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The defriend Macro creates a new Lambda object and assigns it to the specified
persistent variable name {child} of the parent Lambda {parent}. The
defriend Macro always returns the newly created Lambda object. Following the
defriend Macro, the new Lambda will be invoked whenever the child member of the
parent Lambda is referenced. Usage Use this macro when the parent Lambda and all its children are too large for one
source file, or when you wish each friend Lambda to be defined in a separate source
file from the parent.
(defriend parent:child(arg...) faces:(var...) pvars:(var...)
cvars:(vars...) regs:(vars...) vars:(var...) exp...) (defriend parent child(arg...) faces:(var...) pvars:(var...)
cvars:(vars...) regs:(vars...) vars:(var...) exp...) (defriend parent.mem child(arg...) faces:(var...) pvars:(var...)
cvars:(vars...) regs:(vars...) vars:(var...) exp...) An Lambda that will be assigned the name {child}.
Description Argument: parent: Symbol
The Parent Lambda that the child will be associated with. Argument: child: Symbol
The name of the new Lambda object (the Child Lambda). Argument: (arg...) ---
Optional Argument. Argument list for the Lambda. Argument: faces:(var...) Symbol
Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a interfaces feature list. Argument: vars:(var...) Symbol
Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a local variable list. Argument: pvars:(var...) Symbol
Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a persistent variable list. Argument: cvars:(var...) Symbol
Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a persistent class variable list. Argument: regs:(var...) Symbol
Optional Argument. If present, must be followed by a register variable list
(up to fifty register variables are allowed). Argument: exp... ---
The Lisp statements that forms the Lambdas
Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.
Here are the links to the data types of the function arguments.
Lambda | Symbol |
Here are also a number of links to functions having arguments with any of these data types.
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Analytic Information Server (AIS)AIS Component Systems