



The run function loads and evaluates the specified AIS Lisp source file with the specified filename {filename}.


The run function opens an existing AIS Lisp source file and evaluates it.




(run filename)

Arguments Name Type Description
Argument:filenameText String ByteVector The name of the AIS Lisp source file to be opened and evaluated. This name may include a full path specification.


The last value of the last Lisp expression in the evaluated Lisp source file, filename, is returned



Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.


Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the function arguments.

ByteVector Text String

Here are also a number of links to functions having arguments with any of these data types.

*= addMethod appendWriteln append
balance binaryInsert binarySearch bitwiseNot
boolean char character clean
closeLog code compareEQ compareGE
compareGT compareLE compareLT compareNE
compare comparison compress cons
count date day days360
debugBrowsableProcs debugDetective debugEval decode
dimension disassemble display downcase
encode evalInSyncLocalContext eval exportCsv
exportSbf exportTab fdisplay fileClose
fileCopy fileDir fileDisplay fileEraseDir
fileErase fileExists fileMakeDir fileOpen
fileReadAll fileReadRecord fileRead fileSizeOf
fileWriteAll fileWrite filewriteln find
hashString hour importCsv importSbf
importTab insert inside inspect
integer isAtom isBitVector isBoolean
isByteVector isCharAlphabetic isCharAlphanumeric isCharLowercase
isCharName isCharNumeric isCharUppercase isCharWhitespace
isChar isCharacter isComplex isDate
isDictionary isDirectory isEqual isError
isFloatVector isIdentical isInside isIntegerVector
isInteger isLambda isMatrix isMember
isMoney isNumberMatrix isNumberVector isNumber
isObjectVector isObject isPair isPcodeVector
isString isStructure isSymbol isText
isType isVector julian left
length list loadModule loadObject
loadWorkspace macroReplace makeQuotedList makeQuotedSymbol
member mid minute money
month new number offset
openLog pair parent parse
pointer qt ref remove
replace rept right run
saveImmediate saveModule saveObject saveRepository
saveWorkspace second setCar setCdr
setLastCdr set setf setq
sizeof sort sql stringCiEQ
stringCiGE stringCiGT stringCiLE stringCiLT
stringCiNE stringFill stringToBVector stringToVector
string submit substitute substringCiEQ
substringCiGE substringCiGT substringCiLE substringCiLT
substringCiNE substringEQ substringFill substringGE
substringGT substringLE substringLT substringNE
substring symbolToTypeCode symbol system
text time trim type
uncompress uniqueInsert upcase vectorFill
writelg writeln year

Analytic Information Server (AIS)

AIS Component Systems

  • Smartbase Engine
  • QT C++ Libraries
  • MySQL Relational Database
  • AIS Lisp Libraries
  • Rapid Analytic Demo IDE