Example BitVector ref 027




These examples show how the Vector values can be accessed using either the ref function or the shorthand form of Vector reference through the bracket [] operators.



Define a Bit Vector.

(define X #(bit| 1 0 0 1 1 )) Returns: #<BitVector 123456>

Accesses the Vector values through the ref function.

(ref X 0) Returns: 1
(ref X 1) Returns: 0

Accesses the Vector values through the bracket operators.

X [0] Returns: 1
X [1] Returns: 0


Related Examples

Here are examples of the ref function at work.

BitVector ref 027 Boolean ref 018 Brick ref 036 Date ref 020
Dictionary ref 007 Dictionary ref 008 Dictionary ref 009 Directory ref 010
Directory ref 011 Directory ref 012 FltVector ref 022 Function ref 021
IntVector ref 023 Lambda ref 017 List ref 028 Matrix ref 015
Matrix ref 016 NumMatrix ref 035 NumVector ref 024 Number ref 019
ObjVector ref 025 ObjectRepository ref 030 ObjectRepository ref 031 ObjectRepository ref 032
ObjectRepository ref 033 ObjectRepository ref 034 PcodeVector ref 026 ShortVector ref 024
String ref 001 String ref 002 Structure ref 004 Structure ref 006
Symbol ref 003 Vector ref 013 Vector ref 014 Void ref 017


Function Links

Here is the link to the current function used in this example.


Here are a number of links to other related functions.

setq(#void) ref(#void) fieldsOf(#void) refValues(#void)


Argument Types

Here are the links to the data types of the arguments used in this example.

BitVector Text String Integer

Here are a number of links to examples having similar argument types.

