moving to the rightmost.
Usage Use the arithmetic functions to multiply, divide, add or subtract two or
more numbers.
(* num1, num2, ... ) (/ num1, num2, ... ) (- num1, num2, ... ) (+ num1, num2, ... ) Returns the result of the arithmetic operation.
Description Argument: num1 Number
The first operand Argument: num2 Number
An arbitrary number of subsequent operands
Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.
Here are the links to the data types of the function arguments.
Number |
Here are also a number of links to functions having arguments with any of these data types.
Analytic Information Server (AIS)AIS Component Systems