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Example Lambda debug 001
Notes and Hints The debug function arguments must be one of the following valid commands
with these optional d Displays a (disassemble self) command. g Turns off instruction trace and resumes
execution. m Displays a (disassemble self src:) command. p Displays a list of current Analytic Information
Server Lambdas. s Displays a (disassemble self srcOnly:) command. t Continues instruction trace at the very next
instruction in any Lambdas. t,nn Continues instruction trace at the specified (nn)
instruction in the current Lambdas. t,proc Continues instruction trace at any instruction
in the specified (proc) Lambda. t,proc,nn Continues instruction trace at the specified (nn)
instruction in the specified (proc) Lambda. t,proc,nn,cc Continues instruction trace at the specified (nn)
instruction in the specified (proc) Lambda, after the specified count
(cc). t=exp Continues instruction trace when the specifed
expression is true. v Displays the current
proc's, faces, args, vars, cvars, and pvars. x Continues instruction trace at the very next
instruction in the current Lambda. =source Evals the source following the equal symbol,
and displays and results in the browser. ? Displays the above command list in the browser When a break or trace break occurs, Analytic Information Server saves the Lambda's
current structure in the following property names: Av
The current argument variable structure. Tv
The current temporary variable structure. Pv
The current persistent variable structure. Cv
The current persistent class variable structure. In
The current interface structure. Vm
The current virtual machine used by this Lambda.
(defun compile-text-in-debug-mode(theText)
vars:(proc lexresult morphresult)
(debug true)
(setq lexresult (lisp theText (setq proc (makeLambda))))
(setq morphresult (morph lexresult))
(compile morphresult proc)
(debug false)
Here are examples of the debug function at work.
Context debug 001 | Lambda debug 001 |
Here is the link to the current function used in this example.
Here are a number of links to other related functions.
disassemble(#void) | debugBrowsableProcs(#void) | onError(#void) |
Here are the links to the data types of the arguments used in this example. Here are a number of links to examples having similar argument types.
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Analytic Information Server (AIS)AIS Component Systems