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Example String methodsOf 001
vars: (NewString, i, j, len)
(setq NewString (new String: ""))
(setq j 0)
(setq len (length S))
(loop for i from 0 until len do
;;Move the character to the buffer only if it isn't a space
(if (<> S[i] #\space)
(setq NewString[j] S[i])
(setq j (add1 j ))
) ;; end begin
) ;; end if
) ;; end loop
NewString) ;; End EatSpace Returns:
Here are examples of the methodsOf function at work.
Here is the link to the current function used in this example.
Here are a number of links to other related functions.
defmethod(#void) | send(#void) | addMethod(#void) |
Here are the links to the data types of the arguments used in this example. Here are a number of links to examples having similar argument types.
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