BitVector append 010 BitVector apply 008 BitVector bitToIntegerVector 001 BitVector bitToNumberVector 001
BitVector cdr 010 BitVector compare 018 BitVector compareEQ 014 BitVector compareGE 014
BitVector compareGT 014 BitVector compareLE 014 BitVector compareLT 014 BitVector compareNE 014
BitVector comparison 014 BitVector copy 011 BitVector defmethod 020 BitVector findBlock 001
BitVector freeBlock 001 BitVector inside 007 BitVector isAtom 010 BitVector isBitVector 001
BitVector isEqual 017 BitVector isIdentical 017 BitVector isMember 008 BitVector isObject 012
BitVector isType 020 BitVector length 013 BitVector member 008 BitVector methodsOf 021
BitVector new 013 BitVector ref 027 BitVector remove 008 BitVector resize 010
BitVector reverse 007 BitVector send 018 BitVector setCdr 010 BitVector setLastCdr 010
BitVector setq 024 BitVector sizeof 019 BitVector sort 017 BitVector type 021
BitVector vectorFill 007 Boolean bcompareEQ 001 Boolean bcompareGE 001 Boolean bcompareGT 001
Boolean bcompareLE 001 Boolean bcompareLT 001 Boolean bcompareNE 001 Boolean boolean 001
Boolean compare 009 Boolean isBoolean 001 Boolean isType 011 Boolean setq 016
Boolean sizeof 009 ByteVector isByteVector 001 ByteVector isCharAlphabetic 003 ByteVector isCharAlphanumeric 003
ByteVector isCharLowercase 003 ByteVector isCharName 003 ByteVector isCharNumeric 003 ByteVector isCharUppercase 003
ByteVector isCharWhitespace 003 ByteVector isObject 013 ByteVector sizeof 020 Character cadd 001
Character ccompareEQ 001 Character ccompareGE 001 Character ccompareGT 001 Character ccompareLE 001
Character ccompareLT 001 Character ccompareNE 001 Character cdiv 001 Character character 001
Character cmod 001 Character cmul 001 Character compare 010 Character csub 001
Character isCharacter 001 Character isType 012 Character setq 017 Character sizeof 010
Complex compare 021 Complex cos 002 Complex exp 002 Complex expt 002
Complex log 002 Complex log10 002 Complex log2 002 Complex logbase 002
Complex sin 002 Complex sqrt 002 Complex tan 002 Context debugBrowsableProcs 001
Context disassemble 001 Context globalBinding 001 CpxVector avg 002 CpxVector binaryInsert 008
CpxVector binarySearch 008 CpxVector compare 020 CpxVector compareEQ 020 CpxVector compareGE 020
CpxVector compareGT 020 CpxVector compareLE 020 CpxVector compareLT 020 CpxVector compareNE 020
Date compare 012 Date date 001 Date day 001 Date days360 001
Date hour 001 Date isType 014 Date julian 001 Date minute 001
Date month 001 Date second 001 Date setq 019 Date sizeof 012
Date time 001 Date time 002 Date year 001 Dictionary compare 004
Dictionary count 002 Dictionary delete 003 Dictionary delete 004 Dictionary insert 002
Dictionary isBound 002 Dictionary isDictionary 001 Dictionary isObject 004 Dictionary isType 006
Dictionary length 005 Dictionary member 002 Dictionary new 004 Dictionary ref 007
Dictionary ref 008 Dictionary ref 009 Dictionary refAttributes 002 Dictionary refValues 002
Dictionary resize 002 Dictionary setq 007 Dictionary setq 008 Dictionary setq 009
Dictionary sizeof 004 Dictionary sort 003 Directory compare 005 Directory count 003
Directory delete 005 Directory delete 006 Directory insert 003 Directory inside 003
Directory isBound 003 Directory isObject 005 Directory isType 007 Directory length 006
Directory new 005 Directory new 006 Directory ref 010 Directory ref 011
Directory ref 012 Directory refAttributes 003 Directory refValues 003 Directory resize 003
Directory setq 010 Directory setq 011 Directory sizeof 005 Error error 001
Error errorTrap 001 Error isError 001 Error onError 001 FileIO closeLog 001
FltVector binaryInsert 004 FltVector compare 014 FltVector delete 009 FltVector insert 005
FltVector isFloatVector 001 FltVector isObject 007 FltVector isType 016 FltVector length 008
FltVector ref 022 FltVector resize 006 FltVector sizeof 014 FltVector uniqueInsert 004
FltVector vectorFill 003 Function compare 013 Function isType 015 Function sizeof 013
IntVector binaryInsert 005 IntVector bitToIntegerVector 002 IntVector compare 015 IntVector delete 010
