



The bmod function divides two booleans and returns the remainder expressed as a boolean. The bmod function does not perform type checking or type conversion on the operands. Both operands are treated as integers during the mod operation. The result is a Boolean true if and only if the result of the operation is a one; otherwise, the result is a Boolean false.


The bmod built-in function is used to determine if a Boolean will divide evenly into another boolean (the remainder will be zero in this case).



Expression: (bmod bool1 bool2 ... )

Arguments Name Type Description
Argument:bool1Boolean The boolean to be divided
Argument:bool2Boolean The boolean divisors.


The remainder after division. The result is expressed as a boolean.



Here are a number of links to Lambda coding examples which contain this instruction in various use cases.


Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the function arguments.

Boolean Integer

Here are also a number of links to functions having arguments with any of these data types.

++ += + /=
/ * -- -=
- abortTransaction addMethod addi
avg badd balance bcompareEQ
bcompareGE bcompareGT bcompareLE bcompareLT
bcompareNE bdiv beginTransaction binaryInsert
binaryNand binaryNor binaryNot binaryNxor
binarySearch bitwiseAnd bitwiseNand bitwiseNor
bitwiseNot bitwiseNxor bitwiseOr bitwiseShiftLeft
bitwiseShiftRight bitwiseXor bmod bmul
boolean cadd ccompareEQ ccompareGE
ccompareGT ccompareLE ccompareLT ccompareNE
cdiv char character checkPointTransaction
clear cmod cmul code
commitTransaction compareEQ compareGE compareGT
compareLE compareLT compareNE compare
comparison compile cons count
csub day days360 debugDetective
debug deleteRows delete disassemble
display divi evalInSyncLocalContext exit
exportCsv exportSbf exportTab fact
fdisplay fileClose fileCopy fileDir
fileDisplay fileErase fileOpen fileReadRecord
fileRead fileResize fileSeek fileWrite
filewriteln findBlock find floor
fraction freeBlock gc gcd
getRecursionCount hashString hour iadd
icompareEQ icompareGE icompareGT icompareLE
icompareLT icompareNE idiv imod
importCsv importSbf importTab imul
insertRows insert inside inspect
integer isAtom isBitVector isBoolean
isBound isByteVector isCharAlphabetic isCharAlphanumeric
isCharLowercase isCharName isCharNumeric isCharUppercase
isCharWhitespace isChar isCharacter isComplex
isDate isDictionary isDirectory isEqual
isError isEven isExact isFloatVector
isIdentical isImmediate isInexact isInside
isIntegerVector isInteger isLambda isMatrix
isMember isMoney isNegative isNull
isNumberMatrix isNumberVector isNumber isObjectVector
isObject isOdd isPair isPcodeVector
isPositive isString isStructure isSymbol
isText isTransaction isType isVector
isZero isub kurtosis lcm
left length lisp list
loadModule loadWorkspace logConsole macroReplace
makeQuotedList max median member
mid min minute mod
modi money month morph
muli ncompareEQ ncompareGE ncompareGT
ncompareLE ncompareLT ncompareNE new
number objectToMatrix objectToNumMatrix objectToNumVector
onError pair parent parse
preAllocateFixedMemoryBlocks product qt quit
random randomize range rank
refAttributes refValues ref remove
rename replace rept reset
resize right round saveModule
saveObject saveWorkspace second setAttributes
setBlock setCar setCdr setLastCdr
set setf setq sizeof
skew sort sql sqrt
srandom stdev stdevp stringCiEQ
stringCiGE stringCiGT stringCiLE stringCiLT
stringCiNE string subi substitute
substringCiEQ substringCiGE substringCiGT substringCiLE
substringCiLT substringCiNE substringEQ substringGE
substringGT substringLE substringLT substringNE
substring sum sumsqr svmRegression
systemCheck system text time
type uniqueInsert var varp
vectorBinaryInnerProduct vectorBipolarInnerProduct vectorCosineInnerProduct vectorCubeInnerProduct
vectorDelete vectorExpInnerProduct vectorFill vectorInnerProduct
vectorLogInnerProduct vectorQuartInnerProduct vectorQuintInnerProduct vectorSigmoidInnerProduct
vectorSineInnerProduct vectorSquareInnerProduct vectorTanInnerProduct vectorTanhInnerProduct
version writelg writeln year

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