



The rename function changes the retrieval key of an object stored in the specified ObjectRepository {aGor}, without moving, resaving, or disturbing the stored object. Only the retrieval key, in the ObjectRepository index is renamed. If there is already a retrieval key with the new name, an error is returned.


The rename function is used to rename objects stored in an Object Repository. The same goal can be accomplished by retrieving the stored object, erasing the old copy, and resaving the object under the new retrieval key; but this would obviously require more time and resources than using the rename function.




(rename aGor oldKey newKey)

Arguments Name Type Description
Argument:aGorObjectRepository The ObjectRepository, whose index will be altered.
Argument:oldKeySymbol The retrieval key which is to be renamed.
Argument:newKeySymbol The new retrieval key.


Returns true or an error.



Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.


Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the function arguments.

ObjectRepository Symbol Boolean

Here are also a number of links to functions having arguments with any of these data types.

++ += /= *=
-- -= abortTransaction addMethod
append apply attachLibrarian badd
bcompareEQ bcompareGE bcompareGT bcompareLE
bcompareLT bcompareNE bdiv beginTransaction
binaryInsert binaryNand binaryNor binaryNot
binaryNxor binarySearch bitwiseAnd bitwiseNand
bitwiseNor bitwiseNot bitwiseNxor bitwiseOr
bitwiseShiftLeft bitwiseShiftRight bitwiseXor bmod
bmul boolean ccompareEQ ccompareGE
ccompareGT ccompareLE ccompareLT ccompareNE
cdr character checkPointTransaction clear
commitTransaction compareEQ compareGE compareGT
compareLE compareLT compareNE compare
comparison compile compress cons
count debug defchild defclass
define(macro) define defmacro defmethod
deforphan defriend defun delete
detachLibrarian dimension disassemble display
downcase encode exportCsv exportSbf
exportTab fdisplay fileClose fileCopy
fileDir fileDisplay fileErase fileOpen
fileRead fileWrite filewriteln findBlock
gc getGlobalValue getSymbolTable globalBinding
icompareEQ icompareGE icompareGT icompareLE
icompareLT icompareNE importCsv importSbf
importTab insert inside inspect
integer isAtom isBitVector isBoolean
isBound isByteVector isCharAlphabetic isCharAlphanumeric
isCharLowercase isCharName isCharNumeric isCharUppercase
isCharWhitespace isChar isCharacter isComplex
isDate isDictionary isDirectory isEqual
isError isEven isExact isFloatVector
isIdentical isImmediate isInexact isInside
isIntegerVector isInteger isLambda isMatrix
isMember isMoney isNegative isNull
isNumberMatrix isNumberVector isNumber isObjectVector
isObject isOdd isPair isPcodeVector
isPositive isString isStructure isSymbol
isText isTransaction isType isVector
isZero length lisp list
loadModule loadRepository loadWorkspace lock
logConsole macroReplace makeQuotedList makeQuotedSymbol
member methodsOf money morph
ncompareEQ ncompareGE ncompareGT ncompareLE
ncompareLT ncompareNE new number
offset onError openLog pair
parent parse pointer proplist
proprecord putprop qt quit
refLibrarian ref remProp remove
rename reset saveImmediate saveModule
saveObject saveRepository saveWorkspace setBlock
setCar setCdr setLastCdr set
setf setq sizeof sort
sql stringCiEQ stringCiGE stringCiGT
stringCiLE stringCiLT stringCiNE string
substringCiEQ substringCiGE substringCiGT substringCiLE
substringCiLT substringCiNE substringEQ substringGE
substringGT substringLE substringLT substringNE
svmRegression symbolToTypeCode symbol systemCheck
type uniqueInsert unlock vectorFill
version writelg writeln

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