IntVector insert 006 IntVector inside 005 IntVector isIntegerVector 001 IntVector isMember 005
IntVector isObject 008 IntVector isType 017 IntVector length 009 IntVector member 005
IntVector ref 023 IntVector resize 007 IntVector sizeof 015 IntVector uniqueInsert 005
IntVector vectorFill 004 Integer binaryNot 001 Integer bitwiseNot 001 Integer fact 001
Integer gcd 001 Integer iadd 001 Integer icompareGE 001 Integer icompareGT 001
Integer icompareLE 001 Integer icompareLT 001 Integer icompareNE 001 Integer idiv 001
Integer imod 001 Integer imul 001 Integer integer 001 Integer isub 001
Integer lcm 001 Lambda balance 001 Lambda debugBrowsableProcs 001 Lambda defchild 001
Lambda define 001 Lambda deforphan 001 Lambda defriend 001 Lambda defun 001
Lambda defun 002 Lambda disassemble 001 Lambda globalBinding 001 Lambda ref 017
Lambda setq 015 List count 007 List count 008 List length 015
List sizeof 022 Matrix binaryInsert 004 Matrix binaryInsert 005 Matrix compare 007
Matrix count 005 Matrix delete 009 Matrix insert 005 Matrix inside 005
Matrix isMatrix 001 Matrix isMember 005 Matrix isNumberMatrix 001 Matrix isObject 007
Matrix isType 009 Matrix length 008 Matrix makeGaussianMatrix 001 Matrix makeGramMatrix 001
Matrix matrixGaussianEliminate 001 Matrix matrixGaussianSubstitute 001 Matrix member 005 Matrix rank 001
Matrix ref 015 Matrix ref 016 Matrix resize 005 Matrix setq 014
Matrix sizeof 007 Matrix uniqueInsert 004 Matrix vectorFill 002 NumMatrix binaryInsert 007
NumMatrix compare 023 NumMatrix count 009 NumMatrix delete 014 NumMatrix insert 009
NumMatrix inside 009 NumMatrix isMember 010 NumMatrix isNumberMatrix 001 NumMatrix isObject 014
NumMatrix isType 022 NumMatrix length 017 NumMatrix makeGaussianMatrix 001 NumMatrix makeGramMatrix 001
NumMatrix matrixGaussianEliminate 001 NumMatrix matrixGaussianSubstitute 001 NumMatrix member 009 NumMatrix rank 002
NumMatrix ref 035 NumMatrix resize 011 NumMatrix sizeof 028 NumMatrix uniqueInsert 005
NumMatrix vectorFill 008 NumVector binaryInsert 006 NumVector bitToNumberVector 002 NumVector compare 016
NumVector delete 011 NumVector insert 007 NumVector inside 006 NumVector isMember 006
NumVector isNumberVector 001 NumVector isObject 009 NumVector isType 018 NumVector length 010
NumVector member 006 NumVector objectToNumVector 001 NumVector ref 024 NumVector resize 008
NumVector sizeof 016 NumVector uniqueInsert 006 NumVector vectorFill 005 Number asin 001
Number atan 001 Number avg 001 Number compare 011 Number cos 001
Number cosh 001 Number deg 001 Number exp 001 Number floor 001
Number isType 013 Number kurtosis 001 Number log 001 Number log10 001
Number log2 001 Number logbase 001 Number max 001 Number median 001
Number min 001 Number mod 001 Number modi 001 Number nadd 001
Number ncompareGE 001 Number ncompareGT 001 Number ncompareLE 001 Number ncompareLT 001
Number ndiv 001 Number nmod 001 Number nmul 001 Number nsub 001
Number number 001 Number pi 001 Number product 001 Number rad 001
Number random 001 Number randomize 001 Number range 001 Number round 001
Number setq 018 Number sign 001 Number sin 001 Number sinh 001
Number sizeof 011 Number skew 001 Number sqrt 001 Number srandom 001
Number stdev 001 Number stdevp 001 Number sumsqr 001 Number tan 001
Number tanh 001 Number var 001 Number varp 001 ObjVector compare 017
ObjVector delete 012 ObjVector insert 008 ObjVector isMember 007 ObjVector isObject 010
ObjVector isObjectVector 001 ObjVector isType 019 ObjVector length 011 ObjVector member 007
ObjVector ref 025 ObjVector resize 009 ObjVector sizeof 017 ObjVector uniqueInsert 007
ObjVector vectorFill 006 ObjectRepository delete 013 Pair compare 019 Pair compareEQ 019
Pair compareGE 019 Pair compareGT 019 Pair compareLE 019 Pair compareLT 019
Pair compareNE 019 Pair comparison 019 Pair count 006 Pair length 014
Pair sizeof 021 PcodeVector isObject 011 PcodeVector isPcodeVector 001 PcodeVector length 012
PcodeVector ref 026 PcodeVector sizeof 018 ShortVector binaryInsert 006 ShortVector compare 016
ShortVector delete 011 ShortVector insert 007 ShortVector inside 006 ShortVector isMember 006
ShortVector isObject 009 ShortVector isType 018 ShortVector length 010 ShortVector member 006
ShortVector ref 024 ShortVector resize 008 ShortVector sizeof 016 ShortVector uniqueInsert 007
ShortVector vectorFill 005 String addMethod 001 String append 001 String append 002
String clean 001 String code 001 String compare 001 String compareEQ 001
String compareGE 001 String compareGT 001 String compareLE 001 String compareLT 001
String compareNE 001 String comparison functions 001 String defMethod 001 String defMethod 002
String downcase 001 String fileRead 001 String fileRead 002 String fileReadRecord 001
String fileWrite 001 String find 001 String find 002 String hashString 001
String isChar 001 String isCharAlphabetic 001 String isCharAlphanumeric 001 String isCharLowercase 001
String isCharName 001 String isCharNumeric 001 String isCharUppercase 001 String isCharWhitespace 001
String isEqual 001 String isEqual 002 String isObject 001 String isString 001
String isText 001 String isType 001 String isType 002 String isType 003
String left 001 String length 001 String length 002 String methodsOf 001
String methodsOf 002 String methodsOf 003 String mid 001 String new 001
String parse 001 String ref 001 String ref 002 String replace 001
String rept 001 String right 001 String send 001 String sizeof 001
String string 001 String string 002 String string 003 String stringCiEQ 001
String stringCiGE 001 String stringCiGT 001 String stringCiLE 001 String stringCiLT 001
String stringCiNE 001 String stringFill 001 String stringToBVector 001 String stringToBVector 002
String stringToBVector 003 String stringToVector 001 String stringToVector 002 String stringToVector 003
String stringToVector 004 String substitute 001 String substitute 002 String substring 001
String substring 002 String substringCiEQ 001 String substringCiGE 001 String substringCiGT 001
String substringCiLE 001 String substringCiLT 001 String substringCiNE 001 String text 001
String trim 001 String type 001 String upcase 001 String upcase 002
String upcase 003 Structure apply 001 Structure apply 002 Structure binaryInsert 001
Structure binarySearch 001 Structure compareGE 003 Structure compareGT 003 Structure compareLE 003
Structure compareLT 003 Structure compareNE 003 Structure count 001 Structure defstruct 001
Structure delete 001 Structure insert 001 Structure inside 001 Structure isBound 001
Structure isObject 003 Structure length 004 Structure member 001 Structure new 003
Structure ref 004 Structure ref 006 Structure refAttributes 001 Structure refValues 001
Structure resize 001 Structure setq 003 Structure setq 004 Structure setq 005
Structure setq 006 Structure sizeof 003 Structure uniqueInsert 001 Structure uniqueInsert 002
Symbol *< 001 Symbol +< 001 Symbol -< 001 Symbol /< 001
Symbol compare 002 Symbol compareEQ 002 Symbol compareGE 002 Symbol compareGT 002
Symbol compareLE 002 Symbol compareLT 002 Symbol compareNE 002 Symbol defMethod 003
Symbol hashString 002 Symbol isCharAlphabetic 002 Symbol isCharAlphanumeric 002 Symbol isCharLowercase 002
Symbol isCharName 002 Symbol isCharNumeric 002 Symbol isCharUppercase 002 Symbol isCharWhitespace 002
Symbol isObject 002 Symbol isSymbol 001 Symbol isType 004 Symbol length 003
Symbol makeQuotedSymbol 001 Symbol new 002 Symbol send 002 Symbol sizeof 002
Symbol symbol 001 Symbol symbol 002 Symbol type 002 Vector binaryInsert 002
Vector binaryInsert 003 Vector compare 006 Vector count 004 Vector delete 007
Vector delete 008 Vector insert 004 Vector inside 004 Vector isMember 004
Vector isObject 006 Vector isType 008 Vector isVector 001 Vector length 007
Vector member 004 Vector objectToVector 001 Vector ref 013 Vector ref 014
Vector refAttributes 004 Vector refValues 004 Vector resize 004 Vector setBlock 001
Vector setq 012 Vector setq 013 Vector sizeof 006 Vector uniqueInsert 003
Vector vectorFill 001 Void compare 008 Void isType 010 Void ref 017
Void setq 015 Void sizeof 008 substringEQ 001 substringFill 001
substringGE 001 substringGT 001 substringLE 001 substringLT 001
substringNE 001

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